The next day, Noah did not go to Isshin Dojo on purpose, and Koshiro did not come either.

This is quite common in the world of pirates. Well, it is the so-called"no tears are needed for a man's farewell" and so on.

Instead, a group of disciples came to see Noah off. After asking around, Noah found out that Koshiro specially gave the disciples a day off.

Noah and others had to get off the boat to deal with the enthusiasm of their friends.

Although the disciples secretly felt uncomfortable with Kuina, a little girl, suppressing them, their attitude towards the girls was surprisingly good. It might be because they treated the girls as sisters. Of course, there might also be some youthful and ignorant throbbing.

"Well, if one day you also want to venture into the sea, you can report my name when you encounter danger, and maybe I can save your life. Of course, if your life is not in danger, it is better not to shout."

Noah firmly believes that his name will spread throughout the sea in the future, and his name can also easily protect one side.

But after all, it is possible to provoke those desperate criminals. Although they may not be strong enough, they are still happy to make Noah feel upset.

After speaking, Noah and others returned to the boat. The boat slowly sailed away from Frost Moon Village, and Noah waved goodbye to everyone.

On the shore, the villagers guarding the shore were also crying and waving their handkerchiefs sadly to see them off.

A disciple asked curiously:"Uncle, are you familiar with Noah?"

The uncles turned around and said:"No, we are not familiar with each other.……"


"But with them around, we didn’t have to guard the shore for almost a year. Now that they’re gone, it means we have to start guarding the shore day and night again. I can’t help but feel sad!!!"


When the island was no longer visible to ordinary people, Noah retracted his gaze, looked around at the girls and smiled:"Sisters, what do you say, is there a place you want to go?"

The girls looked at each other, they didn't have any place they wanted to go, they could only say that wherever Noah was, there was a stable home.

So the girls shook their heads.

Noah didn't care, this world was new to him, he would play around in the East China Sea first, and then go to the Grand Line to have a look.

The main reason was that the girls and his strength needed to be tempered by the strong, otherwise Noah would not think of going to the Grand Line specifically.

But just after finishing a year-long training, Noah naturally would not rush to the Grand Line, and would first give the girls and himself a vacation in the East China Sea.

Noah shrugged and said indifferently:"Okay, then I'll just pick a destination."

Then he covered his eyes with the map and pointed casually, moved his hand away from his eyes and looked at the map, looking for the island closest to the selected place.

"Let me see, is this Clockwork Island?"Noah looked at it and said

""Eh? Clockwork Island? Lord Noah?" When Loran heard it was Clockwork Island, he became a little interested and asked.

Noah saw that Loran was very interested in Clockwork Island, so he nodded.

At the same time, Noah also remembered the information about Clockwork Island.

In Shimotsuki Village, Noah still kept the habit of reading various books every night. One of them was about the geography of the East China Sea, which contained information about Clockwork Island.

It is rumored that this is a very legendary island. The development of the entire island is based on clockwork, and the people on the island live on a huge stone that is based on clockwork. The stone is motionless because of the existence of clockwork. At the same time, they also use the mechanism designed by clockwork to prevent greedy pirates from coming and going.

It is no wonder that Loran, the scientist on the ship, is interested in it. It is estimated that Loran has taken a fancy to the clockwork mechanical technology of Clockwork Island and wants to see if he can buy some related books. Sure enough

, Loran said excitedly:"Lord Noah, can you give me some money to buy books when we get to Clockwork Island?"

Noah had no objection, nodded and smiled,"Sister Luolan, go ask Sister Liya for more. She usually takes care of the money. If it's not enough, come to me."

It's impossible that it's not enough. After all, he often picked up Bailey and treasures before he spent all the money.

When he was in Shuangyue Village, Noah often brought Bailey or treasures back from the beach.

"Yeah! Thank you, Lord Noah!" Luo Lan knew that this was a promise. As for Liya, she just looked at the money. As for the other people on the ship, they didn't care about the money at all. They just kept accounts and reported to Noah every month.

"Clockwork Island? I'm really looking forward to it!"

At this time, a familiar voice came from the cabin door.

"Right? Actually, I am looking forward to it too."Joanna, who happened to be standing next to him, nodded in agreement, and then reached back to touch it, but missed it, and her body couldn't help but stagger backwards.

Fortunately, she stopped moving backwards in the end.


When Noah and the other girls saw the person behind Joanna, their eyes bulged and their tongues trembled.

Joanna turned around and saw the same person with the same expression, shouting,"Hey!!! Kuina, why are you here???"

"Yes, Kuina, when did you get on the boat?"

Leah and the others also asked about Kuina's situation.

Noah was so shocked that sweat broke out on his forehead, and he stammered,"Ku... Kuina, did Master Geng and Senior Geng Saburo know that you ran out?"

Kuina lowered her head a little embarrassedly at first, then pretended to smile heartily and said,"I want to go on an adventure with everyone!"

"And if I stay in Shimotsuki Village, I will probably be surpassed by Zoro in a few years."


As for my father and his family , I have already left a letter. I believe they should have found out by now.

""Father, Kuina secretly boarded Noah's ship and ran away, what should we do?"

Koshiro held the letter left by Kuina in his hand. Although he still squinted his eyes, his tone was full of worry and even panic.

Although Kosaburo was a little anxious at the beginning, he calmed down after knowing that Kuina was on Noah's ship.

Because he knew Noah's strength, as long as he didn't provoke too powerful enemies, he could easily dominate the first half of the Grand Line.

Seeing Koshiro's worried and panicked look, he couldn't help but snorted:"Huh! Look at what you look like? Haven't you come out of Serena's shadow yet?"

Koshiro lowered his head in some pain and said:"Father, you know how dangerous the sea is and how fragile people are!"

Kosaburo certainly knew how dangerous the sea was. When he came to the East China Sea from Wano Country, he was in a mess just to deal with the climate of the Grand Line, and even almost had his ship destroyed and people killed. But seeing his son like this, he was also very angry.

"Bastard! No one can stop a person from going to the sea, just like you couldn't stop Shelina. You said people are fragile, but someone conquered the entire ocean!"

"Don't you understand yet? Koshiro! It's never people who are fragile, it's the heart!"

Koshiro looked at his son with regret, then sighed and said,"Don't worry, Koshiro, Kuina is safe with Noah. You, do you think Noah doesn't have the ability to take good care of Kuina?"

Koshiro said solemnly,"As early as three months ago, I felt that Noah had reached the top of the swordsman, and I didn't even doubt that Noah would break through to the great swordsman in the next second, but he didn't. He was accumulating strength, thinking of breaking through the great swordsman in one breath, and by the way, taking a long step forward on the road to the great swordsman!"

Koshiro squinted his eyes and glared slightly, saying,"Noah, how is it possible! He is only twelve years old!"

"Yeah, I also think it’s fake, but I have competed with him countless times, and every time I feel that he can threaten me at any time. Do you think this can be fake?"

"So, don't worry, it's time for you to come out. Serena doesn't want her daughter to be trapped on an island!"

As he said that, Koshiro took his pipe and walked towards the cape, apparently going fishing again.

Only Koshiro was left kneeling in the same place, his face uncertain. After an unknown amount of time, he finally smiled with relief.

Bang bang bang bang...

At this time, hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside the door. Zoro ran over, panting and asked loudly to Koshiro:"Master, I heard that Kuina went to sea with Noah, is it true?"

Koshiro also regained his calm at this moment, squinting his eyes and smiled:"It's true, Zoro"


Zoro lowered his head after hearing this, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said,"Master, please train me! I will work hard. Kuina will definitely improve quickly by following Noah to challenge the strong. If I don't work hard, I will definitely be laughed at next time we meet."

Koshiro was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"Okay, then Zoro must come to my place tomorrow afternoon to spar."


Back to Noah.

When the girls heard that Kuina had left a good message, they immediately said happily:"Oh, so, then welcome to join!"

Noah said angrily helplessly:"��I also know that this kind of behavior of acting first and asking for permission later is very worrying! Bastard!"

Irene hugged Kuina's neck and said with a smile:"It's okay, Lord Noah, Senior Kozaburo will understand us, and Senior Kozaburo understands us, and then he will definitely convince Master Koshiro."

Kuina quickly continued:"Yes, anyway, we are so far away from Shimotsuki Island, it's impossible to send me back."

Noah looked at Kuina. To be honest, Noah was happy that Kuina was on the ship. After all, Kuina was a little special in Noah's heart.

Well, Noah especially likes this kind of cool and cute girl, and Kuina happened to be this type.

So Noah sighed and smiled:"Well, Kuina, please give me more advice in the next few days!"

Kuina was stunned when she heard that Noah was willing to keep her, and then smiled in surprise:"Well! Thank you Captain Noah!"

Noah waved his hand and said:"Just call me Noah, just like usual."

Then Noah said to Irene,"Then Kuina will follow you, Sister Irene. It might be boring for you to practice sword alone up there."

When Irene heard this task, she hugged Kuina and laughed excitedly,"Okay, Lord Noah!"

Then she took Kuina around on the ship and found an empty room for her, which was right next to her.

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