
Noah suddenly let out a surprised cry, and then looked around with his clairvoyance.

Leah, who was beside him, saw Noah's situation and asked in confusion:

"What's wrong, Lord Noah?"

Luo Lan also noticed the unusual expression on Noah's face and asked:

""Did Lord Noah discover any hidden danger?"

The other girls looked at Noah.

After finding no obvious creatures around, Noah waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, I must have heard it wrong."

Luo Lan asked curiously:"Did Lord Noah hear anything?"

Noah glanced at Luo Lan, pinched his chin and said thoughtfully:

"It seems like someone is talking, um, it should be a big man, and it feels like this voice is coming from far away."

After hearing what Noah said, Loran immediately shone the flashlight around, but did not find any other ships or the like.

She had to think that Lord Noah had heard it wrong.

Noah waved his hand and said indifferently:

"It's okay, it's best if it's okay."

The girls nodded.

Soon Noah and the others saw a dazzling light.

"Is that Fishman Island?"

Michelle looked at the bright spot in the distance with some surprise.

Liya and Luo Lan nodded solemnly. They didn't relax yet, after all, they were still in the deep sea.

Sure enough...

Noah glanced at the left side of the ship helplessly.

There was also a bright spot suddenly appearing there.

Joanna noticed it and shouted,"Why is there a bright spot here too?"

The voice attracted everyone's attention.

After Liya and Luo Lan compared the pointers in their hands and found nothing unusual, they stared at the bright spot in front of them vigilantly and shouted:

"Be careful, it may be an unknown creature!"

Erin and other swordsmen immediately grasped their swords and stared at the place with vigilance.

Shanks and others also noticed this bright spot, but as veterans, they did not think it was Fishman Island. Instead, they said solemnly:

"Could it be a sea king?"

Beckman stared in that direction while carrying his gun, saying:

"It is indeed huge, it must be a sea king!"

Noah reminded:

"Be careful, there is still a breath behind."

The girls were stunned when they heard this, and they also released their perception and found that there was more than one person behind, as if there was a boat.

Liya said solemnly:"Could it be that someone can command the sea kings?"

Luo Lan had some guesses about this and said:

"It could be a mermaid or a fishman, they can tame sea kings, and……"

Luo Lan said solemnly:

"They don't have a very good impression of humans."

When the girls heard this, they thought it was very likely. As for why they don't have a good impression of humans, they knew it without thinking.

They were people who had visited auctions. Mermaids and fishmen were very popular among the slaves auctioned there.

Even an ordinary fishman could be sold for millions of Baileys.

Mermaids are worth hundreds of millions, and they are in short supply.

What is ten times the power of humans? In the eyes of human traffickers, it is just a weak money bag.

They can easily control it.

Although the girls were not afraid of them on the ground, they were in the deep sea now. If they accidentally broke the bubble, it would be over.

Liya turned her head and said to Noah:"Please ask Lord Noah to use the domineering color to drive them away."

Noah was not in a hurry. He turned his head and asked:"Oh? Are you powerless in the deep sea without me?"

Liya lowered her head in shame.

Noah said:"Go, didn't Uncle Rayleigh give you the equipment to make temporary bubbles?"

Liya raised her head suddenly, slapped her forehead and said regretfully:"Yes! Sorry, Lord Noah, I forgot when I was nervous."

Noah waved his hand to signal Liya to prepare.

Liya and others selected three people to go out, namely Irene, Alyssa and Liya.

Irene and the other two touched the bubble with some curiosity, and even Irene poked it with a knife a few times to test the strength, and then the three jumped out of the range of the bubble on the hull.

After seeing that Noah and others seemed to have sent three people to deal with this sea king, Shanks smiled and said:

"It looks like we can sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor again."

Beckman nodded.

They had also planned to deal with that group of people. After all, their hostility was not concealed at all. It would be better to deal with them as soon as possible in the sea.

The three women ran towards the light spot.

Liya complained:"It's still too inconvenient. We don't even dare to use shaving in the bubble."

After all, shaving means stepping on the ground at high speed. Liya was worried that the bubble would burst if she stepped on it continuously, so they didn't use it.

Alyssa said with a smile:"It's okay. We're almost there."

Irene held the frost in her hand and said solemnly:

"See it!"

"I didn't expect it to be so big."

What caught the eyes of the three people was a giant lantern fish, and there was even a giant beside him.

Liya looked at it with her pupils shrinking slightly, her expression horrified, and said:

"Could this be……"


Alyssa also saw the enemy's figure clearly, and her face was not much better than the other two. She even saw Umibozu holding a rope in his hand.

The other end of the rope was connected to a dilapidated boat.

Alyssa cried out:"No way! Could this be...……"

"The legendary ghost ship - the Flying Dutchman?!"


The other two women also looked in the direction, and it really fits the description of the Flying Dutchman in the book.

The symbol of the pirate flag is a skull with two crossed swords, and the bow is a skull with fangs...

Although Irene's forehead was sweating, she had a smile on her face with a long sword in her hand, and said with a fighting spirit:"Oh? So our opponent is a ghost?"

"I am very interested in beheading demons!"

Umibozu suddenly punched Lantern on the head and asked with a dull expression:

""Idiot! Why don't you stop the two ships?"

The lantern fish said with tears in its eyes.

The sea master repeated its words in confusion, saying:

"What? You said there was something scary on that ship?"

The owner of the sea looked at the ship that Lantern Fish mentioned, but couldn't see anything special about it for a long time.

But when he saw three women running over, he didn't think much about it and said:

"Why don't you go and take care of these three women?"

He raised his fist and ran towards the three women, his speed no less than that of the lantern fish in the sea.

But suddenly, the lantern fish rushed up from behind him and hit the back of the sea master hard.



Haifangzhu turned his head and saw that the lantern fish had a crazy look in its eyes and kept hitting and biting him.

"What's going on? Ankolo!"

After being knocked to the ground, Haifangzhu was hit by Ankolo several times in a row. He finally turned over.

At this time, Ankolo opened his bloody mouth and bit his neck.

Haifangzhu blocked Ankolo's attack with his arms, and asked about Ankolo's situation anxiously and puzzledly.

A voice came from the boat. A four-legged fishman wearing a top hat ordered sternly:

"Hey! An Keluo! What the hell are you doing?"

"Why did they suddenly start a quarrel? Let Mian Jinjian go!"

But no matter how he shouted, it was useless.

Mian Jinjian knocked An Keluo away with one punch, but An Keluo kept rushing up, as if he didn't want to die.

Liya smiled and said,"No matter what time it is, I feel that your ability is beyond imagination, Alyssa."

Alyssa smiled and said,"My attack power is not strong. If I meet those strong people who can defend against my ability, I will be very passive."

"Although this fish has some intelligence, it is still easy to control it"


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