Has he been discovered?

Liya secretly said that she was careless.

When she saw Tesoro extracting gold just now, she suddenly remembered the identity of this person. This was the one who robbed Lord Noah's Golden Fruit at the auction.

What? You said that Noah didn't even shout out the price at that time?

What a joke. As long as the transaction is normal, there is nothing that Lord Noah can't buy. Isn't this equivalent to robbing from Lord Noah?

At the same moment when Liya discovered it, she unconsciously ignited a trace of murderous intent towards the thief who robbed Lord Noah's fruit, especially after seeing the stack of gold on the ground.

This should have belonged to Lord Noah!

It's just that Lord Noah doesn't care!

It was just this little bit of murderous intent that instantly alarmed Tesoro.

Because he had been a slave, Tesoro was particularly sensitive to murderous intent.

In Marijoa, he was deprived of even the right to laugh, but that alone was not enough. The most important thing was to sense the murderous intent in advance and dispel the other party's murderous intent in advance.

It was because of this experience that he came to���After the world, it was easy to get started with observation Haki.

According to his guess, he should have gone through countless observations in Marijoa before, and he was already at the point of awakening Haki, so he awakened it directly after getting the Haki method. On the other hand,

Armament Haki is still in its early stages, sometimes working and sometimes not.

However, with the blessing of the fruit ability, it has made up for some shortcomings in attack and defense.

Of course, the premise is not to encounter natural systems.

Moon Step!

Liya instantly dodged a golden spear shot at her, stepped on the air, and after the Armament Haki covered her legs and feet, she kicked off another golden spear that was shot at her, and muttered in her heart:

There is no trace of Armament Haki attached, it seems that his Armament Haki is still very weak.

Yes, Armament Haki can be wrapped around the weapon as long as it reaches the entanglement level.

He can't even entangle, let alone release it.

After Liya somersaulted, she landed steadily on the ground, suppressed her murderous intent, and said calmly,"Please come with me."

Although she said"please", her tone was full of indifference, and the coercion was self-evident.

"【[Indestructible Barrier] Leah? Noah's head maid?"

Tesoro stared at Leah with an ugly expression. Although there was a question in his words, his tone was very sure of Leah's identity.

Damn it! Is that monster also on this island?

It must be on this island. Why does he want me to go there?

Does he want to imprison me and use me as a mining machine?

Damn it! I should have replenished Bakara's luck first! Tesoro regretted why he was so anxious to go to the island, even if it was to let Bakara absorb some of the luck of the sea king.

At the same time, his eyes were full of doubts. He deeply understood the strategic nature of his fruit ability.

In his plan, he must at least have the strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Only when he becomes powerful will he step to the fore. At that time, his own network of interests will have covered the Three Emperors and the World Government. It will not be so easy for these strong men to touch him, and there is no need for them to do so.

But now, Tesoro feels that he may not even be able to beat the maid in front of him, not to mention that this maid is said to be not the strongest among the maids.

Soon Leah told him that his estimate of his strength was correct.

Leah frowned, feeling a little unhappy about Tesoro's hesitation and silence, and seeing that this posture was obviously determined to resist to the end.

Lord Noah is still waiting for me to serve him!

Thinking of this, Leah moved her feet, and the whole person suddenly disappeared from the sight of Tesoro and Bakara.

"What is this? Six Styles!"

Tesoro exclaimed in astonishment.

Such authentic Six Styles even made Tesoro doubt whether the so-called Noah was a Celestial Dragon, or a high-level Celestial Dragon.

After all, the point that people admire about Noah is that inexplicable nobleness.

But Tesoro soon denied this speculation. Noah almost killed a Celestial Dragon in public, which even shamed the Celestial Dragon.

Although Tesoro knew that Liya was not from the World Government or the Navy, when he saw the proficient Six Styles and heard the cold words, he couldn't help but have murderous intent in his heart.

This reminded him of the CP agent who guarded the Celestial Dragons back then.

"Damn it! Golden splashes!"

Tezoro quickly touched the gold beside him, and saw that the pile of gold melted like ice cream. Under Tezoro's control, the golden liquid turned into a semicircular barrier to protect himself and Bakara.

As long as Liya touched this kind of splash, her body would turn golden.

At the same time, Tezoro fired the outer surface golden liquid like a bullet.

The bullet did not hit anyone, but exploded from the air, and golden flakes rained down all around.


Although Liya didn't know what these things were for, her instinct from many battles told her that it was better not to get involved with them.

So she summoned a barrier, and then the barrier wrapped around her body like armor, and then she rushed straight in.

Tesoro did not sense that gold had entered the human body, but he sensed the traces of gold being moved by humans, which meant that something had passed through the gold, but the gold could not attach to it.

Before Tesoro could react, he heard a figure breaking through his golden barrier and rushing in.

Tesoro's face was horrified, and Bakara also looked at Liya who rushed in in horror.

Liya was ruthless and didn't say much. She directly blessed her armed color, and then gave Tesoro a kick in the face.

Although Tesoro barely protected his face with gold, he heard a sound like glass breaking, and the gold protecting his face was kicked to pieces by Liya in less than two seconds.

Tesoro flew backwards���, and then fell heavily against the tree


Noah and the others noticed the movement on the other side of the forest.

Joanna was holding a carnivorous rabbit that looked cute but was actually extremely ferocious, and whispered,"It seems that Sister Liya is having a lot of fun."

The camera zoomed out, and saw a group of bruised carnivorous rabbits on the ground, estimated to be more than a hundred in total.

Elena and Rosalind picked up a carnivorous rabbit, kneaded it, observed the texture of the meat, and laughed,"This carnivorous rabbit should taste good"

"I've heard of them before, but I didn't expect to see them in the New World."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this rabbit is quite ferocious and can actually survive in the new world."

At this moment, Liya glanced at Bakara who looked terrified and said softly:"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Liya sensed Bakara's strength and felt that her aura was similar to her own when she had just started practicing. She thought that Bakara should be the poor woman that Tezoro had tied up to play with.

Especially since Bakara was wearing sexy clothes, Liya was even more certain of this.

So Liya stared at Tezoro and thought to herself:

I kicked her too lightly just now!

Bakara thought she was finished, but she actually encountered such a female Rakshasa. You know, this beautiful and weak woman is a pirate with a bounty of 380 million Baileys!

(Although Noah and others have not hung the pirate flag, everyone else unanimously believes that such a vicious person is definitely a pirate.)

Her luck is now gone!

But when she suddenly heard Liya's gentle comfort, Bakara was confused at first, and she even pointed at herself with an unbelievable look on her face.

However, Bakara, who had been struggling in all kinds of people, soon understood her situation, and quickly used her gender advantage to cry with her hands clasped together:

"This beautiful and kind lady, this guy tied me up and said he wanted me to be his woman……"

As he said this, Bakara wanted to reach out and hold Liya's hand.

Looking at the hand that was about to touch, Bakara said in ecstasy:

It's almost there, it's almost there, as long as I touch her, I can suck all her luck, and then the victory and defeat can be reversed


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