"As for you, Baron Eggman……"

Big Mom changed her mind and turned the topic to Baron Dandan.

When Baron Dandan heard Big Mom calling him, he froze in his place.

"Come back to me and receive your punishment! You know the rules. In consideration of your hard work and contributions, you can either have twenty years of life or a hand or a foot. Think carefully on the way!"

After saying that, Big Mom hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Baron Dandan could only smile bitterly and muttered,"Yes, Mom!"

After saying that, he found a place to sit down.

In fact, there was only one choice from the beginning, and that was to sacrifice a hand.

If he lost twenty years of life, then the number of years he could serve Big Mom would only be about ten years, and losing twenty years of life at once would also eliminate the possibility of him becoming stronger. In this way, his value in Big Mom's eyes would undoubtedly become much lower.

Although he used a sword, he was also a master of kicking skills, so he could only remove one hand.

As his mother's confidant, Baron Dandan undoubtedly understood that this was a test from his mother.

Choose to cherish your life���Survive for twenty years, or live like a real pirate and fight for every minute


At this moment, Sibel was standing on the ice with his hands open to absorb the cold air he released in this area. The ice was beginning to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, only a small piece of ice remained under Sibel's feet.

The women drove the boat to Noah's side and shouted,"Lord Noah, what ship is this?"

Noah stood up, suddenly disappeared and reappeared beside Leah and said,"Liya, let's move the things to that ship, and deal with the other things on the ship."

Leah bowed and said,"Okay, Lord Noah!"

After that, Leah asked the women to split into two teams, one team to clean up the things on the captured ship, and the other team to pack up their own things.

Noah suddenly appeared on Shanks' boat and said with a smile,"You guys go first. It will probably take me a while to clean up here."


Shanks was startled by Noah behind him and said unhappily,"Why did you suddenly appear behind me!"

"But you are moving at high speed?"

Noah smiled but said nothing. Seeing this, Shanks had to say,"We can wait a while."

Noah said,"I am not like you, a bunch of wanderers on the sea. You only have a few clothes that are worn out, and all your money is spent on wine and meat. The clothes of the king and Leah will pile up to death for you, and Roland and Vanessa still have a lot of equipment to move, so I guess we can't leave today."

While speaking, Noah did not forget to despise the simple and crude living standards of Shanks and others, which made Shanks and others blush, angry and embarrassed.

Shanks said unhappily,"It's none of your concern!"

"We'll go first, be careful of Big Mom!"

Noah just waved his hand to signal An An, then disappeared on Shanks' boat.

Shanks murmured,"I still don't understand how he moved?"

Beckman also whispered,"I didn't even see him leave."

Shanks nodded.


""Did Shanks and the others leave first?"

Leah asked curiously.

Noah nodded lightly and said,"Yes, I let them go first. Shanks still has his mission."

Noah stretched his muscles, sighed comfortably and said,"I haven't relaxed for a long time. It feels so good!"

After saying this, he lay down on the beach chair on the deck with satisfaction, and asked Elena to bring some juice and snacks.

Although Leah was accustomed to the mystery of her master, she just shrugged and went to direct others to move the items.

Later, Alyssa reported that although the robbed ship was large, the rooms were not as big as imagined, and most of the minions were just sleeping in hammocks under the deck.

So Roland took Irene and other swordsmen to modify it with ease, and Irene and others opened up several rooms for use. Because this took more time, Noah and others didn't sleep on the new ship until late at night.

As for the old ship, Noah had already taken it back to the King's Treasure, and the next day they had to move the remaining things.

The next day.

After Leah and others moved the things with great difficulty, they shouted happily:"Finally moved!"

Roland calmly poured cold water and said:"This ship is just a transition, we will move again when we arrive at the Seven Islands of Water!"

After that, even Leah's face fell.

Noah calmly comforted:"Okay, Leah, have you forgotten that the new ship has furniture? Just move some of the missing things over there."

Although there are still quite a lot of things, Liya and the others are still relieved.

Not long after setting sail, Joanna and Michelle shouted that they had caught something good again.

Sure enough, when they opened it, they were two devil fruits.

After Noah checked, he found that both were animal-type devil fruits.

One is the Human-Human Fruit·Mythical Beast·Asura Fruit.

The other is the Cat-Cat Fruit·Mythical Beast·Neko-Mata Fruit.

Before the two devil fruits were checked out, Kuina and Elena said that they had sensed one of the devil fruits respectively.

When Kuina heard that it was a Mythical Beast, she happily ate the Neko-Mata Fruit.

But when Elena heard that it was an Asura Fruit, it was not a fruit that would help her cooking, so she hesitated. But when she heard Noah's introduction to the Asura Fruit, she immediately decided to eat the fruit.

"Shura is a strange species born in the world, a natural fighting race. Male Shura are ugly and ferocious, while female Shura are beautiful and charming."

No need to say, I will take the lead!

Noah then introduced the abilities of the two devil fruits to the two women.


Soul Fire: can emit flames that burn the soul.

Corpse Control: can control corpses.

Soul Search: can search the enemy's memory, but the enemy will become stupid after using it.


Fighting Will: Awakening ghost energy.

Bloodbath: Every kill will restore your combat status.

Unyielding: The more serious your injury, the stronger your attack power.

Breaking Limits: When facing a desperate situation, it is easier to break through in battle.


"I feel that both of their devil fruits are so powerful!"

Michelle praised with some sadness, she found that she was a little disadvantaged by eating natural system.

Joanna comforted:"Your flame temperature is getting higher and higher, and your attack power is much stronger than before, and your physique is also helped by sister Vanessa."

Alyssa also smiled and tapped her nose and said:"You, honestly develop your own fruit ability, you can't develop more."

Liya also praised:"But these two are really top-level fruits." Noah smiled and said:"Mao is an expert in playing with souls. Every Shura is a combat genius. They are bloodthirsty and warlike. Fighting to death is their destiny, so they are experts in combat.

There is no big advantage or disadvantage between the two. It can only be said that each has its own strengths."

Loran also nodded and said:"But Maoya is probably more than agile, so Kuina probably has to cooperate with it."

Noah also smiled and nodded and said:"Kuina has long changed her swordsmanship, focusing on agility, so there is no need to adapt."

After leaving Koshiro, Kuina discovered that she was indeed gifted in agility. After getting rid of the shackles, she naturally changed her kendo to a style that suited her.

"That's just right! It is estimated that after Kuina eats the devil fruit, her physical talent will be greatly improved."

Loran looked at Vanessa, and Vanessa nodded and affirmed:"Yes, it is estimated that there will be no obstacles to Kuina's armed color."

Kuina happily clenched the sword in her hand and smiled:"That's great, I will eat it now!"

"Okay, just eat it. There shouldn't be much noise from either of them, and your strength is different from before."

Noah nodded.


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