He is a lovesick person.

Marijoa is not a good place, especially for former slaves.

Just like Tiger before, he can endure the pain and return to the dark place in the past, which is admired by everyone.

But these are not important to Noah. He shook his head and said,"No matter what, you have to remember that there is a kind of weight problem in this world. People like you can influence the existence of one party, so the history of your past cannot be changed."

Vanessa was a little surprised and said,"In other words, the safest way is to let Stella die in Marijoa as the news spread in the past. Then I can prepare some potions for Tezoro." Vanessa turned and entered her room. After a while, she took out two bottles of red and blue potions and said,"Blue is a fake death poison. It is more powerful than the previous one, and of course it is more secretive. Red is for recovery, but it must be taken within an hour, otherwise you will really die."

After Joanna went to untie Tezoro, Tezoro looked at the two bottles of potions tightly in his hands, and countless plans flashed in his eyes.

Noah used all his strength to send out a beam of space-time energy, and then a door seemed to appear in the air, revealing a strange dark green space inside, which gave people the same feeling as the scene inside Bruno's space door.

""Okay, let's go in."

Noah wiped his non-existent sweat, but in fact, it was not easy for him to open this thing. It was mainly the time and place. A slight deviation might deceive Sihai. Moreover, it was not easy to make a stable channel in the long river of time. It was because he had soaked in the river and had some insights. Otherwise, it would be impossible.

Tezulo was a little nervous, but he swallowed his saliva and walked in bravely.

"Remember, when you do good things, find a place to lie dormant quietly and don't cause any trouble, so that you can avoid the revision of history."

Noah warned with his back to Tesoro.

Tesoro nodded gratefully and said,"I will come back to find you!"

Then he rushed in without looking back.

Joanna asked worriedly,"Lord Noah, can he save Stella?"

Noah lay back comfortably and said,"How should I know? Anyway, if I succeed, I will get a financial minister and a general. If I fail, I will get a ruthless treasure collector. It doesn't matter."

Noah just felt that he valued talent at the beginning. Many people said that Noah was a saint, but as a king, he couldn't have only maids under his command. Value-chasing talent is a common problem of a king.

Didn't you see that Cao Cao even let Guan Yu go, and he was still a general under the future opponent who would compete for the world!

Talents are rare!

Noah sighed in his heart. He has been a king for decades and he was deeply touched by this sentence. If it weren't for the rarity of talents, he wouldn't have been reluctant to let go of Im.

Although she is a crazy woman, she is also great at handling things!

Leah, on the other hand, looked worried:"What if he is found in Marijoa and killed?"

Noah waved his hand and said,"Impossible!"

The girls looked over in confusion.

This should be very likely.

In fact, it was true. Although Marijoa was invaded by Tiger, that was because part of the Knights of God had to guard Im, and part of them probably went to play that ridiculous hunting game. Otherwise, even if there was chaos for a while, the situation would be under control soon.

Noah could only stand up and explain:"It is true that the past cannot be changed. In other words, what makes you think that the history you know now is not a history that has been changed? The so-called changing of the past is actually inevitable and has already happened.……"

According to Noah, time is like a thread. There is only one thread in the past, but there are countless threads in the future.

The past cannot be changed unless you reset the entire world and return it to a state of chaos.

The so-called modification of history and change of destiny is actually history itself, following destiny.

Noah continued:"There was no news of any intruders in Marijoa at that time, otherwise it would not be hidden from Tezoro at that time."

"This world is like a huge computer. They will describe the stories of people with high power in detail and use enough computing power, but the world outside the scene adheres to letting nature take its course, which is the room for them to operate."

When Luo Lan heard this, he finally understood what Noah said and said,"In other words, everything is destined, and the more powerful people are, the more they are watched by fate."

Noah nodded, this is inevitable.

The girls couldn't help but be silent after hearing this, and a kind of inexplicable sadness arose spontaneously.

Seeing this, Noah hugged Liya and comforted the girls,"The strong are still strong, the path he chose has not changed, and even the strong have made choices on behalf of God to a certain extent, such as choosing the future they like from countless futures, so there is no need to feel uncomfortable."

Noah is right. God has spent countless thoughts just to set up the script, so how can he have the energy to arrange what everyone should do!

The girls felt relieved after hearing this, and they were busy with their own things in an instant.

Noah touched his nose and sighed that he would not say such words next time. Not only is it tongue-twisting, but it also makes people feel desperate.


After walking for a while, Tesoro didn't know when the surrounding scenery had changed to the scenery of the Chabady Archipelago.

The people around were surprised at this person who suddenly came out, thinking that he was a strong man, so they just looked at him and lowered their heads.

Tesoro grabbed a newspaper from a person who looked like a human trafficker.

In the 1500th year of the Haiyuan calendar, O'Hara was destroyed!

That's right, the time is right!

I really went back to ten years ago!


Tesoro clenched the newspaper in his hand, and he quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the slave market. He wanted to fly over and see his lover who he could only meet in his dreams countless times...

But he finally held back.

After looking around for a while, Tesoro determined the direction. After a while, Tesoro's dress changed drastically.

Tesoro wrapped himself tightly, and even his green hair was not spared, focusing on it.

If possible, Tesoro even wanted to shave his hair. This green color was too eye-catching, although it was his favorite hair.


Slave market.

The slaves here look lifeless, like animals being locked in cages for people to watch and buy. But there is one slave here who looks particularly different, with light in her eyes.

This slave is Stella.

Tezoro is wearing a hood, and his whole body is hidden under a black robe, but his clenched hands still show his inner excitement.

"Ugh, Stella……"

At this moment, Tesoro felt relieved. All the bitterness and deep hatred of the past became a thing of the past, and the huge stone in his chest seemed to be removed. At this moment, Tesoro found that the world was still colorful. He couldn't help but want to sing a song, but he was suppressed by reason.

Noah may have missed one thing, that is, the human heart.

He could have endured the darkness, even if he had seen the light before, but this did not mean that he could accept the darkness again after the light was gone.

Tesoro has been in darkness all his life. The only light was his dreams and Stella. After the light passed, he just returned to darkness, but now Noah gave him light again, and this time he could no longer endure the arrival of darkness.

If Tesoro failed to save Stella this time, maybe Tesoro would rather find a place to die quietly.


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