Noah got rid of the crowd and came to Koshiro.

Seeing how popular Noah was, Koshiro smiled and said,"Noah, you are so popular."

"Well, they are all children, pure and without any calculations. I feel very comfortable with them. After all, I am also a child." Noah said with a smile at the end.

Koshiro then remembered that the boy in front of him was only twelve years old, only one year older than his daughter. He said in a trance:"Yes, I often forget this."

After a moment of silence, Koshiro bowed again and said:"Thank you, Noah, thank you for everything you have done for my father."

"No need to thank me, we all get what we need."Noah intentionally or unintentionally missed Koshiro's bow and walked to sit not far from him.

"Besides, Kuina and I are friends, and it can be seen that Kuina may have more feelings for this grandfather than you do."

Noah said with a smile in his tone, teasing Koshiro.

Koshiro did not feel any emotion at all because of this, but nodded and said generously:"My father's hometown values boys over girls, but he loves Kuina very much, and even prepared Wado Ichimonji for Kuina before she was born."

Noah was surprised by this and said,"Oh? I have seen that knife, it is simple and plain, and it is a very light straight blade. It seems that Senior Koshiro prefers girls. After all, this knife is not domineering enough for a man."

Koshiro narrowed his eyes and smiled,"Yes, I was also very surprised at the time, because in Wano Country, every samurai family will prepare a sword for their baby before it is born, so that the sword and the owner can grow together. At that time, there was no newborn child in the family. After asking carefully, I found out that it was cast for my future child. He was afraid that when I got married, he would not have the strength to forge a sword, so he specially cast a sword early."

"That's good." Noah smiled faintly and poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip.

"I came here to say goodbye to you. We will leave tomorrow. Sister Liya and the others asked me to express their gratitude to you."

Koushirou paused as he was about to take a sip of tea, but soon recovered and said,"Irene is indeed a good candidate for kendo. I believe she will definitely walk out her path to becoming a great swordsman."

"As for Xibel and Elena, Xibel has a good physique and can learn from my Shimotsuki swordsmanship.……"

Thinking of Elena's swordsmanship, Koshiro was a little overwhelmed. It was even more bloody and terrifying than the Ashura swordsmanship passed down by Shimotsuki.

"Try to control the killing and read more medical books."

Noah silently remembered this. This was the teacher's final instruction to his students.

The two chatted for a while, and then Noah left first.

In the evening, Noah saw three maids practicing kendo talking about kendo together, so he smiled and approached them to talk.

"Huh? Why are there only three of you? Where's Kuina?"

In the past year, the relationship between the three girls and Kuina has made great progress because of kendo. Except for Joanna, Kuina has the best relationship with the three.

Elena smiled and said,"Kuina, I guess she's competing with Zoro again. She said she'll find us later."

Kuina originally wanted to stop being a sparring partner for Zoro, but Zoro kept pestering her, and every time Kuina couldn't stand Zoro's taunting skills, and she also enjoyed it after the fight.

"I see."Noah had never seen this before. This was probably the bond between Kuina and Zoro.

Irene looked stern and asked with a fighting spirit,"Lord Noah, do you want to spar tonight?"

This innocent little sister gradually became a battle maniac in the past year. As soon as she saw Noah, she wanted to pull her sisters to challenge Noah, just like forming a team to fight a BOSS.

At this moment, Noah also understood how Kozaburo felt about himself. With cold sweat on his forehead, he waved his hand and refused,"No, you are now stuck in a bottleneck, and you can't break through it with ordinary sparring."

Irene's momentum immediately deflated like a balloon after hearing this, but she also knew that Noah was right.

Seeing Irene's unsatisfied look, Sibel smiled and comforted her,"Irene, let's go and say goodbye to Kuina later, otherwise I don't know how long it will take before we see each other again."

After hearing Xibel's proposal, Irene instantly stood up and shouted excitedly to Xibel and Elena:"Xibel, Elena, let's go find Guina, let's go!"

As he said that, he pulled the two of them towards the place where they had been communicating before, and even used the shaving to speed up the way. Sibel and the other two also followed Irene.

Noah was helpless and speechless about Irene's strong desire to fight. He sighed and followed.

On the other side,

Kuina and Zoro stood opposite each other.

Unlike in the past, tonight Zoro suddenly proposed to have real sword training with Kuina, and he also took out the two blunt knives given to him by Kozaburo.

Kuina was just stunned for a moment, but because of Noah's depression about to leave, she immediately agreed and wanted to vent.

The huge full moon illuminated the figures of the two, and the breeze blew through the grass and woods, rustling.

At this moment, the two people standing with swords in their hands were also staring at each other in their hearts. Kuina held the Wado Ichimonji in both hands, and Zoro held two swords and stood in a horse stance one above and one below

""Get ready!" Zoro stared at Kuina solemnly and shouted through gritted teeth.

Kuina did not dare to be careless at this moment. After all, it was a real sword practice. She raised her brows and shouted seriously:"Begin!" As soon as the voice fell, Zoro shot out like a spring, and rushed towards Kuina with a weakened version of Razor.

Kuina also rushed up with a sword at her side and a not-so-experienced Razor.

Zoro bent his body and crossed his two swords to slash at Kuina. Kuina took the initiative and slashed at the intersection of the two swords to clamp the attack of the two swords.


In an instant, sparks from the collision of swords burst into the air, and then there was a sound of steel friction from grinding teeth.

The two gritted their teeth and stalemate back and forth for a while, Both parties drew their swords and jumped back to distance themselves.

As soon as they stood firm, Kuina swung her sword upwards to split Zoro's double swords, then leaped forward with both hands holding the swords to slash, but Zoro blocked her sword in time.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Under the quiet moon, the harsh sound of swords clashing and sparks flying resounded throughout the area.

In the end, it was still the same action. Kuina suddenly approached and picked up Zoro's double swords. Zoro couldn't dodge and fell to the ground. Kuina took the opportunity to hold the sword in her backhand and stabbed it next to Zoro.

"The 2000th duel, win!"

Kuina's mouth drew a smug smile, and then habitually taunted:"Zoro, you are still so weak!"

Since Noah came, Zoro has been much stronger than the same period with Noah's guidance in practicing the six physical techniques and swordsmanship.

It's just that Kuina has grown faster because of Noah's arrival. However

, my progress has begun to slow down recently, and my speed of becoming stronger is no longer as fast as Zoro.

Kuina pulled out the Wado Ichimonji that was stuck in the ground, walked to the steps next to her with an uncertain face and sat down.

This look made Zoro choke on the words he was about to say in anger, but he soon cursed:"Hey! Kuina, what's with that expression on your face! You obviously won just now!"

"Sauron……"When Kuina heard Zoro's words, she opened her mouth slightly and wanted to say something.

""Hey, Kuina, let's have a fight!"

Irene's battle-minded voice came from afar. Kuina and Zoro looked in the direction of the voice, only to see Irene rushing over here in a flash.

When Kuina saw that it was Irene, she immediately threw her worries aside, stood up, waved and shouted,"Irene, I'm here!"

Irene saw that Kuina was indeed here, and immediately walked faster.

Sibel followed behind Irene with a relaxed look, and said,"Hey, it seems that we are lucky. Kuina has just finished fighting."

Although Irena's physique is not as strong as Sibel's, it is not worse than Irene. She also followed closely behind Irene and said,"Well, it seems that we can spar in a while. It shouldn't take much effort for Kuina to beat Zoro."

I don't know if it was because of the intense exercise, Elena's voice sounded more like shouting, so Zoro heard it in the distance. Zoro's face was full of black lines, and he cursed,"Damn, you women! What do you mean Kuina doesn't need much effort to beat me!"

Irene ran to Kuina, ignoring Zoro beside her, and said,"Kuina, let's duel. We are leaving tomorrow, and we don't know how long it will be before we meet again."

As soon as Irene finished speaking, she noticed the long sword in Kuina's hand, and said excitedly,"Huh? Do you want to have a real sword fight?"

About a year ago, Noah gave Frost Snow to Irene.

At the same time, Geng��lang also bought two big swords from the auction house-Crying Blood and Cold Moon. Noah gave Crazy Blood to Irena and Cold Moon to Sibel.

Because the two are consistent with the characteristics of the sword, and this is also the fact, Irena and Sibel are very compatible with the swords given by Noah.

"Sure, I can be the referee!"

Before Kuina agreed, Noah's voice with a smile sounded beside her.

The next moment, Noah appeared beside Kuina, looking at everyone with a faint smile.

Kuina saw Noah coming over, and a happy smile appeared on her face, saying:"Okay, it's just right that you are here."

That night, Kuina and Irene and others sparred until the early morning, mainly because of Irene and Kuina.

Because both of them love kendo, but their physiques are not monster-level, so they have more topics to talk about.

Before leaving, Kuina said to Zoro meaningfully:"Zoro, you have to work hard, I hope you won't be too weak in the next duel!"

Zoro just listened to it as normal, and habitually said indignantly:"Bummer! Kuina, I will definitely defeat you next time!"

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