Noah looked up at the sky and felt that a long time had passed. It was time to go back. His maids were probably finished with the test.

So Noah said goodbye to Kozaburo:"Grandpa Kozaburo, I have something to do at the dojo. I'm leaving now. I'll bring you some wine next time!"

Kozaburo had already returned to the cape where he fished. He didn't say anything, but just turned his back and waved his hand.

Noah saw Kozaburo's carefree look and didn't care. He turned around and left.

When he returned to the dojo, the maids were just walking out of the dojo and preparing to go back to the boat.

"Eh? The competition is over so quickly, how was it?"

Noah was a little surprised. There were ten people after all, how come the test was over so quickly.

Liya was a little hesitant, hesitant to say:

"Lord Noah, except for Irene, Sibel and Elena, we...we...we are not going to learn kendo!"

Liya closed her eyes and announced her decision.


Time goes back to when Noah ran out of the dojo.

Koshiro turned to look at the maids present, squinting and smiling, and asked:"Have you ever learned kendo?"

Liya and the others thought about Noah's teaching, which was a terrible teaching. They wanted to shake their heads to say no, but they were afraid that it would affect Koshiro's judgment, so after thinking about it, they answered honestly:"Lord Noah once taught us."

At this time, Liya stepped forward and said:"But Lord Noah said that Irene has a good talent for kendo."

"Oh?" Koshiro was a little distressed at first. What was the difference between having been taught once and never having learned? In other words, he would have to start from the basics. But when he heard that a girl named Irene had good talent, Koshiro was also a little excited.

"Then please let Irene and Zoro compete, I want to see Irene's level."

At this time, a maid who looked calm but a little naive seemed to be tripped by something, staggered forward and answered:"Yes, Master Koshiro!"

Zoro didn't care. Having a battle was what he wanted. He had fought all the adults here, and only Kuina and a few adults were not his opponents. This made him a little distressed and bored.

Now there was a new unknown opponent, which made him a little excited, especially Noah once commented that Irene had a good talent in kendo.

After the two sides bowed, they stood facing each other with bamboo swords in hand. Irene held the sword with both hands in the standard one-sword style, while Zoro on the opposite side held two swords, obviously a two-sword style swordsman.

""Yes." Koshiro nodded slightly with some satisfaction, because Irene's sword-holding posture was very standard and stable.

You know, if the sword-holding posture is not standard, it is easy to hurt your hand, and it is impossible to use the power that the sword-holder should have.

""Aaaah!" Zoro, the impatient one, rushed forward first, holding the bamboo sword on both sides and pointing forward, like a ferocious bull.

Irene was frightened by Zoro's momentum and took a step back, but she gritted her teeth and subconsciously used the basic sword technique she practiced to block with the horizontal sword.

Zoro chopped down fiercely with both swords in hand. The sound of bamboo swords breaking through the air came, accompanied by the sound of bamboo swords colliding.

Although Zoro was only eight years old, his strength was already on par with the adults in the dojo.

Although Irene had been trained, the training time was too short. Although she was eighteen years old, her strength was not as good as Zoro.

After a stalemate, Irene felt her hands numb and weak. She could only shake the blade to shake off Zoro's bamboo sword, then slide to avoid Zoro's front, and then cut towards Zoro from bottom to top, but was blocked by Zoro with his sword.

Knowing that she was not as strong as Zoro, Irene adopted a quick attack method. She did not get stiff with Zoro. She held her hands The sword swung like the wind, and the blade turned into afterimages. The sound of dense bamboo swords colliding could be heard in the dojo. The sudden quick attack caught Zoro off guard, and a cold sweat broke out on his face.

Irene did not give Zoro any chance to counterattack, and practiced the basic swordsmanship on Zoro in a flash.

However, as Irene's physical strength weakened, the momentum of the fierce attack continued to weaken, so that Zoro had gradually regained the right to attack.

Offense and defense are in different positions!

Just when everyone thought that Irene would be defeated at the fastest speed, the ending was not the case.

At the beginning, she barely avoided Zoro's attack, but gradually, Irene had evaded Zoro's attack with some agility by sliding.

However, since some attacks could not be avoided, Irene could only block with all her strength. In the end, Zoro picked up his double swords, and Irene could not hold the bamboo sword in her hand and was picked up by Zoro and defeated.

"Not bad!"Although Irene lost, Koshiro still gave her affirmation.

"Irene already has the basics, she just needs to practice more and spar more, she's just not very proficient."

To be honest, Koshiro feels a little bit unbelievable about Irene, who has only recently started to learn kendo. This talent is no less than Zoro.

If it weren't for her physique, Koshiro even doubted that her talent exceeded Zoro's, after all, Zoro has been in the dojo for more than a year.

Alas, it's a pity that she is a girl~

The disciples in the field were whispering to each other.

"This country is one!"

"Is it another Kuina?"

"I feel like Zoro almost lost."

"Fortunately, the other person is an adult, otherwise we would be embarrassed again."


Everyone was talking to each other. Some people thought that Zoro was careless at the beginning, otherwise Irene would not have been able to suppress Zoro for so long. But others said that Irene had just learned kendo and could suppress Zoro for a while. She was already gifted. They thought that the excuse that Irene was an adult was untenable.

However, as Koshiro raised his hand and pressed it in the air, everyone quieted down.

Then Koshiro tested the other maids again. He was surprised to find that the other maids had good talents. Even Sibel and Irene's kendo talents were only lower than Kuina and Zoro in the dojo, and they were only slightly worse than the two.

Of course, the others were much worse than Irene, Kuina, Zoro and others, but they were all good seedlings of kendo. Are the kendo talents of people on the sea so high now?

Kendo seedlings are also crowded!

Koshiro did not hide anything and told the test results to the girls. In fact, the girls had compared them privately and agreed with this result.

The girls gathered together for a small meeting.

Liya spoke first:"I don't think I will learn kendo. My talent is not as good as Irene and you."

"Sister Liya, I think so too!"×6

They all felt that their talents were not good enough, so they might as well focus on training. Anyway, whether it was physical training, kendo, or the path of devil fruit, training was the right thing to do.

In addition, even if they later found that their other talents were not as good as kendo, they could still learn from Irene and the others, which would not delay their training.

After all, even if they practiced kendo, they could not compare with Irene and the others.

"That's fine. If you really want to learn kendo later, you can come to us." Irene patted her chest and agreed confidently.

After the meeting, Liya said to Koshiro,"Master Koshiro, we have discussed it and asked you to take care of Irene, Sibel and Elena. As for the rest of us, we plan to concentrate on physical training. Please teach us how to do it."

"Hmm?" Koshiro was somewhat surprised by the decision of Liya and the others, but he did not say much. Instead, he nodded and smiled gently:

"Sure. It would be much easier for me if I just guide you guys to exercise."

"Thank you so much." Liya bowed slightly to Koshiro to express her gratitude.

"Then let's go back and change clothes before coming back"

"Well, go ahead."

Then the girls and Noah met at the entrance of the dojo.

Time goes back to the present.

"So that's it……"Noah supported his right hand with his left hand, and pinched his chin with his right hand, looking like he was thinking.

Seeing that Noah was slow to respond, the girls were a little worried that they would go against Noah's wishes and make him angry, but it was obvious that they were overthinking.

Noah suddenly smiled slightly,"I'm very happy that you have this idea. I never thought that each of you would practice kendo. After all, everyone has something they are good at. At first, I was afraid that you would hang yourself on a tree, and I was thinking about how to convince you. In the end, I'm really happy that you can be so clear-headed!"

"I hope you can keep going. I hope each of you is not my puppet. I don't like puppets. I don't like things without souls. Because my eyes can see something special, I prefer things with souls. For me, things with souls are colorful and interesting, but things without souls are only black and white, which is extremely boring."Noah looked at the girls with some joy, thinking that they were worthy of following him.

Well, the souls in the Blin Blin Land were shining with colorful light, which was really beautiful.

"It's okay. In addition to kendo, this world also has taijutsu. Sister Irene, don't be surprised. Most of the top masters in this world are masters of taijutsu. On the contrary, there are only a few masters of kendo. Well, there are more masters of devil fruits than masters of kendo."Noah comforted.

Noah didn't lie. Who are the top masters of kendo among the top masters in the pirate world?

Well, it seems that there are quite a lot...

But Hawkeye is the only one who is purely a master of kendo.

So if you think seriously, kendo is not as brilliant as the other two.

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