At this time, Kozaburo came over smoking a cigarette and said,"Noah's strength is top-notch in the East China Sea. Even in the first half of the Grand Line, there is no need to worry too much, but he is still not strong in the sea. As for his strength,……"

Kozaburo thought for a while and said,"I was a pirate for a while and was hunted by the navy. I feel that Noah's strength is stronger than that of an ordinary vice admiral."

"Huh? How is that possible!"The girls and Zoro were a little surprised. Noah's strength was only slightly stronger than the headquarters' vice admiral?

How strong would the headquarters' general be?

Seeing the doubtful and unbelieving eyes of the crowd, Kozaburo couldn't help but remind them:"Hey, hey, hey, don't underestimate Dahai. Most of the headquarters' vice admirals have gained their positions through military merit. Their strength can only be said to be okay, but they still know the two-color domineering. Noah can defeat them with his good observation Haki and excellent use of armament Haki!"

"But the elite lieutenant generals of the headquarters are different. They are proficient in two-color Haki, and there are also outstanding Renryu Sakura among them. Moreover, they have been through many battles and have rich combat experience. They don’t have too many shortcomings. Noah is only twelve years old, so his Haki is still a little less, and his combat experience is also insufficient."

"Simply put, an elite lieutenant general can easily beat three ordinary lieutenant generals. As for the general, he is a monster of another level. If ten elite lieutenant generals surround and beat up the general, several of them will die if they are not careful. It is even possible that all of them will be killed if the operation is not done properly. Moreover, they cannot stop the general if he wants to leave!"

"There is also a deputy admiral among them. They have basically reached the level of admirals. They may be weaker than admirals, but still much stronger than elite vice admirals. Don't underestimate them when you meet them."

Kozaburo spoke with some fear about the division of power on the sea, and his fear was naturally directed at the navy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the navy is the largest armed organization in the world.

If any two emperors on the sea attack the navy, the navy can win. Although the possible consequence is that the navy will lose control of the sea from then on, it has to be said that the navy is really strong.

Noah saw that the girls were a little shocked and disappointed, and couldn't help but comfort them:"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on with you? I should be the one who is disappointed!"

"Senior Kozaburo is right. That attack just now may have given you a big illusion. In fact, that attack just now was my strongest attack. My current Haki is not enough to launch a second attack. And the scene just now was also partly caused by the collision with Haki of Senior Kozaburo."

Zoro was also shocked and a little dazed, muttering:"It turns out that I am so far away from the world……"

On the contrary, Noah was not affected at all. He was even excited about how powerful this world was. He felt like he had been invincible for too long and suddenly found that he had a large group of opponents.

At this moment, Noah's mood was somewhat similar to that of Hawkeye when he resumed his identity as a pirate in the future.

"I felt the warrior's trembling excitement for the first time in a long time!"

"Zoro, this world is huge, with so many powerful opponents, isn't your blood boiling?" Noah said while looking at Zoro, then paused, with a playful expression on his face, and said with a smile:

"Are you so scared, Zoro, that you are shaking all over?"

Zoro came back to his senses from his endless reverie when he heard Noah's ridicule. He shouted angrily at Noah,"How is it possible!"

Then he curled his lips and smiled evilly,"I can't wait to get into the passionate training and fight these strong men right away!"



"Sooner or later, I will go to sea, at the age of seventeen! I will go to sea when I am seventeen. I hope that by then your reputation will have spread throughout the sea, otherwise I won’t be able to find you!"

Zoro arrogantly challenged Noah.

Noah looked at Zoro, who was only nine years old, in a daze. His thin face was full of determination and fighting spirit.

Immediately, Noah smiled and said,"Don’t worry, Zoro, when you go to sea, I must have become the strongest. If you want to challenge me, Zoro, you have to eat more meat and get stronger quickly."

Noah knew that Zoro’s words were both a challenge and an instruction.

Don’t die, Noah!

Zoro was worried about Noah’s going to sea, because he had learned from Kozaburo about the vastness of the sea.

"Humph, I hope you sit on the strongest throne and wait for me to pull you down!" Zoro said proudly with his mouth curled

"Hahahaha." Noah thinks that tsundere people like Zoro are particularly interesting.

Kuina looked at the agreement between Noah and the other man, and the depression that had just risen in her heart because of Kozaburo's words also disappeared.

She felt her swordsmanship that had not been promoted for a long time, and made a decision in her heart.

As for the girls, to be honest, they were the girls with the biggest hearts Noah had ever seen. Just now, they just couldn't accept that their Lord Noah was so far from the top strong.

As for fear, according to them, they were the strongest shield of Lord Noah, so how could they be afraid in front of Lord Noah!

Noah summoned the girls and glanced at them. 's mental outlook and physical strength, he could not help but nodded with satisfaction.

Most of the girls have matured physically, and their bodies are not restricted by their age.

Unlike Kuina, who is only eleven years old, her physical fitness is restricted by her age.

Although with the help of the Suzaku Fruit, her physical limit has been broken several times, but now Kuina's body seems to have reached a limit, and she cannot break through the limit no matter what. If she practices forcibly, her body will collapse before the limit is broken. She can barely use the Six Styles to shave, but she cannot use it frequently.

Zoro can't even use the Six Styles, but he has mastered them by heart.���It is only necessary to practice and train continuously, and you will be able to master it naturally.

Although Kuina's swordsmanship has become much stronger this year, her kendo realm is stuck at the level of a swordsman. She is just one piece of paper away, but she can't break it no matter what.

Kozaburo believes that Kuina may be in a bad state of mind or because her physique is not up to standard.

The reason why he thinks that the reason for not being able to meet the standard is that he feels that if a person's physique is not enough, he cannot resonate with the things around him, and thus cannot feel the breath of all things.

Noah agrees with this statement. Excluding talents with outstanding mental strength, strengthening the physique is the only way to strengthen the senses.

The girls are now strong enough to perform the six styles, and the swordsmanship of Irene and others is about to advance to the level of a swordsman, especially Irene. Recently, Noah feels that Irene's edge is becoming more and more prominent, as if she will rush out at the next moment. I believe that as long as she goes through a suitable battle, Irene will be inspired and everything will come naturally.

The reason for this price is the continuous efforts of the girls day and night, the treatment of Joanna and Noah, and the fact that the area of Shimotsuki Island with a radius of dozens of kilometers has become a restricted area for sea beasts and sea kings.

Well, in order to replenish the physical consumption of the girls, Zoro, and Kuina, Kozaburo has to go fishing every day. His body is almost pickled by the sea water for a whole year.

There is no way, who owes Noah a big favor, and there is also a share for his beloved granddaughter and cheap apprentice.

Of course, Noah is also a big meat eater, and a quarter of the meat goes into him.���Stomach

"Maids, we are going to go out to sea tomorrow. The hard training has come to an end, but we can't relax later. We still have to do the necessary exercises, but we don't have to work so hard."

At the end, Noah looked at the girls with a caring smile and said,"You have all worked so hard this year!"

The girls felt warm in their hearts, as if something warm flowed into their eyes, and for a moment it seemed as if the hard training this year was nothing.

Even the always steady Leah secretly wiped her eyes.

The two youngest sisters, Michelle and Joanna, cried and said,"Asshole, Lord Noah! He is so gentle!~!"

Well, this sudden tenderness directly caused critical damage to the girls, and it also came with a buff that ignored armor.

"Well, especially Miss Joanna, you have worked so hard!" Noah looked into Joanna's eyes, smiled sincerely and nodded in affirmation.

To be honest, if it weren't for Joanna, the girls would have died countless times with this level of training.

After all, Noah didn't have special healing magic or healing magic, so the magic power could only nourish some injuries. Some minor physical injuries every day were okay, but breaking through the limits of the body, breaking the container and reshaping it, the magic power was definitely not enough.

When Joanna heard Noah's soft voice and saw that loving look, she could only overload her brain to show respect!


Joanna's eyes turned into circles and she lay in Michelle's arms.

Noah just smiled when he saw it, nothing else, he was used to it.

Noah called���The women went to pack their belongings and check the ship first.

Well, Noah had fired the sailors a few months ago, as well as the cooks.

They asked if they wanted to renew the contract, and Noah immediately looked at them as if they were looking at a magical animal, wanting to see what their faces were made of.

Seeing Noah looking at them silently, they knew they had asked an idiotic question, so they just kept silent.

To be honest, they had eaten and drank for free this year, and they didn't have to go out to sea. They had gained weight. This kind of life was something even gods wouldn't change.

The main reason why Noah didn't renew the contract was that the women could already replace the functions of these sailors.

Navigators: Leah, Loran.

Helmsmen: Michelle, Sibel.

Lookouts: Irene, Joanna, Alyssa.

Cooks: Irena, Rosalind, Joanna.

Doctors: Vanessa, Joanna.

Odd jobs: Michelle, Alyssa.

Some people have multiple roles, such as Joanna. Because she is the user of the Suzaku Fruit, she has good eyesight and is suitable to be a lookout. Because of her fire control ability, she is also good at cooking. Finally, because of the powerful healing ability of her healing flame, she has always been the best candidate for the ship's doctor.

However, the maid with the best talent in Chinese medicine is the gentle and considerate Vanessa, so Joanna's job as a ship's doctor is mainly an assistant, and there is not much work.

As for cooking, the chef still has to look at Elena and Rosalind. Joanna is their apprentice, but cooking is Joanna's interest.

The lookout is mainly Irene, who often practices kendo on it.

After Noah gave the girls the task, he headed towards the direction of Koshiro's dojo, intending to say hello in advance.

Noah arrived at the door of the dojo, and the students saw Noah coming and greeted him enthusiastically.

Noah has always had a good relationship with children and played well with his disciples.

Noah also smiled and nodded in return, and joked from time to time:"Hall, I heard that you have been peeking at Mary in the village recently. Is it true?"

"What? You ask me how I know this? Isn't this something that every gym knows?"


After a while of talking and laughing, Noah finally said goodbye to everyone and said that he was going out to sea.

Suddenly, the whole gym was silent, and a few seconds later, the whole gym was noisy again.

"What? Noah, are you really leaving?"

"Why are you leaving so soon, Noah?"

"Yes, I remember that you were only twelve years old, Noah. Why did you leave so soon?"

"Well, no wonder, Noah is already so strong. He defeated Kuina as soon as he came in. I wonder how much stronger he is now!"

"I heard that the usual tremors on the island are caused by Noah!"

"No way, who told you that?……"


Some people were puzzled by Noah's departure, some understood him, and some were curious about the rumors about him. But no matter what, they were reluctant to leave.

Noah could only comfort them, saying that the sea was so vast and they would definitely meet again.

Noah also gave everyone a small bag of gold coins, which was worth about one million Baileys. Although it was not much, it was enough if any of them wanted to go out to sea.���They bought a better knife, or a lesser knife and a small boat.

Of course, if they did not go out to sea, these gold coins would be enough for them to live comfortably for four or five years.

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