"It's wonderful! Your singing is the treasure of the world!

Uta, there are so many professionals, musical instruments and music scores gathered here, so stay!"

Gordon opened his arms and said excitedly:"You will be very welcome across the country!"

Uta showed a joyful smile on her face, but she turned a deaf ear to Gordon's words.

Apart from the words of praise, the rest of the invitations such as staying went in one ear and out the other.

Gordon saw the carelessness in the joy on the girl's face, and put his hand on his face helplessly.

He could only look to Shanks.

Gordon placed his hopes on Shanks. At this time, Shanks and Uta were upstairs overlooking the magnificent layout of the entire concert hall.

Shanks cautiously tested Uta and smiled:"You seem to enjoy singing here!"

"It should be more joyful to dedicate your singing to more people than to sing in front of us!"

Uta looked up at the sky and retorted:"How could it be!"

Shanks turned his body to face Uta and said:"Uta, there is no such thing as peace and equality in this world, but only your singing can make people in the world feel happy!"

Even Shanks had to admit that there will never be peace and equality in this world.

Having traveled with Roger since he was born, he deeply understood that the so-called peace will only exist in certain areas, and the so-called equality will only be relative equality.

Even if he firmly believed that Joy Boy was reborn, he only felt that it was just changing the existence of peace in certain areas to"war only exists in certain areas."

Uta frowned and asked unhappily:"What are you talking about!"

Shanks took a few steps nervously and pretended to say casually:"I mean you can stay here if you want!"

Shanks squatted down, looked at Uta with a smile, and said:"When you become the world's number one singer, I will come to greet you."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Uta clenched his fist and said angrily:"Idiot! If I have to separate from Shanks and you guys just to learn singing... If I separate from you two……"

As Uta spoke, tears welled up in her eyes and she burst into tears.

Shanks' heart softened when he saw this and he gently hugged Uta and said,"Really? I see! That's true! Let's leave here tomorrow!""


Uta nodded with a smile.



Gordon lowered his head in frustration. Shanks was standing in front of him.

Shanks said to Gordon with an apologetic look on his face:"I'm so sorry, I didn't convince Uta."

Gordon waved his hand and said:"I didn't have high expectations. After all, Uta is still young, and it's normal for her to be reluctant to leave you.……"

Gordon said seriously,"It is impossible for an unhappy person to sing a song that will make others happy!"

"So I sincerely hope that Uta can continue to be happy."

After hearing this, Shanks' body trembled slightly, and he smiled:"That's true, but no matter what, I am very grateful for your care during this time."

Gordon shook his head and said:"It is our honor to teach a genius like Uta. Sooner or later, the world will feel sincerely happy because of her!

Even if it may be only a short-lived happiness, it is incomparably precious to this sea!"

Gordon said with a serious expression:"Shanks, since you are going to compete in the new world, send Uta back to see and learn when you have time."

Shanks nodded and smiled:"Of course, I won't suffer any loss!"


The two smiled at each other.

Gordon suddenly seemed to think of something and said,"Since we are leaving tomorrow, let's hold a singing party for Uta tonight to see her off. I have equipment here that can make Uta's singing resound throughout the entire island."

Gordon looked at Shanks expectantly.

Shanks scratched his head and said,"Uh, I have to ask Uta about this."

Of course Uta did not refuse. She was very grateful to the scholars on the island for teaching her for more than two months. Now that they were going to see her off, how could she object?

Noah looked at Shanks speechlessly. He didn't need to ask Uta for such a condition. Wouldn't it be better to just agree to it?

Shanks said righteously that this was a respect for Uta.

Well, this earned Uta's admiration.

After hearing this, Gordon hurried to prepare. It can be seen that he really likes Uta.

In the evening, students and teachers from the island's music school, as well as some upper-class people happily came to Uta's party.

They were both puzzled and regretful about Uta's decision to leave.

How could such a good music seedling like to run to the precarious sea?

But they still smiled and sent their blessings.

Uta also sang song after song with gratitude.

When Uta was chatting with the guests below, students from the music school often came over with their own manuscripts, blushing and hoping to get to Uta's instructions.

Uta was a little surprised at first, but gave her opinions seriously.

That night, everyone on the island was immersed in Uta's beautiful singing.

Noah looked at the people around him wearing dignified formal clothes, and he was also wearing an elegant and straight suit.

Of course, the women also put on the dresses they had prepared long ago.

Kuina and Irene pulled at the hems of their skirts awkwardly. It was obvious that these two training madmen were not used to such clothes that were not convenient for fighting.

The only thing that was a bit dazzling on the field was Shanks and his group. They still wore the cloak pants they wore at sea, and even Shanks was wearing his supreme big slippers.

This incompatible dress made the guests present complain a little, but when they heard that it was Uta's father, the dissatisfaction on their faces disappeared instantly.

Some people heard that Punch and Mengshida's music level was superb, and they also picked up their glasses to exchange music.

Noah complained:"This Shanks, he clearly said it was a party, did he think it was a pirate party?"

Liya also laughed dryly a few times and said,"It is indeed very ugly."

"It's more than ugly!"

Noah looked at Liya in disbelief. Even the fat guy in his previous life couldn't wear such clothes. He even wore a pair of slippers to the party.

"Stay away from him later, I don't want anyone to know that Shanks and I are friends."

Noah said as he led the women to another path.

Noah's suit and dress plus the fact that he was leading a group of beautiful women made him particularly eye-catching on the scene.

When the upper-class people on the scene saw Noah's noble appearance, they all came over with a smile to toast and exchange knowledge.

When they heard that Noah could talk about any topic, they were a little surprised and wondered which royal son he was.

After all, ordinary nobles could not cultivate someone with Noah's temperament and knowledge.

Just as Noah was chatting and laughing with a duke, a red light flashed in his eyes.

The observation color was activated!

Noah saw a strong shock wave suddenly erupted in the venue, and at the same time a large amount of red drawing lightning raged from Shanks. During this period, some materialized musical notes also rushed towards him with the overflowing lightning, and countless guests were blown away by the shock wave with horror on their faces.

"Damn it!"

Noah's face changed and he yelled at Shanks:"Shanks, quickly protect the people around you!"


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