On this small island, a man and a woman were happily playing with the golden ore in their hands.

It was gold!

These two people were none other than the lucky girl Bakara who suddenly escaped from the Sabaody Archipelago and the future Golden Emperor, Gilder Tesoro.

Tesoro looked at the gold in his hand, and then his mind moved. The gold instantly turned into a ball of liquid, and soon turned into an exquisite ring on his hand.

Seeing this, Tesoro showed a proud and even arrogant smile, and laughed:

"Hahahaha! The gold reserves here are good, with more, my abilities will surely improve faster!"

Bakara was also holding the gold bricks in her hands, with a satisfied smile on her face as the golden light flickered. She was particularly satisfied with this partner, and even the future boss.

Family members know their own business.

Although her own fruit ability is good, she really does not have the potential to become a strong person.

So her first choice is to find a golden thigh to hold on to.

So she found Tezoro through the guidance of fate.

At first, she was a little puzzled as to why luck did not let her join the Three Emperors, but after contact, she found that maybe this man was not as powerful as the Three Emperors, but was more compatible with her own abilities.

In particular, she and the other party had a good common language.

For example: hate gamblers.

Bakara smiled and said,"Remember to help me with my casino!"

Tezoro agreed without hesitation,"Don't worry, I won't forget it. How could my future business empire be without a treasure pot like a casino!"

Tesoro knew that he could find the gold mine thanks to the woman in front of him, and the interests of this woman and himself were not in conflict, but very consistent. Such a partner was so comfortable.

However, Tesoro thought of something, and said gloomily:"The Tagen people are dead? Humph! It must be the fault of those Celestial Dragons! Wait! One day I will use money to lock their throats tightly, and then they will be slaves of my money! Hahahaha!"

Tesoro clenched his fists, and then clenched them suddenly.

Bakara also knew Tesoro's plan, but she didn't say anything about it.

It's not that she is directly against the Celestial Dragons, but rather giving them benefits, using a method of boiling a frog in warm water to achieve her goal.



Bakara asked doubtfully, but soon Bakara remembered something, covered his mouth and said in disbelief:"Could it be that you escaped from that incident... uh……"

Bakara wanted to continue, but seeing the murderous look in Tezuolo's eyes, she knew better and didn't say anything.

She turned her eyes and suddenly saw Tezuolo's left hand. Her eyes lit up and she laughed and changed the subject, saying,"You still need a ring on your hands. I have one for you. You won't be able to wear it without one."……"

But before she could finish her words, Tezulo grabbed her neck, stared at her with bloodthirsty eyes and said,"Don't test my bottom line again!"

Game over! Another landmine...

Bakara slapped Tezulo's hand weakly twice, nodded desperately, and said,"I know.……"

Thinking about the role of this woman, Tezulo quickly let go of his hand and slowly calmed down his tone and said,"Sorry, after I extract the gold from this island, I will find pirates to absorb your luck."

Bakara coughed a few times, rubbed his throat, and annoyed in his heart:

If the luck storage had not been used up in finding this island, he would not have been strangled so easily.

No! It should be that he would not have stepped on the landmine twice in a row!


Liya and the others were half a step behind Noah, searching for food on the island.

Suddenly, Liya poked her head and said,"Lord Noah, do you need to pay attention to the people on the island?"

Because Liya consciously activated her observation Haki, she had already discovered the location of the outsiders on the island.

Two people.

One of them had a good aura, but for them, even Kuina could fight with this person, and there was even a possibility of victory.

Noah pinched his chin and said,"Since we have met, although they are not qualified to see me, they don't even ask for an audience, which is really too much of a disregard for me!

How about this, you go find them and see who they are, I always feel a little familiar, of course, if you think it's boring, it doesn't matter if you kill them."

Noah said so, and Liya responded respectfully and disappeared on the spot.

Kuina said to Irene with a little worry,"Sister Liya, won't it be a problem if you are alone?"

Irene was just in a daze, and when Kuina touched her, her body tensed up instantly, and she said"ah" in response to the stress. After finding out that it was Kuina, Irene said with a slightly red face:

""Sorry, what were you talking about?"

Kuina looked at the sword master in silence. She was a natural fool in life and had to repeat the question she had just asked.

After hearing this, Irene said"Oh", and then said in confusion:"Since Lord Noah asked Sister Liya to go over, there must be no problem!"

She didn't understand why Kuina had such concerns.

Kuina's mouth twitched slightly, and she opened her mouth to refute, but judging from Noah's past performance, it seemed that there was nothing wrong. In the end, her cheeks flushed and she only said:

"That makes sense!"

Noah in front suddenly smiled for no reason.

Suddenly, Elena exclaimed,"There is a wild boar over there!"


"Top quality game!"

"Come on, Sister Elena, use your scalpel skills!"

"no problem!"


Liya was running in the direction of the smell.


Liya appeared on a tree. She leaned against the tree and murmured,"We're almost there."

Bakara was sitting on a boulder, holding her chin and watching Tezoro extract the gold with boredom. She couldn't help but ask,"How long will it take?"~"

At this time, next to Tesoro was a large stack of gold that had been turned into bricks by his ability. It was estimated that it was worth more than 2 billion Baileys.

The Gold-Gold Fruit was indeed the fruit that Doflamingo was reluctant to give up in the original work. It could produce so much gold in a short time.

However, he probably underestimated the value of the Gold-Gold Fruit, otherwise he would not have released this strategic-level fruit just to stir up the auction.

Of course, if it weren't for the lucky girl Bakara, Tesoro would not have been able to find such a huge gold mine so quickly.

However, extracting gold from a gold mine is still quite physically demanding.

At this moment, Tesoro looked like he had just been fished out of the water.

After hearing Bakara's question, Tesoro sensed the gold mine underground and said,"It's almost there. It will be extracted in two days. Together with the previous ones, we will have the starting capital."

Bakara smiled and crossed her slender legs, saying,"Great, we should be able to recruit people now!"

"No one can resist the charm of gold, so there will be no shortage of employees!"

Tezoro said confidently as he looked at the gold that was constantly oozing out from the ground.

But just after he finished speaking, he suddenly shouted in a low voice in one direction:"Who!"

At the same time, the unformed golden liquid that had just oozed out from the ground turned into golden guns and shot towards that direction.


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