"Hey, hey, hey! You don't really want to kill the Celestial Dragons, do you?"

Aokiji noticed Noah's movements, and couldn't help but increase the strength of his hands.

The reason why Aokiji could spare time to pay attention to Noah was not to say that his strength was stronger than Shanks and the girls.

It's just that the girls were also paying attention to Noah's movements, not to mention Shanks.

As the future"Ambassador of Peace" and"Ambassador of Order", Shanks now looks like a future maritime policeman.

If Noah intends to kill the Celestial Dragons, whether for the order of the sea or for Noah, his friend, he will stop Noah.

As a man with the blood of the Celestial Dragons flowing in his body, Shanks was targeted by the Five Elders as early as when he created a name for himself in the sea.

Although he refused to return to Marijoa, he still knew a thing or two about the military power of the Celestial Dragons, not to mention the prophecy told to him by the captain.

Seeing that Aokiji was planning to get away to stop Noah, Michelle and Joanna smiled with sharp eyes and tried to stop him.

"Vermillion Bird Seal!"

"Divine Fire·Fire Spear!"

Whoosh! Whoosh!


Aokiji threw out an ice bird to block Joanna’s sharp claws, and at the same time materialized several ice spears to meet them.

Joanna and Michelle stood in front of him and said with a smile:

"Although you are stronger than us, aren't you looking down on us by leaving your back to us without any concern?"

"We are not those rookies who don’t understand Armament Haki!"

"Moreover, their attributes counteract each other, so they can hurt you even without armament color!"

"Lord Noah is doing his job, why don't you step aside!"

Aokiji didn't care about his usual gentleness and humility towards the young lady, and asked loudly:"Do you know what will happen if the Celestial Dragons die?"

"Even if you don't care about yourself, what about Noah? Both the Navy and the World Government will send top experts to surround and kill him!"

However, Joanna and Michelle were unmoved, the flames in their hands became more and more intense, and they laughed disdainfully:

"Lord Noah knows what to do. Wherever our king's sword points, our hearts will follow!"

"Even if we face destruction, we will accept it with pleasure!"

Liya and the others shook their hair heroically and said,"That's right!"

Aokiji's mouth twitched with anger, and he squeezed out two words:"Madman!"


Just as Noah was about to kill Saint Charlos with his sword, a flash of red appeared in his eyes.


Noah turned around quickly and swung his sword.



In an instant, a fist appeared out of thin air and hit Noah's sword. Suddenly, dark red brushed lightning began to rage in the air.

Crackling! Rumbling!

The stone under Noah immediately turned into thousands of pieces of rubble and exploded.

The guards and Celestial Dragons around were also blown away by the aftermath for more than ten meters.

Noah grinned and said,"You came just in time, Garp!"

Garp glanced at a group of mosaics next to him, and said gloomily,"Noah, killing people is not enough, it's too much!"

Noah chopped off Garp's fist with a knife, and Garp also unloaded the force in the direction and fell steadily to the ground.

At this moment, Garp didn't even have a skin injury except that his suit shirt was a little torn!

Noah smiled nonchalantly,"Oh? Then why didn't you come to stop it?"

Garp said nothing with a gloomy face. Of course he did it on purpose. The navy and these CPs who served as guards were not in harmony to begin with, and these people would become useless sooner or later. The

Celestial Dragons cannot die, but some people need to die so that Noah will not always keep an eye on them. Otherwise, even Garp might be careless by accident.

It's just that Garp did not expect Noah's methods to be so cruel.

Noah smiled indifferently,"How can death not death? I don't believe it. That fat pig has not done what I do before. I'm afraid he plays more games than me!"

""I am in this situation because of a word, what is his reason?"

Noah said with a meaningful smile on his face.

Garp remained silent. Of course, he knew about the behavior of these rubbish Celestial Dragons. If it were not for the order of the world, he would fight Marijoa even if he died.

He tore open his torn shirt, revealing his strong muscles like a coiled dragon. He did not look like a body of a man in his sixties.

At this moment, Garp did not intend to let Noah go. He saw the beast deep in Noah's heart, bloodthirsty and cruel.

He, Garp, was very uneasy about letting Noah run rampant on the sea without restraint.

Garp looked at Noah with sharp eyes as if he was looking at a dead man, and the terrifying murderous aura accumulated from decades of military service came out.

The whole island seemed to have dropped by more than ten degrees, giving people a chilling feeling, as if being stared at by some prehistoric beast.

Garp said in a deep voice:"Noah, I was very optimistic about you. After all, you are so strong, and you have not used your power to make trouble all the way. But today I found that I was wrong. Sooner or later, your existence will destroy the peace of the sea!"


Garp stared at Noah and shouted,"For justice! Please die!"

Garp's body changed instantly. His muscle lines became more slender and smooth, and he seemed to be taller and thinner.

Life returned!


Garp disappeared on the spot.

Noah's pupils shrank slightly, and he could not see Garp's movement trajectory at all, but Noah was not panicked at all.

Noah was entangled in the domineering color and chopped directly to the left side of his body.



Garp punched the sword, his face did not change at all, and he changed his moves instantly. The muscles in his legs swelled up instantly, his waist and hips moved together, and he kicked Noah.

Noah only had time to block with his sword, and the whole person was kicked sideways for several meters.

Noah's face became more and more excited when he saw this, and he shouted fanatically,"Yes! That's it! Absolute control of the body! Exquisite and unparalleled body movement skills!"

"Garp! In terms of physical skills, I am willing to call you the strongest!"

Noah has never seen other physical skills masters of this level, but he has also noticed the physical skills of the top master next to him, Aokiji. Garp is several levels stronger than him.

It can be said that if Aokiji does not use the power of the fruit, it is already amazing that he can hold on to Garp's punch for two hours with physical skills alone.

Noah is not to be outdone, and the whole person rushes out like an arrow from a bow, swinging and slashing with impenetrable slashes.

"Two-Sword Style: Flying Swallow Piercing Willows!"

"Fist bone clash!"

"Two-Sword Style·Secret Technique·Swallow Return!"

"Fist bone meteor shower!"

"Two Swords Style: Thousand Shadows!"

""Falling from the seabed!"


The whole island was shaking in an instant, and the slashing blows from time to time cut the root of the No. 15 tree in half.

From time to time, some gravel comparable to bullets and sharp broken small slashes fell around the Celestial Dragons.

Aokiji noticed the situation of the Celestial Dragons, and his pupils shrank slightly. He quickly cut off Xibel and Liya, and dodged Roland's sneak attack with a hidden gun.

""Ice Skating Step!"

The whole person used the ice surface formed by the previous fight to disappear in an instant, and then appeared next to the Celestial Dragon Charlos Saint.

Obviously, Aokiji had just made a plan to spread the ice surface to the Celestial Dragon.

Finally, he used the elementalization to achieve a move of moving quickly on the ice surface to save the Celestial Dragon.

"Hmm? Don’t even think about it!

Michelle and Joanna wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Aokiji’s ice cube, Violent Pheasant Mouth.

They could only watch Aokiji drag the Celestial Dragons towards the navy gathering place.

Many navy officers had found that they would faint if they approached, so they stationed in a place not far away, ready to support at any time.

""Damn it!"

Michelle and Joanna stomped their feet in hatred.

Aokiji was able to rescue the Celestial Dragon so easily, in large part because Shanks, who was standing in that position, did not stop him.

Michelle and Joanna also understood what Shanks meant, so they did not say much. After all, Shanks was not Noah's servant, and there was no need for him to obey Noah's orders.

The faces of the women were burning with anger, and they felt powerless to watch the enemy rescue the target that Lord Noah wanted to kill.

So when Aokiji came back after sending the Celestial Dragon, he was greeted by the angry attacks of the women.

The Celestial Dragon was also a little strong, and he withstood the aftermath of the collision of two groups of Conqueror's Haki without dying. It might be because of the space suit, or it might be because of the awesome blood of his ancestors. Although he was mentally retarded, his body was more durable than normal people.


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