
Shanks turned his head in confusion after hearing Noah's call, and shouted:"What's wrong, Noah? Why are you making a fuss?"

Noah had no idea what the reason was. After all, the distance was a bit far. He only foresaw that a powerful force would burst out from Shanks.


But before he finished speaking, Uta opened his mouth and sang the music score with a smile on his face.

As the first note of the music score sounded, the ability of the Song-Song Fruit in Uta's body was drawn out by an inexplicable force, and then Uta's spirit was instantly controlled.

A powerful energy surged from Uta's body like a spring.


Shanks was shocked. Just as he turned his head to check, he was blown away by the powerful shock wave.

The same was true for the other members of the Red Hair Pirates.

"What? What is this?!"

Gordon blocked the scene with his hands, looking at it in shock, as if he knew something about it, and then he muttered,"Impossible! Impossible! I clearly sealed it.���"


"what happened?"

"Run away!"


The scene instantly fell into chaos, and Gordon hurriedly called the soldiers to send away the injured guests.

"What an evil power!"

Liya's talent for observation is extremely high. At this moment, she was the first to feel the threat of this power.

Noah said lightly:"Rather than saying it is evil, it is better to say that it is full of destructive desire. I don’t know who created this monster! It’s really annoying!"

After unifying the sea, Noah ordered the collection of all dangerous goods with a huge range of harm. All large and small powerful weapons were suppressed by Noah in the king’s treasure. After all, every citizen is his Noah’s wealth.

However, he has never heard of or seen this thing. It should be a product of the past eight hundred years.

"Lord Noah (Noah)!"

Kuina, Irene and others looked at Noah.

Noah nodded, took out the weapons of the women, as well as his own Dawn and Twilight from the King's Treasure, and shouted:"Shanks, stop it!"


Shanks pushed away the stone slab on his body, looked at the scene in shock, and muttered:"Uta? What's going on?!"

It's not over yet. This force instantly broke through the ceiling of the castle and even began to transform into a monster.

It was wearing a cloak and a dress, a top hat, a long and pointed nose, four fangs in its mouth, long ribbons like piano keys wrapped around it, and skulls burning with will-o'-the-wisp.

The whole look seemed to be saying that he was a big villain.

At this time, everyone in the castle concert hall had run out, and some soldiers raised their guns and shot at the monster.

Shanks and others and Noah and others ran out of the castle using high-speed movement skills. Noah looked at the terrified crowd running around, and said to the girls and Shanks and others with an ugly face:"Help me stop him for a while!"

"Hello, Mr. Noah!"

"No problem!"

The girls and Shanks came back to their senses and responded.

The monster didn't waste time when it came out, as if it knew it couldn't come out all at once, and it opened its mouth to fire a"Virtual Dog Cannon""

"Don't even think about it!"

Shanks rushed over with a fierce look in his eyes, and in a flash he came under the monster and kicked the monster in the chin.


Immediately, the monster's head was beaten back to the sky, and at the same time, a laser-like attack shot out of his mouth and shot straight into the sky. The entire sky was instantly dyed a dark reddish brown, and the sky within a radius of a thousand meters was illuminated like daytime. The attack was surrounded by dazzling lightning, and people didn't need to guess what would happen if this attack landed on the island.

Roland's face was also ugly at this time, and he shouted:"Pay attention to his attack, don't let his attack be aimed at the town!"

Sure enough, after the monster's head was kicked back by Shanks, his head tilted to the side as if it had no bones.

At the same time, the laser cannon was like a sword of Damocles that was about to descend on the earth and destroy everything.


Shanks looked up in the air with an ugly expression. Although he had the skill to move in the air, it was still not as fast as on land. He had no way to catch up with this attack.

"Leave it to me!"

Liya stood within the monster's attack range with her hands crossed, summoning a barrier that was like an unbreakable wall blocking the attack.

"Protective barrier!"


The attack landed on Liya's barrier as expected, and then a sharp sound wave came out, and the windows within 200 meters around were shattered.

Liya curled her lips and smiled:"Try the taste of your own attack, reflection!"

Immediately, the barrier seemed to turn into a mirror, reflecting the attacking laser beam back.


The attack was rebounded and exploded on the monster's face, and at the same time, a sharp roar was emitted, as if it was very painful. The attack light wave in the monster's mouth disappeared, but the two ends of the piano belt surrounding him turned into sharp five claws, grabbing fiercely in the direction of Liya.

At the same time, the other claw swept towards Shanks.




Shanks raised the Griffin in his hand to block the attack, but he was unable to offset the impact of the attack because he could not use the air to gain leverage. He was swept away, knocking down a bunch of buildings and raising a trail of dust.


Beckman raised his flintlock spear and shot the monster, then shouted in the direction of Shanks worriedly.

The other members of the Red Hair Pirates and the girls also took turns to attack the monster, restraining him for a while.

At the same time, blue light flashed around Noah, and a large amount of magic power dissipated in all directions, raising clouds of dust. Noah looked like a god or saint under the magic power.

At this moment, Noah stretched out a hand and chanted the liberation words of [Infinite Blade Works]:

"This body is the bones of the sword!

My body is steel, my blood is fire!

I have made more than a thousand swords!


So as I wish, 'Unlimited Blade Works’!"

When Noah finished the last chant, his eyes widened, and his magic power spread instantly, surrounding Shanks and others, and bringing them into a world full of weapons, flames, and huge gears, like an ironworks, with countless swords stuck in the ground.

Shanks and others stared with their eyes wide open, looking at the scene in disbelief, and muttered,"What's going on here?"

At this moment, everyone has disappeared into the original world. Gordon in the outside world was shocked by the disappearance of Totumjika and Shanks and others, and looked around and shouted,"Shanks, Beckman, where are you?"

Beckman in the Infinite Sword Works glanced around, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and said lightly,"It seems that we have been pulled into another space by Noah."


Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates exclaimed, their tone full of disbelief.

Joanna flapped her wings and landed next to Shanks, smiling:"This is Lord Noah's [Infinite Sword Works]. It is the world where Lord Noah usually stores his weapons. The weapons here are real and you can use them at will."

Lime Jones pulled out the sword beside him with some surprise, looked at the workmanship of the sword, and shouted in disbelief:"This, this sword is actually real, the workmanship is so gorgeous, and the sharpness of this sword is as good as a good sword!"

Although Shanks was also surprised, the most urgent thing now is not to appreciate and be curious about this world, and said:"Anyway, now we don't have to worry about hurting civilians! However, what is the relationship between this monster and Uta?"

Noah suddenly appeared next to Shanks, staring at the confused Totemjika, and said:"I can feel that Uta is in his body, be careful when he attacks later!"

"I understand!"

Everyone nodded in response, and then took an attacking stance towards Totumjika, ready to go. The atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn.


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