"By the way, what kind of devil fruit ability does this woman have?"

Sibel poked the tightly tied woman in front of him.

At the moment, it was Michelle who was driving the boat, and this voyage was still easy for Michelle.

Liya also shook her head and said,"I don't know, it feels very dangerous."

It was because it was too dangerous, so every time he wanted to touch her, he had to hit her neck hard to make her fall into a deep coma before he dared to touch her.

At this time, Noah said,"I know her devil fruit ability!"

The girls immediately shifted their attention.

As an eyewitness, Liya's experience of almost being hit made her very curious about Bakara's ability.

"Lord Noah, what is her ability?"

Noah smiled and said nothing, just tapped his cheek.

Liya immediately came without hesitation, and then continued to ask under the blushing expressions of Kuina and Kerla.

Noah did not keep it a secret, but thought to himself: Girls and women are simply two different creatures. Hey, it's light, there is no such feeling of blushing and heartbeating when touched.

"This woman has a superhuman concept ability, the luck fruit, which can absorb the luck of others, and then consume this part of the luck to achieve the effect of making their wishes come true and avoiding disasters."

Against the will of heaven!"

These two words flashed through the minds of the women.

Especially Vanessa and Roland, they envied this ability.

Or rather, all those who do scientific research envy this ability.

In the past life, there were countless people who won the Nobel Prize by accident, such as penicillin.

Why do we have to record every process every time we do an experiment?

In addition to recording experimental data, it is because we are afraid that some unexpected situation will create a big surprise, but you don’t know how it came about.

Because this is not the result of a normal process, but an unexpected product of some wrong process.

So the most challenging thing in scientific research is It is rigorous.

Vanessa experiments with the fusion of certain medicinal effects hundreds of times every day, but most of the products she gets are useless or even toxic.

The key is that the toxins are very weak, and they are useless if they don't kill people!

If she had Bakara's ability, wouldn't she get the proportion she wants after trying it once or twice?

The same is true for Roland. The materials are never enough and innovation is always needed.

The formula of the alloy is the fusion of various metal raw materials. It is no exaggeration to say that if the proportion is a little different, it will lead to a thousand miles of error.

If Roland had Bakara's luck, wouldn't he save a lot of time?

"What would happen if you were hit?"

Liya asked weakly.

Noah smiled and lifted the chin of this cute little Liya and said,"Your luck is back to zero. Drinking cold water will cause a toothache. Even if you save fabric for me, you will fall flat on your face. It is normal for your stomach to suddenly feel uncomfortable and your blood circulation to be disrupted. It would not be surprising if a meteorite fell from the sky and hit your little head."

Liya was frightened and her face turned pale, and her brain stopped working.

Even Sibel couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Good guy, drinking cold water will cause a toothache, then won't I choke to death on my favorite barbecue?

No, no, I might as well die without meat!

Elena stroked her chest and said thankfully,"It was a close call. If sister Liya hadn't reacted in time, they might have succeeded."

The girls nodded and took note of it in their hearts. They should never take a seemingly weak target lightly at any time.

Noah smiled and said,"Don't be so nervous. It's okay. As long as your domineering power is stronger than hers, her power will not work. She will be a piece of cake in a head-on battle. Even if she is stronger, you can just chop her with a knife or hit her with a stick. There are many ways!"

The girls breathed a sigh of relief, but they were cautious in their hearts.

After all, who would use domineering power to touch someone for no reason? The main thing is not to trust strangers.

"Vanessa, how is he?"

Noah pointed at Tezoro, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Vanessa smiled and said,"Fortunately, he is in good health and will wake up tomorrow at the latest."

"Wow, I thought it would take three days!"

Noah shook his head and sighed that he didn't use enough strength.

Vanessa smiled and shook her head. If someone else said that, she would have to beat him up like this and treat him so that he could see her medical skills.

Liya recovered from the lingering fear and walked to Noah and asked,"Lord Noah, do you plan to subdue this person?"

Liya understood Noah. Noah had recruited others several times before, but he always had that kind of indifferent attitude, whether they agreed or not.

It's not that he doesn't value the other party, but he thinks that the other party is destined to be in his pot. If he doesn't follow his guidance and enter the pot now, sooner or later he will jump into the pot himself. On the contrary, this Tezoro is very novel. Noah actually brought him on board, obviously intending to persuade him physically again.

In short, Noah values this man very much.

""Hmm, it's strange?"

Noah responded casually, then turned his head and smiled.

Liya also told her feelings truthfully.

"Those two navy monster vice admirals have never received such treatment."

Noah smiled, but he was not surprised. He just kicked Tezoro and said,"This kid, I think he is destined to be with me.……"


What the hell?

Lord Noah was still very fierce last night. She was a person who experienced it personally. There was no possibility that he was gay!

Countless evil thoughts emerged in Liya's mind like a tide. She even looked at the slightly sturdy Tezoro.

"Hey! Liya! What are you thinking about!"

Liya was called back by Noah in an instant. She asked Noah what he had just called her for, looking confused.

Noah stared at Liya calmly. After a while, he slowly said,"I always feel that you are thinking about something bad."

"How is it possible!"

Liya screamed like a thief, and then said softly:"Please forgive me……"

Noah listed the legendary"Twenty-One Demands" of unequal treaties, and Liya could only agree with tears.

Noah finally smiled and nodded, rolled his eyes at Liya and said:"Who told you to think too much? Just think about it. Learn more and be more restrained. Although lying is not good, you will be looked down upon if you can't even lie."

Liya bowed with a bitter face and agreed. This scene made the sisters smile.

Liya made up her mind to throw away the collection of books when she returned.

But after thinking about it, she felt reluctant to do so. Although she learned a lot of dross, she also learned the essence of it. Otherwise, she would not be favored by Lord Noah.

In the end, Liya decided to tear up the dross and keep the rest.

Noah finally looked at Tesoro and said calmly:"From the perspective of his compatibility with the Gold-Gold Fruit, this man is very suitable to help me collect treasures from all over the world. He is also a person with a dead heart. As long as his heart disease is cured, he will be a loyal minister and a fierce general. As for the two lieutenant generals you mentioned, it is too much effort. Moreover, with your assistance, the combat power is probably enough, so I am not in a hurry."

When Vanessa heard about the treatment, she became interested, especially the heart disease. This disease has not been recognized in the medical community, and many people don't even think it is a disease.

But knowing Hiruluk, she knew that there might be heart disease in this world, and the mind really can affect the body. For example, her evolution reagent is, to some extent, the product of the mind affecting the body, not to mention the domineering ability she has mastered. The domineering itself is the embodiment of mental and physical strength.

And Lord Noah had told her before that heart disease is indeed a thing, and even explained the principle of how heart disease affects the body.

"However, Lord Noah, how do you plan to treat this disease?"

Vanessa's eyes were full of anticipation...

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