
The old man closed his eyes, took a puff of his pipe, pursed his lips and slowly exhaled, thinking for a while, as if he was thinking about where to start.

Noah did not urge him, but found a place to sit down, and then waited for his reply without saying a word.

After a while, the old man opened his eyes, squinted for a while, and then suddenly widened his eyes:"Ah~, I accidentally fell asleep!"

"Forehead……"Noah's face was immediately filled with black lines. If he hadn't been well-educated (well, I guess he had some...), he would have cursed on the spot.

"Old, what were we talking about just now? Oh, domineering, right!"The old man calmly took a puff of cigarette and continued:

"Although domineering is almost extinct in the four seas, and even in the first half of the Grand Line, it is rarely heard of, but in the New World, which is the second half of the Grand Line, almost everyone can do it."

"There are three types of Haki: Observation Haki, Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki. In the country I escaped from, Armament Haki is known as Haki. In my country, Armament Haki has a very beautiful name - Ryusakura."

The old man said as he looked up at the vast sea in front of him, his eyes blurred, as if he saw his hometown.

It took a long time for him to come back to his senses. He glanced and saw that Noah was calm and not anxious. He sighed at Noah's state of mind and continued:"My country is not good at Observation Haki. I can only say roughly that Observation Haki is a power that can strongly feel the"sound" of the other party. Once this power is improved, the position and number of enemies outside the line of sight can be read, as well as the actions that the other party will take in the next moment."


It sounds a bit similar to magic perception, but it is much better than magic perception in predicting the other party's actions. It is a bit like intuition.

Noah thought secretly in his heart, and suddenly remembered the strange state he entered during the previous sword Zen. Could this be Observation Haki?

"However, this ability has a lot to do with psychology, and one needs to be calm to ensure its use. If one is emotionally excited or loses reason, the Observation Haki will become ineffective."The old man paused and emphasized the shortcomings of Observation Haki.

After all, many people can use Observation Haki very well when practicing, and nine out of ten can use it, but once it is used in actual combat, there will be many loopholes. There are all kinds of situations in actual combat that do not exist in normal practice, such as provocation, and the death of companions.

These emotional fluctuations will cause Observation Haki to fail. Countless people have died in this situation on the sea.

Noah heard that the old man was pointing out the key points-stay calm when using Observation Haki, this is the key point, circle it quickly, it will be tested...

So Noah nodded solemnly.

Seeing that Noah listened, the old man took two puffs of cigarette and continued:"Armament Haki can harden your body to enhance attack and defense power. In addition, it can also be wrapped around weapons to protect weapons and enhance the attack power of weapons. Of course, Armament Haki allows you to attack the body of a natural ability user, which is what many people value and the original intention of wanting to learn Haki."

"‘The name 'Ryuying' is not chosen randomly, on the contrary, it is a very descriptive name!"

"After reaching the above level of Armament Haki, you can try to learn Ryuo, which is to make the Armament Haki in the body flow, flow the unused Haki in the body to where it is needed, and then emit the Haki out of the body to achieve the effect of hurting the enemy from a distance!"

"Oh, that's right! There is another realm above this realm - internal destruction. This realm can inject domineering energy into the enemy's body and destroy the enemy's internal organs from the inside out. It is a realm that few people can master!"

The old man casually knocked his pipe on the stone beside him to shake off the tobacco ash inside, and Noah, who was standing by, felt that it was a bit magical. After all, magic power could not do internal destruction. It was really amazing to inject energy into the body without hurting the outside body.

"What about the domineering Haki?"Noah asked curiously. This was the first time Noah spoke, because the words"Domineering Haki" were known to indicate its status among the three types of Haki.

"The king's domineering color……"The old man pondered for a while and said,"This kind of domineering aura is very rare. Only one person among millions of people has it. I heard that it is innate. This kind of person is called a 'king'. He can intimidate the enemy with his own courage without taking action. He can stun the weak or reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness. However, this kind of domineering aura cannot be enhanced through practice."

"Ah~, so this is Haki, so interesting!"

Noah is confident that he has Haki of Conqueror's Haki. After all, if a person like him doesn't have Haki of Conqueror's Haki, then no one in this world will have it.

He found that if magic is a panacea, then Haki is born for war. Every function of it is for fighting. Observation Haki can detect and dodge, Armament Haki can attack and defend, and Conqueror's Haki can clear the soldiers.

Of course, Noah didn't know that Conqueror's Haki can also entangle and attack, and can exert a stronger power than Armament Haki. The old man didn't know either. After all, when Kozuki Oden first met Roger, he was shocked by Roger's"God Avoidance" and the scene of Roger fighting Whitebeard and doubted his life.

Noah couldn't help but imagine how strong he would be when he had Haki. Magic plus Haki should at least be able to play the degree of one plus one equals two!

When he can use Haki in conjunction with Infinite Sword System, it is estimated that Infinite Sword System will not only be able to bully some weak people. Even as long as he has enough Haki, then thousands of treasures wrapped in powerful Haki will bombard you. I just want to ask if you are afraid.

"Grandpa, please teach me how to practice Observation Haki and Armament Haki!"Noah asked politely.

The old man shook his head and refused,"Damei! I am old and don't have the energy to train you.……"

But thinking that I talked about domineering but didn't tell you how to practice it, it really made people suspenseful, and I felt a little embarrassed.

"However, if you want to practice Observation Haki, you can close your senses and go to the mountains to find some beasts to train, or you can ask Kuina to help you practice. Of course, if you don't mind the slowness, you can sit in meditation, calm your mind, and sense everything around you, and you can practice it slowly."

"As for Armament Haki, I don't recommend you to practice it now. Armament Haki requires physical strength. If your physical strength is not good enough, it will be ineffective to practice it. I suggest you practice your physical strength first, and then consider practicing Armament Haki when your physical strength slows down."

"Plus, you're still so young, your hair probably hasn't even grown out yet! It's too early to learn Armament Haki."

Hearing the grandfather's detailed explanation, Noah felt embarrassed to force this old man who was at the end of his rope.

Noah didn't take the grandfather's advice to heart. His physique has been getting stronger recently, which must be because his previous body is constantly adapting to this world.

Although he didn't know why he hated his bloodline, he remembered that his bloodline was at least two-thirds of God and one-third of human.

Even the human bloodline is the best, not to mention God. Anyway, if

Noah hadn't been exercising every day recently, he probably wouldn't be able to control the surging power in his body.

Even when sparring with Kuina, Noah was cautious, like a kid who was trying to hit a porcelain doll, for fear that he would chop Kuina away with a little more strength.

If this really happened, Kuina would probably doubt her life again.

As his physique continued to strengthen, Noah's speed of absorbing external energy and converting it into magic power was also getting faster, which made Noah wonder if he would have any rivals after he turned sixteen?

""You are my man, old man, please speak first, I will practice after I meet the requirements." Noah did not give up and asked again.

"Forehead……"The old man was a little hesitant, mainly because he was afraid that Noah would hurt himself due to his young age.

However, he felt relieved when he thought of Noah's character:"Okay, Armament Haki, no, it should be said that Haki is actually sublimated in battle.

In fact, many people in the new world have achieved breakthroughs in battle after grasping the key points.

The key is to feel the energy in the body.

Every attack must condense one's will, whether it is the will to fight or the will to kill.

Armament Haki will be armed as the will becomes stronger.

In the end, just keep practicing.


So gah, it turned out to be the will. It's really the authorities who are confused!

Yes, Noah has long known that Haki is related to will, but he has always wanted to guide it with his spirit. No wonder the Haki in his body is as motionless as stagnant water.

Noah pondered for a moment. He was considering whether to take out the"elixir of rejuvenation" from the king's treasure. The main reason was that the life fire of the old man in front of him was indeed dying in the magical perception. It was estimated that it would not take long. At most, in a year, the old man would have to drive���West.

And this old man is Kuina's grandfather. He seems to love Kuina very much. Kuina might be very sad if he died. In addition, although he has unlimited swords and does not worry about not having weapons, and he has collected several good swords and a large sword, Frost and Snow, but he doesn't like to use things that others have used. It's okay to collect them, but it's better to have brand new ones as fighting partners.

Well, just like a woman...

So Noah thought about asking the old man to help him make two swords that match his status.

Why two? Of course

, it's because Noah prefers dual swords! People who are familiar with Shirou Emiya know that Shirou Emiya is better at dual swords.

The only concern is the value of the"elixir of rejuvenation". Noah is not a fool. This kind of thing will cause bloodshed no matter where it is. Kuina is Kuina, what if her grandfather is not a good person.

Noah planned to observe it first and then decide whether to give it to him. Although the elixir was precious to him, he had no obsession with immortality at his age. Besides, this thing could only make him young again once, and it didn't make him immortal after drinking it. So it was even less attractive to Noah.

"Okay, by the way, what's your name, Grandpa?"Noah was a little embarrassed. He was a polite child. It was not right for him to not know the other person's name after chatting for so long.

Noah didn't know. He just chatted with the old man for a while, but Zoro had chatted with the old man many times, and was even���I have directed it many times, but Zoro, this EQ idiot, didn't even know the name of this old man until he died. Even after he knew he was Kuina's grandfather, he didn't think of asking his name until he went to Wano Country and learned it from Tenguyama Hitoru.

I can only say that Zoro is an EQ idiot. If Zoro's character was not thick-skinned, he would probably be scolded.

"Huh?" The old grandfather was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that someone would ask his name. He has been in seclusion for a long time. Children nowadays don’t recognize him. They even only know that this village was built by pirates, but they don’t know what the pirate is called.

The old grandfather grinned and laughed:"Hahaha! You kid is much more polite than that green algae-headed kid! That kid has guided him several times and never thought of asking my name."

Finally, the old grandfather paused and introduced solemnly:"My name is Shimotsuki Kozaburo, and I am a swordsmith from Wano Country!"

The old grandfather, no, Kozaburo seemed to be extremely proud of his identity as a swordsmith, which shows his status in the field of swordsmithing.

"Ah, it can be seen that the old man is an excellent swordsmith!"

Yes, Noah can really see that although Kozaburo's physical strength has declined, his aura of a great swordsman is unmistakable. If a great swordsman is not proud of his identity as a great swordsman, you can imagine his success in the field of swordsmithing.

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