One morning,

Noah was sitting cross-legged on the bow of the ship meditating.

The bow was a ferocious wolf head, which was specially made by Vic.

Although Noah didn't like it, he thought it would be troublesome to change it, so he didn't care about it. Besides, it was a place to sit, which was very comfortable and had a special feeling.

"Sir Noah, there seems to be a rocky reef ahead, should we take a detour?"

Sibel saw the stone pillars floating on the water in the distance, so he asked Noah on the bow in front.

Noah's ears moved slightly, and he opened his eyes and woke up, and sure enough, he saw a group of stone pillars in front.

Noah was very curious about the existence of such stone pillars in the sea.

It seems that there should have been an island here, but it was submerged due to crustal reasons or waves.

If so, it is estimated that the ship passing through this area is likely to run aground

"Sister Liya, I think the ship may run aground ahead."

Noah told his guess to the navigator Liya behind him.

Liya had already made up her mind and said,"Lord Noah is right, and the gaps between the stone pillars ahead are narrow, so it is very likely that they will scratch the side of the ship, so I suggest we take a detour."

Noah nodded and shouted to Sibel at the helm,"Turn left and take a detour!"

Sibel responded with full energy,"Yes, sir! Lord Noah!"

As the ship turned, everyone felt the movement of the ship and walked out of the practice room.

The first to come out was Kuina.

Kuina wiped the sweat from her head with a towel. Her wet hair showed her efforts in training.

"Noah, what's wrong? What happened?" Kuina wiped her head and asked with a little breath.

Irene followed closely behind. She was also very curious about the movement and said,"Yes, Lord Noah, what happened?"

Noah stood up, stomped his feet lightly, jumped six or seven meters in the air, and then turned over and landed steadily on the deck.

Noah put his hands on the two knives on his waist, shook his head and smiled,"It's nothing serious, just a normal detour. There is a stone pillar belt ahead. I don't know if there will be reefs."

As he said, he said to Michelle next to him, with helplessness in his voice,"Sister Michelle, go quickly and call Joanna down."

Michelle smiled, with a gloating smile in her tone, and said,"Okay! Lord Noah."

After that, Michelle stomped her feet and"ran" quickly towards the observation room with the moon step.

When Michelle entered the observation room, after a few seconds, Joanna's wailing was heard from above.


"I was wrong, Michelle, stop pulling, it's going to break!"

Michelle pulled Joanna's ear and stuck her head out.

Joanna knew she was being lazy, so she didn't dare to struggle, and just begged for mercy:"Michelle, my good sister, I treat you the best on the whole ship, be gentle!"

Michelle was unmoved, but just smiled and advised Joanna not to struggle, it seemed that she was going to sacrifice her own family for the sake of justice.

Noah covered his face and asked helplessly:"Sister Joanna, what's the reason this time?"

Joanna hesitantly said:"Uh, this... This is because... Because I was practicing hard just now, so I didn't notice it, yes! , That's why."

Just when Joanna was praising her perfect reason, Michelle next to her said:"Sir Noah, Joanna was just being lazy and reading a magazine just now"

"No way!" Joanna turned her back to Noah and blinked at Michelle, begging for mercy.

Michelle raised five fingers to signal.

Joanna's face changed, and she was weighing the pros and cons.

But it was obvious that Michelle was unwilling to wait, and shouted:"Noah,……"

Joanna quickly stopped Michelle and was about to agree with reluctance when her expression suddenly changed. She pointed to the back of the ship and said,"Look! There are pirates!"

Michelle was disdainful and said,"Joanna, don't try to play tricks on me.……"

"No, look!" Seeing that Michelle didn't believe it, Joanna broke free from her hands and twisted her neck backwards.

Michelle wanted to scold Joanna for touching her at first, but when she saw a pirate fleet appearing behind the ship, she immediately shouted,"Lord Noah, there are pirates! One o'clock behind the ship."

He broke free from Joanna's hands and jumped directly from the window of the observation room.

Joanna followed closely behind and said excitedly,"Lord Noah, there are pirates following behind."

Noah's ship did not fly a pirate flag. It originally had one, but Noah didn't want to be chased and beaten by the navy as soon as he went out to sea, which would affect his travel.

Maybe it was because there was no pirate flag, and the decoration outside was very gorgeous, so the pirates might think that it was a noble family going out to sea for fun. Pirates like to hijack this kind of ship the most, because they must bring a lot of money when they go out to play, and they are nobles, so they can make much more money by hijacking such a ship than by hijacking ordinary passenger ships.

"Oh?"Noah led everyone to the stern of the ship.

Sure enough, they saw a large pirate fleet heading towards Noah's ship. They were so arrogant that they didn't even fire their cannons. They were probably afraid that they would accidentally sink the treasure on the ship.

Noah saw the pirate flag hanging on the pirate ship from a distance.

"Sister Liya, what pirate group is it that has a bear head in the place of the skull on the pirate flag, and the suit symbols of playing cards on the top, bottom, left and right?"

Noah told Liya the characteristics of the pirate flag, and asked what pirate group it was.

After thinking for a moment, Liya asked Alyssa:"The information I have compiled here does not have their information, Alyssa, do you have it?"

This information is generally compiled by Alyssa and Liya together.

Alyssa looked up, as if recalling, and then as if she remembered something, she said:"Ah, I remember, this is the logo of the Poker Pirates."

Then, Alyssa took out a small notebook from her arms and said:"I remember I collected their information……"

"Ah, found it!"

"They are the rare great pirates in the East China Sea!"

"There are five main officers and the captain, and each of them has a reward."

"Captain Okuma, the user of the superhuman Steel Fruit, has a bounty of 11.6 million Beli!"

"Cadre Skunk, reward of 6 million Baileys!"

"Cadre Clown, reward of 9.9 million Baileys!"

"Cadre Pig Jacks, reward of 3.2 million Baileys!"

"Sweetheart Queen, the owner of the Squishy Fruit, with a bounty of 7.8 million Beli!"

"The total bounty is 38.5 million Baileys!"

Elisa smiled gently and said,"This pirate group is rampant in the East China Sea and is considered the only pirate group in the East China Sea."

Yes, in the East China Sea, pirates with more than 10 million can be called big pirates. Together with other bounty seekers and users of the Squishy Fruit, they can dominate the East China Sea without being provoked.

"Oh? Users of the Iron Fruit ability?"Noah's focus was not on their bounties, but he was more interested in the Iron Fruit.

Noah shouted to Irene and the others,"What do you mean? This time the captain is in your hands! If you want to win, you must cut the steel!"

Irene and Kuina were full of fighting spirit at the moment, and smiled with a smile on their lips:"Leave it to us, Noah (sir)!"

As for Sibel and Elena, although they were not as eager to fight as Irene and the others, they kept gesturing with their hands to move forward.

Especially Elena, she was still muttering in her mouth:"Should I cut their Achilles tendons first, or their hand tendons? It's so tangled."

Noah instructed Joanna:"You will take Kuina over later, which is considered to make up for the merit, and stay over there to scout the formation and be ready to respond at any time." When

Joanna heard about making up for the merit, she was full of energy and responded:"Yes! Lord Noah!"

Noah was not worried about Joanna. With the help of the Mystical Beast Fruit, Joanna's physical fitness improved the fastest among all the girls. Even Sibel could not compare to her. In addition, with the powerful destructive power of Suzaku, not to mention steel, even diamonds dared not let her burn directly.

Noah asked Joanna to go because of Kuina.

Compared with the others, Kuina was younger and this time she went there more to see the world. As for breaking through to the sword master, even if Kuina's swordsmanship level was enough, Noah did not have much expectation for Kuina to break through to the sword master.

In addition to hoping that one of them could break through to the sword master, Noah's more important reason was to let them see blood.

"Sister Liya, you lead the team to deal with everyone except the captain."Noah said to Liya.

Noah said to everyone in a serious tone:"Remember! Don't show mercy! This time, I want you to not be afraid of fighting."


The women all responded solemnly.

Liya walked in front, waved her hand and shouted,"Let's go!"

Then she took the lead and rushed towards the fleet.

At this time, their ship was only more than 200 meters away from Noah and others.

""Oh my, it seems like there are a lot of little girls running over here!" A sexy woman with twin ponytails and blonde hair was lying on the bow, looking at the girls running over with a surprised look on her face.

Noah's nose couldn't help but feel slightly hot when he saw her.

What a big evil!

This woman is simply too good... No, too shameless!

She was actually bathing naked on the bow in broad daylight.

No, I can't watch.

At this moment, Noah felt that his clairvoyance was simply a magical skill.

"Are these Devil Fruit abilities?"The woman was still looking at the other women in surprise, guessing that they were Devil Fruit users.

But when she saw Joanna, who was carrying Kuina in a beast form, her face changed.

"Damn it, how come there is a Mythical Beast type!"

The Sweetheart Queen stood up hurriedly and said to the younger brother behind her:"Go tell the boss quickly that the enemy has an Animal Fruit Mythical Beast type user."

The Sweetheart Queen also went to learn about the classification of Devil Fruits because she and the boss were also Devil Fruit users. Only then did she know that there is a Mythical Beast type Devil Fruit among Devil Fruits that is even rarer than the Natural type.

""Uh... yes!"

At this time, Liya had rushed to the nearby Sweetheart Queen. Seeing the naked appearance of the Sweetheart Queen, she gritted her teeth and curled her lips:"Tsk! What a shameless woman!"

However, her eyes were looking up and down dishonestly, and she was probably commenting in her heart.

As for Michelle who followed behind, she covered her eyes with an"ah" and cursed with a red face:"You... why don't you even wear clothes! There are so many men on the boat! It's so shameless!"

Guina was also unbearable. She turned her head quickly, pretending to be calm but with a red face and asked:"Hey, Joanna, are all women on the sea so open?"

Joanna was not as shy as Michelle. Instead, she looked at the other party generously and muttered:"This bear is outrageous! How much milk does it have to drink! But I heard that this place can also be rubbed by men……"

"Joanna! Can you hear me?"

""Ah? I heard it. Although the women on the sea are unruly, they are not that outrageous. Don't worry!" Joanna comforted Guina's pure heart.

The women on the sea dress in all kinds of ways. Most of them are not very serious. It can only be said that what should be covered is covered, and as for the rest, they can show as much as they want.

After hearing this, Guina stroked her chest and took a long breath, and said,"That's okay."

The Sweetheart Queen didn't care about teasing the women at this moment. She stiffened her neck and said,"Everyone, we are just passing by. We don't mean to be enemies with you."

Liya and others ignored it and landed on their respective boats according to the previous division of labor. After all, the Moon Step was still very consuming for them.

Liya kicked the Sweetheart Queen directly, smiled and whispered:

""Lan Jiao!"

A blue attack wave like a slashing blow attacked the Sweetheart Queen.

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