The girls were relieved to see that Noah did not blame them at all, but looked particularly happy.

They happily returned to the boat, changed into simpler training clothes, and went to the dojo to ask for advice on a day's training.

Koshiro did not hesitate. He asked the girls to wear leggings and other weights to run around the island, but required them to pass by the entrance of the dojo every lap.

The girls did not ask any questions, and they just tied on the weights and started a day of training.

Koshiro sat at the entrance of the dojo and watched the disciples practice, and from time to time he stepped forward to correct the disciples' mistakes.

Every time the girls passed by, they could come to the entrance in advance to observe the girls' running posture and physical condition, and correct them if their running posture was wrong or their breathing rhythm was wrong.

Later, Koshiro called Michelle

"Michelle, stop, don't run, stop slowly, and then relax your tense muscles to the side."

Then, he asked Joanna to run another half circle and then walk back slowly. He also gave instructions to the others, some asked to run half a circle, some asked to stop after one-third of a circle, and some asked to stop after one more circle...

For a great swordsman like Koshiro, it was easy to grasp the physical endurance of the girls.

Almost everyone was approaching or reaching the limit of their bodies.

Then Koshiro taught the girls how to relax their bodies and let them rest for a while, and then told them the time for collective morning exercises tomorrow.

Yes, Koshiro usually supervises a large group of disciples, but the girls The girl had just arrived, so he wanted to see the quality of the girls first, so that he could be sure when the time came.

It must be said that Koshiro was a very responsible master. He had a rough grasp of the physical fitness of each disciple, and could roughly estimate which disciple might be close to the limit during training, so that he didn't have to observe them one by one.

Unknowingly, it was already night, and Noah took out the food stored on the ship and invited the disciples in the dojo to eat.

These disciples had never seen such a sumptuous dinner before, and they ate with their mouths full of oil. Their favorability towards Noah and others was raised by several levels.

"Noah laughed. Most of these children have been living in the village. Although they have no worries about food and clothing, they are self-sufficient. They have never seen such a sumptuous meal."

Koushiro clinked his sake with Noah's red wine, and said apologetically when he saw the disciples eating and drinking.

"Master Koshiro, this is nothing. By the way, I met Senior Kosaburo today and had a great time with him, but why didn't he come out this time?"Noah didn't care about the behavior of his disciples at all. Instead, he looked around and found that Kosaburo was not present. He felt a little strange, so he asked Kosaburo why.

"Oh? Noah, have you seen my father? A long time ago, my father rarely appeared in public."Koushirou was a little surprised to hear that Noah knew his father, because his father rarely appeared in front of outsiders.

"So that's it……"Noah nodded in realization:"Then please help me bring this pot of sake to Senior Kosaburo."

He handed the pot of sake to Kosaburo and added:"Don't worry, it's just a small pot."

Noah didn't know that people in this world live freely.

As long as they are alive, they can drink as long as they want and go to bars as long as they want, just like Kosaburo, who is old and dying, but still smokes.

Kosaburo certainly didn't refuse.

He took the wine from Noah and smiled gently:"Then I thank you for the wine on behalf of my father.

" Kosaburo put the wine aside and said to Noah:"I didn't teach you today because your kendo level should be close to that of a swordsman.

It's not appropriate to teach you in the dojo.

Come to my backyard at night.

" Noah didn't feel any dissatisfaction because of Kosaburo's neglect.

He also knew the situation at that time.

Although the dojo was large, there were many disciples.

It was okay for the disciples to compete with each other, but there was not enough space to teach Noah.

So Noah was not at all surprised to hear Koshiro's explanation.

"Thank you very much, Master Koshiro."Noah nodded his thanks and said he didn't mind.

At night, when Noah came to the backyard, Koshiro was already kneeling on the backyard corridor waiting for him.

"Sorry, Master Koshiro, I'm late. Noah apologized politely.

"It's okay, I meditate here every night. The openness and tranquility of this courtyard cannot be compared with the house."Koushiro smiled gently.

""Okay, Noah, let's get started." Koshiro said as he took out a bamboo sword from the bamboo bucket and walked into the yard.

Noah did not hide his two-sword style and took out two bamboo swords from the bamboo bucket on the other side.

"Oh? Noah is good at two swords?" Koshiro was a little surprised.

Noah nodded and said,"I have never practiced two swords, but I do think it is more convenient. Of course, I will use one sword first."

As he said that, Noah put a bamboo sword beside him, then took a bamboo sword and stepped forward.

"It's okay. To learn dual sword style, you must first learn one sword style." Koshiro did not question Noah's statement.

If ordinary people heard someone say that he was good at dual sword style without ever practicing it, they would have scolded Noah for being too ambitious.

But Koshiro knew that Noah would not lie, because from the swordsmanship when fighting with Kuina, it can be concluded that one sword style is not Noah's limit.

Koshiro continued:"Noah, your swordsmanship is already very close to that of a swordsman. I have never seen such a young swordsman. In fact, I have nothing to teach you. After all, the road to becoming a great swordsman can only rely on yourself. I can only guide you on how to become a swordsman and correct some subtle mistakes in your swordsmanship."

Noah was not angry or surprised when Koshiro said that there were mistakes in his swordsmanship.

Although he inherited the swordsmanship of Frost and Snow, it was impossible for him to practice with Frost and Snow all day long.

If he didn't hold it, his memory would be much vaguer.

Moreover, when he didn't hold it, he would at most know how to practice, but there would always be some subtle mistakes when practicing.

After all, it's not possible to have a martial arts secret book with a lot of annotations without making any mistakes.

It's true that Noah can correct his mistakes with Frost and Snow, but after all, he can't learn quickly without a proper master's teaching.

"Okay, Master Koshiro."

Then, the two began to spar with each other using basic sword techniques, and Koshiro's finger pointing sounded constantly.

"Noah, when you chop, you need to use force not only in your hands, but also in the forward movement of your body."

"Noah, raise your hand one centimeter."

"Noah, you are not using the right force on your waist when cutting horizontally!"


In the competitions, Noah's mistakes were pointed out one by one and corrected by him at the speed of light.

Many mistakes were made in a tiny amount. Although it was usually not noticeable, sometimes the difference between strong men was just a tiny amount.

Just like when Liu Chenxiang and his uncle Yang Jian were competing, Chenxiang always missed Erlang Shen by a tiny amount, and because of that, he failed to dodge Erlang Shen's attack.

Koshiro knew that Noah was a kendo genius, so he knew that it would be more effective to point out mistakes through actual combat, but he did not expect that every time he corrected, Noah would make corresponding modifications immediately afterwards, and each mistake would only occur once. In just five minutes, Noah corrected all the mistakes.

Koshiro spent another ten minutes to test whether Noah would make the same mistake again, but the result was that Noah was like a machine and did not make any mistakes.

This made Koshiro sigh that the world's number one swordsman, Zoro, probably had no chance.

He admitted that Zoro was very talented. Zoro had an amazing talent for kendo. He knew how to hold a sword even before he learned two-sword style. Zoro also had a sharp intuition like a wild beast, plus a physique and recovery ability like a wild beast.

But Noah had all these, and Noah was even stronger. Through the previous competition, he was shocked by Noah's strength that was inconsistent with his age. Although he had"heard" that Noah's strength was very good through his observation Haki beforehand, he was still shocked by the strength during the fight.

After this instruction, Noah's foundation has been very solid. Of course, it cannot be said that Noah's swordsmanship is flawless, but Koshiro can no longer see it. The rest will naturally be understood and corrected in battle after battle, or it can be said that it will become more suitable for himself.

"Noah, do you want to try the dual sword style?" Koshiro looked at Noah gently, with a hint of anticipation flashing in his narrowed eyes, expecting Noah's dual sword style to bring him greater surprises.

""Good!" Unlike Koshiro's relaxed expression, although they had only sparred for fifteen minutes, Noah was sweating profusely at the moment, but Noah's physical strength was constantly recovering, so Noah did not reject Koshiro's proposal.

Originally, Noah came here for Koshiro to teach him the two-sword style.

Noah picked up the bamboo sword not far away and walked slowly towards Koshiro.

One step, two steps, and the third step fell, Noah suddenly accelerated and attacked Koshiro.

The two-sword style has faster and more intensive attacks than the one-sword style, and it can also achieve one attack and one defense, with seamless cooperation.

But the two-sword style may also be at a disadvantage in terms of strength because one hand holds the sword, and it is also very difficult to master the two-sword style.

It's like drawing a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand. Many people can do it after training, but it may not be possible in battle, and swordsmanship is more refined than drawing circles and squares.

Noah rushed towards Koshiro, waving the sword in his right hand towards Koshiro. Shiro's chest was chopped off, but it was blocked by Koshiro's bamboo sword.

But at the same time, Noah chopped Koshiro with the bamboo sword in his left hand.

Attack the enemy and save him!

Koshiro's blade shook, quickly blocking the swung bamboo sword, and at the same time slashed at Noah.

Noah crossed his two swords to block Koshiro's attack, and then shook the swords to move forward and launch further attacks.

At this moment, Noah seemed to be born for the two-sword style. Sometimes the two swords turned into continuous attacks, and sometimes they switched between the attacking sword and the defensive sword at will, making it impossible to guess which sword was the attack and defense. Sometimes both swords were used to resist and turned into the strongest block, blocking Koshiro's bamboo sword.

But Koshiro was a great swordsman after all. In the continuous attack of the two swords, he could always find the weak point to attack, causing Noah to stop the offensive and return to defense.

In the end, Noah's energy was consumed to the limit in repeated attacks and defenses, and Koshiro called for a stop.

"That's all for today. Although your physical strength can still fight for a while, your spirit has reached its limit."Koshiro squinted his eyes and lifted his glasses with his hand, smiling.

Noah did not refute. His spirit had indeed reached its limit. After all, Koshiro could always find his weakness to attack, forcing him to spend a lot of energy to pay attention to Koshiro's attack. However, in these exchanges, he felt that his two-sword style had improved rapidly.

""Okay, thank you Master Koshiro for coming tonight." Noah said, panting. He felt a headache when he thought about helping the girls to nourish their bodies tonight.

Koshiro put the bamboo sword back to its place and waved to Noah,"Don't be anxious. Come in and have a cup of tea before you leave."

Noah did not refuse and followed him in.

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