"Cure illness?"

Noah smiled and shook his head,"I'm not a doctor, how can I cure illness?"


Vanessa pouted, sulking like a child, a rare occurrence.

"Sorry, sorry, that's not what I meant."

Noah used his free hand to pinch Vanessa's puffy cheeks, then said seriously:"The treatment I'm talking about is not comfort or medication, but to eradicate his illness from the root."

The girls looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Vanessa opened her mouth but didn't say anything, as if she felt that this kind of thing was simply too outrageous.

Noah smiled and said:"Since he is sick, there must be a source. Can't we just erase the source?"

"Travel through time?"

"Change the past?"

Luo Lan and Vanessa exclaimed, with a trace of sweat on their little faces.

"Noah... Lord Noah, this is not something to joke about..."

Vanessa said with a stuttering laugh.

However, Noah just muttered to himself:"If the trouble is caused by something wrong said in the past, you can interrupt before the words are spoken.

If you did something you regret, you can go back and stop it.

If you were weak and powerless at that time, you are better now than you were then, and it can be avoided.


Noah turned around and stared at Tezulo, who was tied up tightly on the ground, and said,"If you go back now and still can't undo the regret you had back then, then you haven't grown at all in these years, and your failure is doomed."

The girls saw that Tezulo had woken up at some point, with tears streaming down his face, and gritted his teeth and said,"Can you really let me go back to the past?"

Noah stretched out one hand, and an inexplicable energy appeared in his hand. He explained:

"Have you ever heard of the saying, the past cannot be reversed, but the future can be changed?

It means that no matter how great a scientist is, no matter how special a person is, even the person with the ability of the To-To-To Fruit cannot change the past.

Not to mention changing the past, they cannot even teleport a strand of hair back to the past."

The girls scratched their heads and ears:"Huh?!"

Tesoro's head burst into a cross, and he even ignored his own injuries and kept struggling and roared:"Are you kidding me?! Damn it! I……"

At this moment, Tezulo seemed to fall from hope to despair. He even threw away his previous plan to swallow his anger and work for a few years before stabbing his boss. Now he just wanted to bite to death this bastard who was dancing on his wound.

However, Noah did not care about their words and expressions, but just said to himself:

"The strong can choose their own future. When their domineering aura is strong enough, they can predict the future and choose the future they like. Therefore, the future is the most important in the eyes of the strong, but it does not mean that the past cannot be changed."

For the devil fruit, scientific creations cannot return to the past, because these are all within the scope of the rules, and the creations of scientists are in line with the laws of physics.

But Noah is different. He once imitated"Nuwa mending the sky", which is undoubtedly a great merit for the pirate world. If it weren't for Im doing something dirty, Noah can be said to be omniscient and omnipotent now. However, Noah is still equivalent to obtaining the"administrator" authority of the world. It is still okay to let one person go back, but the premise is not too much.

When Tesoro heard"It doesn't mean that the past cannot be changed", the whole person calmed down from excitement in an instant. He was neither as happy as at the beginning, nor as angry as he thought he was fooled later. He just said lightly:

"I can offer my loyalty to you as long as you let me go back ten years ago, let me go back to the Shampoo land ten years ago, please!"

Tesoro knelt up with difficulty, and then knocked his head on the deck like a reptile with a bang.

Noah did not look at Tesoro, but stared at the dark green energy in front of him. This energy was weird and creepy. The surrounding time and space seemed to be sunken in it, making people feel dangerous and powerful.

Noah thought for a long time, and suddenly said:"Ten years? Okay, but you have to understand, no! It's about remembering a few things if you don't want to die."

Tesoro's eyes were firm, and he said sincerely:"Please say it!"

Noah thought for a while and said:"I can send you back to Shampoo land, but you have to understand that it's okay to go but it's hard to come back. Do you know what it means?"

Tezoro was not shaken at all.

What does it mean?

Doesn't it mean that if you want to return to the present, you can only live little by little?

This is not a punishment, time has not disappeared, and life span has not been reduced out of thin air. Moreover, being able to live with Stella is not a waste of life!

Noah felt that he had asked in vain, but the next step was the key point. Noah said with a serious expression:

"After sending you back, you must remember that you cannot drastically change history, you can only follow history. As for how to follow history and quietly change the result to what you want, this is your ability. If you intervene and drastically change history, then the backlash of time and space will crush you into dust, and what you want to do will be restored to its original state."


Tezulo looked unhappy. He couldn't control the scale.

Originally, he thought he could just go to the slave market and throw a few gold bricks to buy Stella. At worst, he could just rob her. With his strength, it was easy to rob a slave.

But now what kind of bullshit restriction is Noah talking about? Can he just watch Stella being taken away?

Tezulo's face was uncertain. He gritted his teeth and told Noah and others the story of himself and Stella, hoping to get their help.

Xibel, Joanna and others wiped their tears.

Michelle wiped her tears and cried,"How pitiful! No wonder Lord Noah said that Tezoro was a heartless person. Stella is so pitiful."

Joanna stared at Tezoro with a murderous look on her face, and said with tears in her voice,"Tezoro, you are such a useless man. You actually want to earn money to buy Stella. If I just rob her, aren't you very good at planning? You were so weak before, but you could still rob the Golden Fruit at the auction. Why are you so honest when it comes to Stella!"

Xibel also stared at Tezoro with dissatisfaction and said,"That's right, even if you buy it with money, you should cheat on weekdays. How much money can you make by working?"

As a former big sister, although she took honest money, she didn't care about cheating some rich and unkind pirates or nobles.

For a while, the women kept denouncing Tezoro.

Tezoro lowered his head in regret after hearing this.

Yes, if I had woken up earlier, I would have redeemed Stella long ago.

Noah looked at the criticism meeting in front of him and just shook his head helplessly.

At that time, Tesoro was just an ordinary working class, the so-called cattle and horses.

He had no dreams and was running around for a living. He met a slave who was willing to believe in his dreams. He wanted to redeem her, but the thinking and morality of mortals still limited him, so he would rather work several jobs and never thought of using other means.

Stella should know it too, but she didn't say it. She just felt that Tesoro at that time was so beautiful. In this filthy era, there was a good man who could work hard to make money for a slave like herself. Her life had never felt so fulfilled.

In fact, they were each other's pillars at that moment.

Noah said,"You really can only let that celestial dragon take her away."

Tesoro's eyes were full of disappointment, but he became firm in an instant and said,"Then I will go to Marijoa to save her!"


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