As for Noah, he casually dropped the long sword in his hand, took a step forward, and instantly appeared on the ship of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Sir! Behind you!"

Baron Dandan was just horrified by Noah's disappearance, when he suddenly heard the trembling voice of his younger brother behind him. He turned around with a twitch of his brows, and when he saw the familiar man, he tightened his sword and said,"Sir Noah, are you going to kill us all?"

Noah looked around. The people around him looked like extras, except for a man with ridiculously long legs who looked like he had some status. Then Noah sat casually on the main seat on the deck. Hearing that Baron Dandan's face was pale and ugly, but his voice was still calm, he couldn't help but look up to him a little and said with a smile:

"Although your potential is not that great, your character is not bad!"

After a pause, Noah said:"For your sake, I will not kill you. Go back and talk to Big Mom and ask her to give up some of her territory. It doesn't have to be too much, just the five islands nearby will be enough."

"Remember, don't give me those deserted islands with scarce resources. Give it to me by the end of this month. If you don't, I will come to ask for it myself. Of course, it won't be very good then."

Noah narrowed his eyes slightly, and it was obvious that the so-called"not very good" was probably very bad. Baron Dandan broke out in a cold sweat. However, the situation was stronger than people, and Baron Dandan had to bite the bullet and nodded even though he knew that his mother would never agree to such a request, and said:

"I understand."

Noah's smile became more sincere after hearing this, and he said with a smile:"By the way, are you willing to follow me and help me manage these islands?"

Noah extended an olive branch to Baron Dandan. To be honest, he could tell at a glance that he was a talent.

First of all, Noah liked his etiquette very much. Secondly, he could remain calm when encountering things, which was much better than Charlotte Dafu, who was blind and could not see the situation clearly.

Although his strength was a little lacking, with the help of Vanessa's potion, he should be able to become an elite lieutenant general, or even a pirate of 800 million or 900 million berries.

""Ah, huh?"

Baron Dandan was stunned when he heard that Noah wanted to recruit him. He could even feel the expectation and suspicion of his younger brothers behind him. If this got to his mother's ears, how would he deal with it?

It is not impossible that his mother will not use him in the future.

Hiss~, could this guy be a divisive plot?

Too cruel!

Letting him go openly is actually the same as killing him. Anyway, his mother will definitely lose another fighting force.

Of course, in fact, if Noah knew in his heart, he would probably cry out for injustice. He really took a fancy to Baron Dandan.

"Um, Mr. Noah, I will never betray my mother!"

Baron Dandan nervously rejected Noah's invitation.

Noah was not disappointed. He threw his Den Den Mushi number to Baron Dandan and said,"If you change your mind one day, you can call me."

Baron Dandan looked at the paper with the Den Den Mushi number in his hand and felt it was hot and heavy in his heart.

"Oh? By the way, your ship is pretty good. My ship just happened to be a little damaged, so you can take the other two to go back."

Noah originally planned to use his own ship to return to the Seven Islands of Water directly, but now there is a ready-made one, so there is no need to trouble his own ship. After all, it has been with him for a year. After all, what good materials can there be in the East China Sea? It is already good that it is so strong.

Although the ship is big enough, it has reached its limit. If Roland had not reinforced it with his superb craftsmanship and newly developed materials, the ship would have sunk long ago.

Baron Dandan could not care about anything else at this time. It was just a ship. It was normal to damage a few ships in every battle in the New World, so he nodded and said respectfully:

"We will follow your advice and leave immediately!"

Then he shouted to the younger brother behind him:"Hurry up and leave!"


Then a group of people jumped down like dumplings, and then walked from the ice to the other two ships.

As for Baron Dandan, he politely took off his hat and saluted Noah, then left.

Noah looked at his departing back, shook his head with some regret, and said,"What a pity, if Uruk was still here, he would have to be recruited into the emcee department. He is a talent.

But he followed an aunt who loves desserts and goes crazy from time to time all day long. I don't know what's worth being loyal to in this kind of woman."

Just as Noah was sighing that talents were rare, Baron Dandan, who had just returned to the boat, slumped in his seat.

"How can I explain this to mom~"

The close younger brother also carefully comforted him:"My lord, this is not your fault. After all, with this kind of strength, we will just die if we go up!"

Baron Dandan glanced at his younger brothers, sighed and said:"After all, we are from different families. Mom’s two sons are dead, but we are still alive. Even if it is not our fault, it can only be our fault." When the younger brothers heard this, they were going to die anyway! They immediately asked with sad faces:"Then what should we do?!"

Baron Dandan first cursed Dafu a few times, then after a few seconds of silence, he said:"Let’s call back and notify everyone first. Otherwise, if we go back and tell them later, Mom will be so angry that she will directly take away all our lifespans."

After hearing this, the others dared not be slow anymore, and immediately held up the Den Den Mushi and presented it to Baron Dandan.

Baron Dandan looked at the Den Den Mushi in front of him and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Even his hands began to tremble without knowing when.

But in the end, Baron Dandan still dialed the Den Den Mushi. The other party quickly connected the Den Den Mushi, and the Den Den Mushi imitated a woman with a fat face and thick lips, and laughed as soon as she opened her mouth:

"Mmmmm, mom! Is it Perospero? How is it? Have the invitations to the tea party been delivered?"

After hesitating for a moment, Baron Dandan said,"No, mom, it's me!"

"Oh, Baron Dandan, I'm sorry, I was eating dessert just now and didn't see who it was. How is it going?"

Big Mom was in a good mood and even apologized to Baron Dandan. She turned around and started asking about Noah's matter. It can be seen that she took it very seriously.

Baron Dandan was even more scared when he heard that his mother was in a good mood. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said directly:

"Mom, Perros and Daifuku are all dead!"

From the other side of the Den Den Mushi, there was the sound of dishes breaking, followed by silence.

The silence did not make Baron Dandan feel relaxed, but instead it was like a big hand gripping his heart, making him feel unable to breathe.

"Do you know what you are saying?"

After a while, Big Mom's voice came over, but unlike the cheerful tone before, the voice now sounded more like the legendary evil ghost, the soul-demanding Sanskrit sound!

Baron Dandan kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a pink towel, and said in a trembling voice:"Mom, I have no choice. Originally, Brother Peros and his men could still fight against Noah's group of women. Although they are very strong, Brother Peros and his men will not lose so quickly, but as soon as Noah made a move...……"

Baron Dandan couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he thought of that scene, and his hand holding the Den Den Mushi trembled even more:

"He died in less than half a minute, and Brother Peros and the others couldn't block a single blow!"

"If he hadn't let me go back to tip off the police, I would have died!"

The man on the other side fell silent after hearing the voice, and after a long while he murmured:

"One move? It seems that he has indeed stepped into our level, Kaido……"

Although Big Mom hasn't met Kaido for a long time, the two were like siblings on the Rocks ship. They have a good relationship in private. Although they are opponents, they often talk to each other. Kaido also asked her for information about Noah before.


Big Mom glared with bloodshot eyes, and said with a ferocious expression:"So what if they are on the same level as us? They are weak after all! Don't think you can become the emperor by fighting with us! Mmmmm, mommy!"

The power of the three emperors has been operating for many years. Whitebeard has been around for more than 20 years, and Big Mom is about the same. Even Kaido has been operating for about ten years. How can Noah, a fledgling kid, be on the same level as them, just relying on that group of women?

Baron Dandan added cautiously:"Mom, he also asked me to bring you a message. He asked for five beautiful and resource-rich islands near Elegia. If you don't give it to him before the end of this month, he will come to their door in person."

"Ha-ma-ma-ma! Then I'll just sit and wait for him to come. If he doesn't dare to come, I'll let Morgans spread the news, and I'll hunt him down to the ends of the earth!"


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