Liya smiled, and did not comment on Alyssa's modesty.

If you really believe this, you'll be a fool.

If you really meet such an opponent, Alyssa will let him know that her daily physical training is not in vain!

While the three women were chatting and laughing, Minatsumi was already annoyed by the beating, and turned to look at the fishman and said:

"Captain Daken, I'm going to fight back!"

Seeing that there was really no other way, Vander Decken could only shout:"Mian Jinjian, knock out this stupid fish for me, it's actually controlled by the enemy!"

How could Vander Decken not have thought of it now, it must be those three human women who controlled Ankolo.

Mian Jinjian shouted in surprise:"Huh?! Is that so?"

"I thought it was because I had just hit Ankolo and it was angry!"

"Since Captain Daken has given the order, I will do it!"

His eyes became fierce, and his stupid eyes looked particularly ferocious at this moment. He swung his fist at Ankoro's head.


With the sound of flesh colliding, Ankoro's pupils in his crazy eyes suddenly rolled up, and soon his eyes turned white and he fell down.


Ankoro's body stirred up layers of bubbles and sand.

Two red lights flashed from the hazy area of vision, and Mian Jinjian walked out of the dust step by step. He had a stupid and ferocious expression, and said angrily:

"Damn human woman! How could you beat An Keluo so badly!"

The three women were speechless for a moment. It was obviously you who beat them.

But at this time, Min Jinjian raised his fist and ran towards Liya and others.

"Let me do it!"

Lea stepped forward, crossed her fingers and summoned a barrier, which then quickly transformed into a long sword, with the tip of the sword pointed at the running Watatsumi.

Then she pressed the hilt of the sword in the bubble and pushed hard.

""Sword flash!"

The long sword made of the barrier instantly penetrated through layers of ocean currents, ignoring the pressure of the deep sea, and pierced towards Watatsumi like an arrow.

Watatsumi had no observation Haki, so how could he feel anything flying towards him? He did see that the calm sea seemed to be suddenly moved by something, but before his walnut-sized brain could figure out what it was, he felt a sharp pain in his forehead, and then everything in front of his eyes fell into darkness.

His head suddenly seemed to be pierced by something, and blood slowly seeped out from his forehead.

Watatsumi groaned and fell to the ground with a bang, unable to get up again!

Vanderdecken shouted in panic:"What...what's going on! Watatsumi! Get up quickly! You are the god of the sea! How could you suddenly fall down!"

Vander Decken is also an unlearned fellow who relies on the devil fruit he got from who knows how to show off his power. Only a fool like Watatsumi would obey a weakling like him who has no talent or morals. Seeing this, Vander Decken knew that saving his life was the most important thing. He turned his head and shouted,"Why are you still standing there? If you don't want to die, turn around and run!"

A group of ragged pirates were also frightened by the three women's invisible killing methods. They came to their senses after hearing Vander Decken's words, nodded hurriedly, and ran to their respective positions, playing 300% faster than usual. A group of people even paddled to escape.

Irene stared at Vander Decken and others who seemed to be one with the boat with clear eyes, and slowly pulled out the frost from her waist.

Hiss~~ urn!

Like a branding iron, the armed color instantly wrapped around the blade.

After taking a deep breath in the direction of Vander Decken, she concentrated and calmed down for a moment before slamming the knife.

""One-sword style·rush!""



A flash of sword light quickly chased after Vander Decken's ship, like a horse, or a cheetah hunting for food!

Vander Decken looked at the incoming slash with horror. He wanted to block it, but he was powerless. Usually, weapons would automatically lock onto the enemy when thrown lightly, but now there was no mark for this slash.

He could only shout in despair:"Get out of the way!"

But it was not so easy to dodge in the sea. The Flying Dutchman had experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain, and was finally split in half.

After the bubble burst, the entire ship was instantly crushed into pieces by the huge water pressure!


Irene exhaled and slowly put away the knife.

"Done!" Liya laughed and said

,"Irene's slashing skills have improved so fast, the slashing has become so far, and the power is quite good!

" Irene smiled shyly and said,"Sister Liya, please don't laugh at me.

" Liya saw that Irene's cheeks were flushed, she lowered her head and her eyes were blinking, like a weak little white rabbit, making people want to bully her.

But thinking that Noah was still waiting, Liya had to put away her playfulness and said with regret:"Okay, let's go.

" But at this time, Alyssa stopped the two girls.

"Wait a moment!"


Not far away, Vanderdecken was lying on the seafloor, gasping for breath, and muttering to himself with some lingering fear:


What a close call! If the bubble had been accidentally burst by the falling wood chips, it would have been game over." Although he had eaten the devil fruit, he was also a fishman. He might not die in the short term without the bubble, but if no one saved him, he would starve to death sooner or later.

After Vanderdecken calmed down, he couldn't help but chuckled and said,"Haha, those women must have thought I was dead."

"Just wait! Damn human woman!"

"I will make you pay the price!"

Vanderdecken swore viciously that he would secretly mark one of them and then throw things at them every day.

"Oh? Why are you talking like this again?"

At this time, a teasing voice came from Vander Decken's head.

Vander Decken trembled all over when he heard the voice, and turned his head to look to the other side.

Liya and others were floating above his head, and Liya was staring at him with a teasing look on her face. It was obvious that she was the one who spoke just now.

Vander Decken's eyes bulged as if he had seen a ghost.

Liya then teased,"We are here, why don't you show us now how you can make us pay the price?"

Vander Decken stammered and asked,"How could you……"

"How did we get here?"

Liya said with a smile:"It was my sister who reminded us that you, the fishman, might not be dead. I was really surprised!"

"I know you, Vander Decken!"

Liya took out a small notebook from her bosom and said,"After all, we are going to Fishman Island, so we specially found some wanted posters about Fishmen, and your name happened to be on it."

"The user of the Target Target Fruit, Vander Decken IX!"


Liya closed the book and said in surprise:

"To be honest, if Alyssa hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten that fishmen can breathe in the sea. After all, the people with special abilities I met would be dead if they fell into the sea."

"God still favors you fishmen."

Lea was amazed. If you eat a devil fruit and fall into the sea without dying, what else could this be?

Although there are few strong fishmen, it depends on how many people there are!

With a population of only a few million, it is already amazing to have strong men like Fisher Tiger and Jinbei. And Jack the Drought is also a fishman.

"However, we didn't expect that you actually carried bubble equipment with you. You are really afraid of death!"

Li Ya pretended to look at Vander Decken with some contempt.

Before Vander Decken could say anything, Li Ya continued:"Okay, we've wasted too much time. Goodbye!"

Vander Decken's pupils shrank, and he propped up his body to say something, but a flash of knife light passed by, and his neck suddenly began to bleed.


Irene put away the knife expressionlessly and left with Li Ya.

Only Vander Decken was left lying on the ground weakly, waiting for his body to slowly cool down.

His mind flashed with what his father told him about the ancestors' long-standing expectations - to find a sea king who controls the sea king class!

Looking back, his life was really a failure, and he accomplished nothing...

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