Noah glanced at the Celestial Dragons and their guards ten meters away, and smiled:

"It seems that you don't think much of this pig. You're not afraid that the aftermath of the attack just now will kill him."

Of course, Garp heard the joking in Noah's tone. In addition to disturbing his mood, he was also causing trouble for him.

If the people of the World Government knew what he had just done, even if he rescued the Celestial Dragons in the end, he would not be able to escape accountability.

But Garp had no choice at the time. If he didn't do this, Noah might have killed them with a knife.

Of course, there may be other ways to wrong himself, but Garp doesn't want to!

Garp laughed without denying it at all and said,"Who cares about these stupid pigs!"

"But you are really a loach, do you know how much trouble I have gone through to catch you?"

""Your recent behavior is really giving that Zhan Guo guy a headache, hahahaha!"

Garp finally laughed, as if he was gloating over his old friend's headache.

Noah asked with interest:"Oh? You have been chasing me for a long time? Zhan Guo? The one who issued a bounty order to me?"

His voice suddenly became cold and said:"He is very courageous. He dares to plot against me before I even provoke him? He is really an ignorant cultivator!"

As he spoke, the dark red lightning around him became violent, and the whole sky seemed to be shrouded in darkness, and the sound of thunder and lightning seemed to be heard in his ears.

Some officers from the headquarters who wanted to come over to rescue the Celestial Dragons rolled their eyes and fainted on the ground.

Garp felt this domineering aura of supremacy, and the smile on his face could not help but be restrained.

His eyes were full of solemnity and surprise.

This kid is so young, and I have never heard of his name. How can he have such a powerful domineering aura?!

As we all know, domineering aura cannot be obtained through practice, but only through faith, experience and fighting with the strong.

So why is Noah Garp was completely confused as to how this level of domineering could be possessed.

He understood that the power of this domineering domineering was already above the so-called Three Emperors.

Even Whitebeard, who was known as the"strongest man in the world", could not compare to him.

This domineering reminded Garp of Roger, who was both his enemy and friend.

Roger's domineering domineering even formed a domain within the range of the domineering, and the climate within this domain was subject to it.

People in it had a very strange and desperate feeling, as if they had been abandoned by the world and were enemies with the world.

The Dominator's Territory!

It was a pity that Roger could only use it a few times before he could no longer use it due to physical reasons.

""Noah, kid, do you want to be king?"

Garp suddenly asked.

Noah grinned and showed an arrogant smile:"I was born to be king!"

As he said that, his domineering color, which was already outrageous to the extreme, surged again, as if it turned into a powerful gravity pressing on Garp.

"Haha! I see! But don’t underestimate the strength of justice!"


Garp's eyes widened, and the domineering aura in his body also gushed out, desperately resisting Noah's aura. Although he couldn't keep up with Noah, it didn't hinder his actions.

After a few seconds of stalemate,

""Hehe!" ×2

The two smiled at each other, and instantly restrained their domineering color.

Noah's sword was wrapped with dark red lightning. The violent lightning was now tightly wrapped around Noah's sword.

On the other side, Garp also raised his right fist.

Zila la la!

The strong armed color domineering aura was visible!

The dark red lightning kept making a sound like a bird.

At this moment, Garp fully showed his name"Iron Fist" to the world.

""Galaxy Impact!"

Garp dodged and rushed towards Noah, and the ground collapsed along the way.

Noah used static to control dynamic, and with his impressive sword skills, he anticipated the enemy's moves and slashed Garp's weak point with his long sword.

"This is the sword of kingly way - Judgment!"


The two attacks collided, and an energy ball appeared between the two attacks, constantly squeezing.

Karp's eyes became sharp, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Noah's attack suddenly passed through his attack easily and slashed his chest fiercely.


Noah smiled, and Garp bent his body like a shrimp, and then flew out.


Aokiji's face changed, and he shouted in disbelief:"Mr. Garp!"

Shanks swung his knife at Aokiji, but was blocked by an ice knife.

Shanks sneered and said:"Hey! Don't look around during the battle, you are at an absolute disadvantage now!"


Aokiji's forehead was covered with sweat. If he hadn't had his observation Haki just now, he would have been stabbed in the chest.


Aokiji held the sword with both hands and chopped off Shanks' attack with force.

On the other side, Noah looked uncomfortable and said,"This old man! What is he thinking? Is he trying to lure me over?"

"But the Celestial Dragons didn't care?"

Although that blow hit Garp's weak spot, it was absolutely ridiculous that this blow could send him flying so far!

Noah didn't run over, but walked directly to the Celestial Dragon's...guard.

Noah held Dawn in his backhand and stabbed him in the leg.


The foul-mouthed guard suddenly woke up from his deep sleep and let out a shrill roar.

It was not only because of Noah's knife, but also because of the internal injuries caused by the aftermath of the battle between Noah and Garp.

""Shut up!"

Noah's face darkened. Although his howling made Noah feel very happy, it was particularly irritating if he listened to it for a long time.

The guard immediately shut up. He knew that the man in front of him was simply a madman. He would beat the Tianlong people at will, and even when this man looked at the Tianlong people, there would be murderous intent in his eyes.

Swish, swish, swish!



The guard couldn't help but open his tightly closed mouth and let out a painful wail. The bloodshot in his eyes spread all over his eyeballs, and the blue veins all over his body squirmed like earthworms.

Because Noah summoned four gorgeous swords, which shot out like bows and arrows and pierced his limbs, he was nailed to the ground before he could react.

Noah sneered,"A dog dares to talk about me behind my back. It can be seen that your master has given you a lot of courage."

"Don't worry, he will accompany you on the road later. After all, you can't be a dog without him down there."

Noah said as he slashed wildly.

Swish, swish, swish, swish.~~~Wrists

, arms, ankles, calves, entire legs, even the fifth limb


Aokiji swung his sword to repel the attacks of Shanks and Sibel, and when he turned his head, he couldn't help sweating. He shouted:"Hey! If you want to kill someone like you, just kill him. Why torture him so cruelly!"

Noah didn't even look at Aokiji, and directly slashed at Aokiji with a domineering slash. Aokiji immediately attacked and defended, but he was still forced back.

Seeing Noah's behavior, Shanks couldn't help sweating, and kept reflecting on whether he had offended Noah.

However, Noah's strength seems to have improved a lot!

Noah looked down at the guard and said expressionlessly:"What a loyal dog! He barks so loudly without the master's orders!"

"Choose the right master in your next life. It's incredible that a dog is a guard for a pig!"

After saying this, Noah wanted to kill him with a knife, but the guard swallowed his howl, endured the pain, stared at Noah with a stern look, and said:

"You will die! You will definitely die! Everything related to you will disappear. You want to live after offending God?! I'll be waiting for you down there! Ha, hahahahaha!"

Noah's face showed no ripples after hearing this, and he just said lightly:"I thought there would be some deafening last words? I didn't expect it to be such an incompetent barking of a loser, but it can be regarded as a response."

After that, Noah cut off his neck with a knife.

His voice also stopped abruptly, and his eyes widened, telling of his fear and unwillingness.

Noah walked towards the Celestial Dragons calmly, and it seemed that he was going to settle the grudges with the Celestial Dragons.


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