Soon, with the strong cooperation of Roland and Vanessa, three masks were ready.

Vanessa hurriedly left the masks and some medicine to Jinbei and left.

She didn't run far, she just drove the boat to a farther place to watch the show.


After a few hours, the fishmen struggled to get up. They touched their heads and looked around. Vanessa's anesthetic had not worn off yet and she was still confused.

Suddenly, a fishman shouted:

"Oh, where are the two women?"

The fishmen finally woke up from their confusion.

"Come in and see how Big Boss Tiger is doing."

"Oh, yes, yes!!!"

Following the reminder of the octopus fishman Xiaoba, everyone rushed into the medical room.

After a burst of footsteps, the door opened, and everyone saw Aladdin and Jinbei with silent faces.

Also lying on the bed was Tiger, whose neck was tilted and he was lifeless.

Everyone seemed to understand something and cried out in a sad voice:"Brother Tiger!!!"

"Didn't that woman rescue Brother Tiger?"

At this time, Aaron stood with a gloomy face.���He came out, with tears in his eyes, making it hard to tell that this was the always tyrannical and cruel Aaron.

He was the protagonist of this scene, so Aladdin had already untied him and even used medicine to wake him up.

Aladdin said silently:"It has nothing to do with... that woman. Brother Tiger died because he didn't want to transfuse human blood."

Then Aladdin talked about how Tiger used to be a slave, and said Tiger's last words.

"Listen carefully, Brother Tiger warned us that there are many kind people among humans, and we should not pass on hatred to the next generation, so this matter must be kept secret!"

The fishmen burst into tears and cried as if the sky had fallen.

Aaron's tears were also flowing, but his face could not hide his anger.

"What a joke! Brother Tiger died because of those lowly humans, how could he let it go!"

He turned and ran out of the door, but was hugged tightly by Xiao Ba.

Xiao Ba hugged him tightly with six hands, but his strength was no match for Aaron, and he was dragged away by Aaron.

""Brother Along, what are you doing?"

Along shed tears and gritted his teeth and said hatefully,"What do you mean by not killing humans! Brother Tiger is just too stupid, so this is the consequence of sympathizing with humans. That's why Brother Tiger died. Brother Tiger is such a big fool!"

As he said that, Along struggled to break free from Xiaoba, and then jumped into the sea.

Jinbei looked at Along's receding back and said in confusion,"I don't know if this is wrong. It seems that more fishmen are beginning to hate humans."

Aladdin patted Jinbei on the shoulder and comforted him,"Don't think too much, just like that group of humans, this is the best choice we can make."

Jinbei nodded, and then said,"I'm going to follow."

Then Jinbei also rushed out and swam in the direction where Along left.

Forshat Island.

A group of warships had not left yet, as if they were waiting for something there.

At this time, Along jumped out of the sea, stood on the deck and began to destroy wantonly.

"Wake up, bastards!"

Aaron grinned, revealing his sharp teeth like saw teeth, and then rushed left and right on the warship.

Although Aaron beat the navy without any chance to fight back, the strange thing was that there was not even a single person wearing a navy cloak on the field, all of them were soldiers.

But Aaron seemed to be unaware and laughed at the powerlessness of humans, laughing in his heart that fish people are the most powerful creatures in the world.

A group of marines pressed towards Aaron, but Aaron soared into the sky easily.

Just as Aaron was laughing wantonly, enjoying the pleasure of bullying the weak, a wretched and weird voice came.

"It's so noisy~"

Then a laser shot out from the warship next to it.

In an instant, the laser pierced Arlong's body accurately, but Arlong just spit out a mouthful of blood, and after falling to the ground, he was still struggling angrily to get up, but it can be seen that he has no strength to resist.

This kind of precise control of hurting but not killing, even Sengoku had to call him an expert.

Sengoku in the top war: You kid are really playing me! When you were fighting the Straw Hat Boy, it was the Eight-foot Outline Jade, right!

Countless points of light gathered into a human figure, Borsalino walked towards Arlong with a micro-step, and said lightly:"Are you Arlong?"

He had already learned the information of the members of the Fish-Man Pirates from his adjutant, and he remembered the information about Arlong, who hated humans, very clearly.

"Why are you so shameless to come here?"

Borsalino showed a rare look of impatience.

Aaron is here, could it be that Tiger is here for no reason? Is he here to take revenge on the humans here?

If so, Borsalino would be very disappointed.

He stepped on Aaron's chest, pointed at Aaron with his smoking finger, and said coldly,"I'm here for a long time, and I'm here for a long time. I...

"Why did you come back?"

Aaron shed weak tears and said angrily without hiding anything:"I will kill all the humans who betrayed Big Brother Tiger! I will go to the island of the islander who tipped off the news!"

"It turned out to be revenge~"

Borsalino looked down at Aaron, his eyes and tone seemed to be indifferent.

Aaron straightened his body and roared:"That's right! Fisher Tiger is dead! Killed by an inferior race like you!"

"Really? Is he dead?"

For some reason, after hearing the news of Tiger's death, Borsalino was relieved at first, which meant that his choice was right. This Aaron should be Tiger's loyal brother, so he ran here alone without thinking.

But soon he was confused. He heard from Stoloberi that for Tiger, that kind of injury would at most cause excessive blood loss and weakness for a period of time. How could he die?

So he put a finger on Aaron's forehead, and in Aaron's eyes with fear and unyielding, he said lightly:

"But you should still come with me!"

In this way, Aaron was taken away by Borsalino.

Before leaving, Borsalino glanced at a rock not far away, but soon he shook his head and left, muttering:

""It's time to get off work and complete the mission. I'll have to ask Mr. Sengoku to grant me a few days off when I get back. I've been running around for a while and it's really tiring~"

Behind the rock

, a drop of sweat fell from Jinbei's forehead. He was keenly aware of the movement behind him, and finally he heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Borsalino walk away.

"Huh! I didn't expect that this monster lieutenant general was here. I was almost exposed just now."

When Jinbei first saw Arlong being pierced through the chest by a laser, he lost his breath and wanted to run towards Arlong instantly.

But when he sensed Borsalino's breath, and Arlong's breath was weak but still strong, he shrank back.

"But judging by the result, it should be fine."

Jinbei was relieved when he knew that the navy came from Borsalino.

The three vice admirals of the navy represent the three major factions.

Kuzan is a dove, and when he encounters pirates, he usually freezes them and takes them to Impelton.

Borsalino is a neutral faction, and he may let go of pirates he likes depending on his mood, and most of them will be sent to Impelton.

Sakaski is a hawk, and pirates who meet him are advised to drop their weapons and kneel at the speed of light, otherwise he will turn you into a piece of cooked meat.

So the result of Arlong is probably to be imprisoned in Impelton

"It's good to let Arlong suffer, so that he won't be arrogant and look down on humans all day long!"

Jinbei didn't have any opinion on Arlong being imprisoned. He believed that Arlong would understand him if he could save his elder brother.

There is no information more accurate than the information from a crazy person like Arlong.

"Aaron, reform yourself and reflect on yourself. I will find a chance to become a Shichibukai and release you!"

Jinbei murmured.

This was Vanessa's plan.

She would use Aaron's mouth to confirm Tiger's death, and then use the convenience of the Shichibukai to rescue Aaron.

Before that, Jinbei had to go through a battle, defeat countless powerful enemies, make a name for himself, and then become a Shichibukai.

However, Jinbei was very confident about this matter.


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