"Brother Tiger!"

Jinbei stood behind a man. He looked at the warship above and turned his head and said:

"Jinbe, I'll leave the Sun Pirates in your hands from now on!"

After the shadow disappeared, a strange fishman face was revealed, and even his skin color turned into the same azure blue as Jinbe.

This is Vanessa's masterpiece, a plant used for coloring, and it cannot be washed off unless another special medicinal ingredient is used, otherwise it will not work even if you rub off a layer of skin. Jinbe was not surprised, but nodded firmly and said:"Brother, don't worry!"

Tiger was actually very confident in Jinbe. Jinbe's strength was almost the same as his, and his fishman karate had even gone further than his, and had reached the point of innovation.

"Jinbei, when you encounter humans, especially navy ones, if they are not extremely evil, don't kill them all. Let's end the hatred between humans and fishmen in our generation."

Tiger looked up at the sea surface dyed red by the sunset, and smiled slightly.

"I understand, Brother Tiger!" Jinbei nodded.

Tiger was not pretentious, waved his hand and smiled:"I'm leaving, but I won't be caught by humans easily this time. I will travel again to find the future of humans and the fishmen."

Jinbei just watched Tiger leave, silently saying in his heart:

Take care, Brother Tiger!


Noah's side.

Noah did not follow Jinbei's ship, but came to Forshat Island.

It was not for anything else, their ship was going to dock to search for supplies.

As soon as Jinbei left, Noah and others went ashore.

Michelle looked around the island and said,"Is this the island where the islanders who informed the navy are?"

Joanna pouted, her eyes full of injustice and said,"I want to see what the islanders are like! As a human being, I feel ashamed!"

Alyssa's eyes were also quite uneasy, but she still comforted her,"This is not something they can decide. After all, Mr. Tiger is indeed the world government's primary target. They may be implicated if they don't do anything." Sibel didn't buy it either, and said with Joanna in a common hatred of the enemy,"This is the new world. How much power can the navy have?"

Roland said calmly,"But as long as there is a CP, everyone on their island will die."

"That group of hyenas is famous for being ruthless in the sea. Agents are notoriously secretive. If they collect information about Tiger here, most of the people here will die."

The women listened in silence.

Noah walked in front, listening to the discussions of the women behind him and found it very interesting, but suddenly Noah looked in another direction.

Then, Liya suddenly stopped and looked at a rock pillar not far away, and shouted in a low voice:"Someone!"

Sure enough, golden lights gathered into a human figure, and then a man in a suit and a hat, who was as wretched as a monkey, walked out.


Xibel couldn't help but blurt out.

The man staggered when he heard it, but soon stood still, pouting and saying dissatisfiedly:

"My lovely and beautiful lady, you really hurt my heart by talking like that."

Sibel touched his head and said apologetically,"I'm sorry, your name is Borusalino, right?"

Sibel was too far away before and Borusalino was wearing a western hat, so he didn't see him carefully. Now when he saw the word"monkey", he couldn't help but blurt out the word.

"My name is Borsalino, but I dare not say much. After all, the lady is a real monster~"

Borsalino originally wanted to see if there would be other fishmen landing on the island, but he did not expect to encounter the Big Mom Pirates' ship, and even more unexpectedly, Noah and his gang got off the Big Mom's ship.

But Borsalino was not afraid at all. As a user of the Pika Pika Nomi fruit, he could attack or retreat. Who could do anything to him!

Michelle's cheek twitched, and she said,"I don't know why, I really want to hit him!"

Joanna also nodded and said,"This tone is considered a provocation."

Noah also nodded. In the previous life, this tone would be considered a provocation. What an old rogue!

"Hahahaha, then I'll test the level of the monster vice admiral!"

Sibel was once a big sister, and she was known for being ruthless and quiet. She drew her sword and rushed forward, slashing with extreme coldness.

Borsalino was not afraid, and still said the most cowardly words in the most arrogant tone:

"How scary~, the monster's subordinates are all monsters!"

But the figure did not move, and the slash passed through his body without any hindrance and flew into the sky.

Did he transform into an element in advance?

Xibel thought secretly in his heart, but the fighting spirit was brewing in his chest, and he jumped up and swung his sword.

However, Borsalino was still looking down at the light mark on his chest, and sighed that he was a little careless.

Although he dodged the slash, the cold air wrapped in the slash frostbite his skin.

But his tone remained unchanged as he said:"Really, I'm off work!""

I shouldn't have come if I had known!

But his body instantly turned into particles of light and dissipated.

Xibel's knife fell on the rock pillar.


With a flash of the knife, the entire stone pillar with a diameter of more than two meters was split into two halves, and then exploded by an inexplicable force.


Pah pah pah!

The gravel flew everywhere.

After Xibel landed steadily, he said dissatisfiedly:"You still say it's not a monkey? It's too slippery!"

Sibel didn't like this kind of indecisive battle.

Borsalino appeared at the side and said in his usual tone of surprise:"How terrible~, I didn't expect that the young lady could even use the advanced application of Armament Haki. It seems that the young lady's bounty should be raised."

However, the level of Observation Haki is average.

Borsalino thought secretly

"How treacherous! Sister Sibel!"

Joanna screamed in anger. She had been enduring Borsalino for a long time.

""Sorry, Joanna, I can't help it either."

Before Sibel could answer, Elena beside Joanna spoke.

When Elena first saw Borsalino, her Shura instinct told her two things: strong!


However, Sibel got there first. After seeing Borsalino easily dodge Sibel's two attacks, the Shura blood in her veins could no longer hold back.

Elena drew out the Bloodthirst from her waist, and after the armed color wrapped around the back of the sword, a ghostly aura as if from hell began to emanate from her body, and even began to wrap around the sword.

Ghostly aura!

Elena's speed instantly increased several levels under the ghostly aura. As soon as a flash of blood passed, Elena had already rushed forward.

Borsalino's pupils shrank, and he clasped his hands together, saying in a vulgar tone:"Ame-no-Kurosakumo Sword!"

With both hands, a lightsaber appeared in his hands. Borsalino held the sword with both hands and slashed at Elena.

Elena went forward without dodging or avoiding.


The move failed, but Elena's mouth revealed a touching smile, and the fighting spirit in her eyes became even more intense.

"Monster Vice Admiral? Please advise!"

As she spoke, Elena's eyes widened, and she quickly waved the Bloodthirsty Sword in her hand. The sword light turned into a net and firmly trapped Borsalino.

Although Borsalino was not good at physical skills, his swordsmanship was still okay, and his observation Haki was cultivated to the top level.

Under Elena's attack, he seemed to have narrowly blocked the unpredictable sword light, but his face did not change.

Suddenly, Borsalino swung the lightsaber towards a position.

Elena's pupils shrank, but with the blessing of Shura's combat intuition, she did not panic at all. Instead, she quickly swung the sword to block and retreated.

One sword broke Elena's dense attack.

Borsalino still said:"It's so scary~, the lady's sword is so dangerous."

As he spoke, a streak of blood appeared on Borsalino's face. If he hadn't retreated quickly, this sword would have cut off his trachea.

In addition, Elena's other sword lights fell on his tendons and hamstrings. If he wasn't careful, he would lose his fighting ability.

"As expected, your observation Haki is so strong that once I thought of cutting your fatal part, you could easily dodge it!"

Elena curled her lips and then grinned.

At this time, Elena looked heroic, like a female warrior who had been on the battlefield for a long time.

"But this also shows one thing!

You don't seem to take me seriously!"

Elena said in a tone that sounded dissatisfied and excited.


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