The battle between Marco and Kaido lasted for half a day.

The ship was broken into several pieces, and they fought on the larger broken piece of the hull for dozens of minutes. After that, Kaido might have felt that he could not get around it, or he had had enough fun, so he turned into a green dragon and flew away.

Before leaving, he spit out a"hot breath" at Marco and others, but was blocked by Marco alone.

As the main force of this battle, Marco became famous in one battle. The next day, the battle report of Marco and others spread all over the sea.

As for Marco, after blocking Kaido's hot breath, he fought Kaido for three minutes without showing any weakness. When he saw Kaido walking away, he collapsed on a broken deck like a puddle of mud.

Vista and Joz were so scared that they hurried to check. During the period, the clumsy Joz almost collapsed the already dilapidated deck.

"Hey! Joz, be careful!"

Marco was so frightened that he sat up and said with a terrified look.

Joz scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled:"Sorry, but I'm so glad you're okay."

Vista also nodded and smiled:"Yeah."

Although the two of them suffered some injuries, they were not serious.

Marco lay back down again, closed his eyes and rested, and said:"I guess he noticed that our brothers asked for support, so he retreated."

Marco looked at the setting sun and said:"Look at this time, Dad and the others will be here soon."

Marco is not injured except for being a little exhausted. He is worthy of being the Phoenix.

"Enemies of this level are too powerful."

Marco used to look down on Kaido among the Three Emperors and thought that he was just making up the numbers, mainly because he saw his father beating Kaido as simple as a father beating his son.

But today he realized that it was not that Kaido was weak, but that his father was too strong.

No wonder his father had always advised Marco not to underestimate Kaido, and even admitted that Kaido's strength was improving rapidly.

Today, if it weren't for his younger brother's clever call for support, they would probably only be able to hold on for another half a day at best.

"Joz, Vista, next time you encounter that monster, you should focus on delaying it, and don't use any powerful attack methods."

Marco suddenly opened his eyes and said, thinking of the defense and recovery ability of Kaido's monster, a strong attack would probably have no effect on Kaido, and it would only consume his own strength in vain.

If he hadn't been too reckless at the beginning, he wouldn't be so drained now.

Joz nodded. He was still very good at defense. If it weren't for the fact that the attack with the domineering color was a bit too cheating, not only was the attack powerful, but it also had the ability to shock the mind. He wouldn't even be afraid of Kaido's attack. Vista put away the two swords in his hands helplessly and said:"I am a swordsman, and my main feature is my top attack power. I am not good at defense."

Except for some monsters, swordsmen are high in attack and low in defense. It

's because they focus on practicing the strength of their arms, so compared with the physical masters with comprehensive physical development, they are often inferior.

"There is no way. You have seen Kaido's defense. Although the few blows you slashed at him during the battle were not shallow, it did not affect his movements at all, and his recovery ability is simply a monster!"

Marco said: No? Then we can only wait for death.

Vista thought about it, nodded and said:"I will try my best."

With his swordsmanship as a great swordsman, it is not difficult to create a few defensive sword skills.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Whitebeard's main ship Moby Dick slowly came.

The younger brothers who were still in shock waved to them excitedly after seeing it.

Whitebeard stood in the front and was relieved to see that Marco and the other two were fine.

Originally, he wanted to pick up someone, and with Marco and the others, nothing could go wrong, but he happened to run into Kaido, a madman.

Marco and others jumped up and landed steadily on the Moby Dick. After seeing his father, Marco touched the back of his head embarrassedly and smiled:

"Sorry, Dad, I embarrassed you."

Whitebeard walked forward a few steps and patted Marco on the shoulder, laughing:"Gulala! What are you talking about! Marco! I

'm glad you are all okay, that's the best news for me.

As for Kaido, don't worry about it, I will teach him a lesson in the future!

It just so happens that my room is missing a pair of dragon horns as decoration!"

Whitebeard said with a fierce look in his eyes, and a trace of murderous aura was inadvertently vented out, which made the fish around him who didn't know why feel inexplicably cold, but he seemed particularly at ease in front of his sons.

"Yes! Marco, let's go help Dad remove Kaido's dragon horns some other day!"

"For you, it’s good enough that you can remove one of Kaido’s dragon scales!"

"Haha! Anyway, we have to help Marco and the others vent their anger!"

"You are right!"


After hearing their brothers’ words of comfort and solidarity, Marco and the others relaxed immediately and laughed and scolded,"Don’t cause trouble for Dad!"

"That’s right, Kaido’s strength is no joke, my sword couldn’t pose any threat to him at all!"

""Kaido is very strong, and much stronger than me!"

The three of them talked about the scene of the battle.

Whitebeard smiled and watched Marco and others laughing and playing with his brothers. As a father, nothing is more important than family harmony.

This scene is the One Piece in his mind.

But Izo's face looked ugly when he heard it. He didn't have any reference for Kaido's strength. After all, his captain and Lord Oden were both top-level masters, and he himself didn't even touch the edge of the two. But Izo was still very sure of the strength of Marco and others. When he heard them say that Kaido's strength was ridiculous, he couldn't help but fall into anxiety.

Izo fantasized that if Lord Oden could return to his father first and then go to Wano Country, then his father could mobilize all his combat power to attack Kaido.

If a war is launched now, the people below will definitely have complaints. After all, Lord Oden's getting off the ship that year can be regarded as a betrayal.


On Noah's boat.

In the evening, Noah had just prepared to nourish everyone's magic.

The girls were laughing and chatting, and after a while, everyone was ready to leave as usual.

Noah suddenly lowered his head and said,"Liya, please stay for a while, I have something to tell you."

After Noah awakened his memory, except for calling himself"I" with the close maids, he was used to calling himself"this king" when communicating with other people.

When Liya heard that Lord Noah asked her to stay for a while, she was not too surprised. After all, sometimes you have to tell about tomorrow's breakfast, itinerary, and clothes. Liya smiled at Vanessa and others and said,"Then you go back first, Lord Noah has something to do."

The others nodded and walked out.


As the door closed, Liya smiled and sat down next to Noah, saying,"Mr. Noah, do you have any instructions for tomorrow's schedule? Oh, by the way, I'll take my notebook and write it down. I remember putting it on the table just now. Oh, right, it's there."

Liya held the towel on her chest with one hand and walked towards the table.

Unexpectedly, Noah hugged Liya's slender waist at this time, scaring her so much that she quickly supported herself on the table with both hands to stabilize her body.


Liya blushed and asked softly,"Lord Noah, what are you doing?"

Noah raised his head, his red eyes showing a certain desire, and smiled,"Liya, because of the sudden increase of my soul, I have grown a few years older, so……"

Noah threw Liya onto the bed and pounced on the weak lamb like a tiger.

He pressed Liya under him and said with a wicked smile,"So it's time to fulfill the true duties of a maid."


Seeing this, Liya had no intention of resisting. She had been looking forward to it for a long time. Her white body even turned a little pink, and her eyes were full of spring water.

There was a rustle.

The bath towel was thrown to the ground.

With a muffled groan, the chirping of birds sounded in the room, and the breath of spring filled every corner of the room.

But this beautiful song was not appreciated because of the good sound insulation.


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