Just as everyone was terrified, suddenly a phoenix soared into the sky, then turned into a ball of fire and landed steadily on the ground. After the flames dispersed, Marco appeared in front of everyone. Marco was panting heavily, with dense sweat on his face, and a fire was burning on his chest.

Marco smiled and said,"Don't worry, I won't be killed in one blow!"

Apart from anything else, it is completely wishful thinking to kill Marco before his physical strength is exhausted, unless Marco can be wiped out in one go.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, but they became more wary of Kaido's strength.

"No wonder he can fight with his father, he has a monstrous physique and attack!"

Vista stared at Kaido solemnly.

Kaido, on the other hand, looked at Marco with great interest. In the past, he had always fought with Whitebeard, and his family was poor. If he led the pirate group to fight Whitebeard, he would probably lose everything. So he had never seen the ability of Marco's Phoenix Beast. Now that he had seen Kaido ,���He could not help but desire it even more.

As expected of a mythical beast, he was not hurt at all after being hit by me for more than ten times.

But thinking of Marco's loyalty to Whitebeard, Kaido felt heartbroken and regretful.

Such a good seedling, why does he have to live with that stinky old man Whitebeard in his old age? What kind of game is this?!

As Kaido thought about it, he suddenly immersed himself in sadness, and tears flowed from his eyes.

Lost after drinking!

"Uh haaaaaa! Damn Marco! How can I play house with that stinky old man Whitebeard after eating such a good fruit and living in such a good era?!"

"If Jhin had eaten this fruit, he would have been able to take that step long ago!"

"You deserve to die!"

The three of them twitched their lips slightly, looking at the scene in front of them in confusion. Although they didn't know why, when they heard Kaido disrespecting their father Whitebeard, they rushed up decisively with fierce expressions.

"Kaido, you are not allowed to insult your father!"

"I'm just a trainee on the Rocks ship, what right do I have to insult my father?!"

""Kaido! This era is called Whitebeard!"

The three of them rushed forward with their own killer moves.

Kaido had a sad face, but his hands did not show any mercy. He swung the stick wrapped in the domineering color at the three people.

In an instant, the sky was torn apart.

The wind and clouds stirred up by the attack turned into waves, causing the entire ship to sway on the sea.

"Captain, the ship can't bear it any longer!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"Idiot, why are you still standing there? Instead of shouting here, go and call for support and send a boat over!"


In fact, Marco and others really couldn't be distracted. Kaido's Eight Precepts followed them like a shadow and could fall on them accidentally. Even Joz, who had the Shining Fruit, was unwilling to take his blow without any resistance.

The battle continued like this. From time to time, dazzling flashes burst out on the ship, but Kaido and others tacitly did not attack the ship, so it could not sink for a while.

While Marco and others were fighting, Noah and others had left Fishman Island and were beginning to float up.

Because Marco and others used a permanent pointer to point to Fishman Island, their position was not far above and directly in front of Fishman Island, but Noah and others' pointers were pointing to the Kingdom of Elegia. They floated in the direction of the pointer, so they were a little far away from Marco and others. However, the strange phenomenon in the sky still allowed Noah and others to see it.

"What is that?"

Joanna and the others looked at the strange scene not far away in amazement.

The sky was torn from time to time, and even a little unusual lightning could be seen.

Noah and Shanks recognized it.

Shanks pressed his straw hat and murmured,"There are strong people fighting there."

Noah also explained to Joanna,"Well... there should be someone fighting. Didn't you see it when I fought with Garp before?"

Joanna recalled the scene of Noah and Garp fighting. The doomsday scene of destruction made them unforgettable. In comparison, they were somewhat similar.

Michelle said bluntly,"Well... it seems that the scene is not as fierce as the battle of Lord Noah."

Noah rolled his eyes and said,"It's pretty good. Not everyone is called Noah and Garp."

Noah still recognized Garp's fighting power. His Armament Haki was almost at the ceiling of human beings.

If Noah had only used Haki and his physical physique at that time, he would have fought Garp 40-60 at most.

Noah 40-60.

Of course, now, Noah said that he could make Garp

"Who are the people fighting over there?"

Liya asked with some confusion.

Noah's magic perception could sense the situation over there, but he had never come into contact with those people, so he couldn't infer who they were.

Roland decisively stated his speculation:"There are only three emperors in the New World who can have such strength."

Xibel ate the meat in big mouthfuls and said:"How could it be! It could be the navy!"

Although Xibel had just finished her meal, her stomach had already digested it.

Roland snatched the big bone and meat from Xibel's hand, opened his mouth wide and swallowed it without hesitation under Xibel's reluctant and aggrieved eyes, and then nodded slowly:

"It's not impossible."

Seeing that Luo Lan didn't even spit out the bones, Xibel tugged at the corner of Luo Lan's clothes pitifully and said,"Hey, Luo Lan, that was mine just now!"

Luo Lan waved his hand indifferently and said,"It's okay, I don't mind your saliva."

Xibel was a little crazy after hearing this. Is this a question of whether you dislike my saliva?!

Alyssa said,"Anyway, no matter what happens, it's none of our business."

Rosalind brought Luo Lan's snack and smiled,"That's right, there's no benefit in getting close to it."

Liya nodded and said,"Then let's go quickly."

The others were amazed at the battle scene over there.

Shanks and the others were just a little surprised that an emperor-level battle would break out in the New World. Although there was only one emperor-level in this scene, it was enough to show that the New World was not peaceful now.

However, as a free pirate group, they were not afraid of this kind of battle at all, so apart from being amazed at the scene at the beginning, they began to busy themselves.

So Noah and Shanks, who were the source of all the conflicts, left the sea area as if nothing had happened when Marco and Kaido and others were fighting to the death.

If Marco and the others knew that they were going to settle accounts with Shanks, they could barely be regarded as having blocked a disaster for Shanks. In fact, to be honest, Kaido and them should be in the same boat in this operation.

Such magical things always happen on the sea.


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