
Queen Sweetheart did not expect that Liya would launch an attack without saying anything, and it was such a weird attack.

Yes, weird!

For Queen Sweetheart and others, they had never even seen the swordsman's slash.

It was normal to say that the swordsman could offer a reward of more than 50 million Baileys in the Grand Line, which was simply beyond the reach of little Karami like them.

Fortunately, she was a special superhuman devil fruit ability user.

She turned herself into a pool of sticky liquid in time, and Lan Jiao directly split the liquid in half without hurting her at all.

But the bow under her was split in half, and the water in the pool flowed into the sea along the crack.

""White teeth!" The Sweet Queen was so scared that she quickly turned into a human form and jumped onto the deck, because she was in liquid form at the moment and might fall into the sea if she was not careful.

The subordinates handed her the clothes in a panic.

Liya landed on the railing at the bow, her mouth slightly open, and murmured:"Is this the natural system?"

"Hey! Are you a nature-type person?"

Queen Sweetheart looked at Liya with an unpleasant expression and said,"Are you determined to go against our Poker Pirates?"

At this time, a pig jumped over, or rather, a person who looked like a pig, sweating and hurriedly said to Queen Sweetheart,"It's not good, the other women are also very powerful and killed many brothers on other ships. Among them, the girl from the fantasy beast type and several women went to the direction of the main ship in the middle."

"Oh, then let's leave them to the boss, we'll deal with her."

Pig Jax could only nod in agreement, thinking that two against one should have a good chance of winning, and immediately put his hands on his waist and laughed arrogantly:"Hey! Woman over there, how about we play a guessing game?"

Liya was a little surprised by Pig Jax's sudden proposal.

What the hell? You're asking me to guess a riddle while we're fighting?

"The first question is, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

Pig Jacks raised a finger, and his sweaty face made people wonder if this fat pig had kidney deficiency.

Liya was going to kick him, but when she heard the riddle, she stopped and said confidently:

"Of course it’s the Queen Boa Hancock!"

Unexpectedly, Pig Jacks sweated even more after hearing this, and said with a gloomy face and raised eyebrows, pursed his lips and said:"Of course it’s our Queen, the Sweet Queen!"

"Oh, Pig Jacks can still talk!"Sweetheart Queen affirmed Pig Jacks' answer without any hesitation.

"Damn it, what's the point of me guessing riddles with you bunch of useless guys!"

Liya covered her head in annoyance, then raised her foot and shouted sternly:"Lan Jiao!"

Swoosh~ a blue slash quickly chopped towards Pig Jacks


Pig Jacks quickly wrapped himself up and used his hard armor to block the attack.



Who knew that although the outer armor of Pig Jacks withstood the sharp slash of Lan Jiao, it could not withstand the shock wave that followed, causing Pig Jacks to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

""Pig Jax!"

Queen Sweetheart exclaimed, and hurriedly looked at Pig Jax who had hit the main mast.

Although Pig Jax vomited blood, it made him feel better and he woke up.

Of course, if he could, he didn't want to wake up. The pain in his internal organs made him sweat like rain.

Liya was a little surprised to see that Pig Jax didn't faint:

"Oh? You didn't faint? Then give me another kick!"

Just as Liya raised her leg to kick again, Rosalind stretched out her hand to block Liya.


"Liya, let me play with Pig Jacks. I think he should be able to resist kicking with his body.

Liya reluctantly put away her kick and said,"Okay then."

She turned to face the Sweetheart Queen and said,"Then it's your turn."

"Damn it! How dare you look down on me!"Sweetheart Queen gritted her teeth and said angrily, as if she was angry that Yu Liya didn't take her seriously, but the sweat on her face revealed her nervousness.

At this moment, she wanted to kill the little brother who saw Noah's ship. If it weren't for him, they would not have planned to chase Noah and the others because they were not heading in the same direction.

Yu Liya just said disdainfully:"Your value is just to practice martial arts for us, and……"

As she spoke, Liya raised her leg and hit Lan with her foot again.

"See blood!"

Sweetheart Queen rolled and crawled to avoid the slash, and the slash broke through the fence and flew into the sea.


Before the Sweetheart Queen came to her senses, she saw Liya suddenly disappear from a distance and then appear in front of her, which frightened the Sweetheart Queen's pupils.

Liya raised her hand, and a cold expression appeared in the eyes of the Sweetheart Queen.

"Finger Gun·Starry Sky!"

As she spoke, Liya's hand turned into countless black shadows and attacked the Sweetheart Queen.

The Sweetheart Queen could only control her body to turn into liquid to avoid this series of attacks, leaving only a piece of clothing that Liya poked into a beggar's outfit.

""Tsk, this woman is so slippery!"

Liya was a little depressed. Her strength was dozens of times stronger than that of the shameless woman in front of her, but this woman was too cowardly. When she saw something wrong, her whole body turned into liquid.

"Damn it!"

The Sweetheart Queen was naked again, with a fierce look in her eyes, raising her hands and shouting:

""Paste impact!""


Instantly, a large amount of sticky liquid spurted out of his hands.

A large amount of liquid first blocked Liya's way up, down, left and right, and then a powerful liquid water cannon rushed towards Liya head-on.

"Go to hell!"

The Sweet Queen said with a triumphant look on her face.

But her face soon froze and she said in disbelief:"Nani!"

After the sticky liquid flowed away, Liya was still standing there, but her hands were in a strange position.

"The six-style drill is complete, and now it's time to try out the devil fruit ability."

Lea said with a confident smile, then she gathered strength in her right hand and pushed the barrier in front of her.

"Barrier impact!"

The Sweetheart Queen couldn't dodge in time, and was hit directly in the face by the barrier.

Yes, it was really close!

The Sweetheart Queen's face was hit flat by the barrier, blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were white. It was obvious that she was at least fainted, and if she wasn't dead, she was probably almost dead.

On the other side, Rosalind said to Pig Jacks excitedly:"It's coming."

She hoped that Pig Jax could hold on a little longer, otherwise he would have no choice but to kick the minions.

Rosalind liked Storm Kick the most among all the girls, and she even spent a lot of training on her legs and feet, so that Noah criticized and praised her repeatedly, criticizing her for her poor finger gun and iron block skills, praising her for her shaving, moon step and storm kick skills that far surpassed all the other girls, and saying that she had found a way to become stronger in the future.

Yes, Rosalind was good at kicking. According to her, as a cook maid, her hands could be exercised by cooking, but her feet could only be trained.

Pig Jax was a little afraid of these people. The kick from that woman just now made me feel like I saw my grandmother waving to him. This woman wouldn't be that strong.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Pig Jax's mind, and he sweated more and more.

Suddenly, Pig Jax threw two bombs and shouted,"Go to hell!"


Before the smoke had dispersed and before he could feel proud, Rosalind suddenly appeared in front of Pig Jax and said with a smile,"Too slow, Stormkick Starbreaker!"

This kick was directed at Pig Jax.

However, Pig Jax was horrified at first, but in an instant an expression of success appeared on his face. He quickly put on the outer armor, and then steel spikes appeared on the outer armor, as if to pierce several holes in the man's flesh.

"I'll prick you like a hedgehog!"

Rosalind was startled at first, then quickly smiled disdainfully.

""Iron block!"

The attack under his feet kicked towards Pig Jax without stopping.


There was only a loud sound of metal colliding, which was not like the sound of flesh kicking steel.


The spikes on Pig Jax's outer armor were kicked off by Rosalind, and then he kicked the outer armor without losing momentum.

Then there was a loud bang.

Pig Jax was kicked out by Rosalind and crashed into the cabin.

There was no sound for a long time.

""Oh, I think I used too much strength."

Rosalind scratched her head in annoyance.

She had wanted to take it easy, but he suddenly turned into a hedgehog, forcing Rosalind to use the iron block.

Although the iron block prevented her from being hurt by the iron thorns, it also increased her kicking power.

"Well, I still have a bunch of little brothers anyway, I hope I can have fun."

Rosalind was about to attack the little brothers around her.

The little brothers stared at the direction where Pig Jacks flew backwards in amazement, and then shouted with grief on their faces:"Lord Pig Jacks!"

But before they could finish, they were met with Rosalind's crazy kick.

""Mist Foot·Meteor Shower!"


The only sound heard in the smoke and dust was a continuous stream of screams.

""The teeth are white, it seems that I have used too much force."

Two minutes later, Rosalind came back to her senses from the crazy kicks.

Leah stood beside her and hit her head with her hand, saying,"Asshole, you are going to kick the boat into pieces."

At this moment, the boat was slowly sinking, and there were few good places on the deck. This shows that Rosalind's crazy behavior

"Ah, Gomenasse, I thought this ship was so big, it should be pretty solid, but it broke into pieces in a few seconds."

Rosalind apologized, but she was blaming the poor quality of the ship.

"Anyway, there is no way this ship has any treasures. If there are any treasures, they must be on their captain's main ship."

Rosalind suddenly thought of this perfect excuse or reason, and calmed down Liya's temper.

Liya thought about it and agreed, so she could only say helplessly:"Well, you do have a point."

"Right, let's go and see how the others are doing, let's go see Alyssa first." Rosalind urged Liya to go and see how the others are doing, lest Liya get angry again later.

When Liya and others arrived at the ship that Alyssa was in charge of, they saw Alyssa sitting elegantly on the fence at the bow, shooting a few feathers from time to time.

As for the group of younger brothers in front of them, they launched an attack on their companions with crazy faces, injuring the enemy by 1,000 and themselves by 800.

"That woman is a demon!"

"But why do I feel that woman is so beautiful?"

"Damn it! Ajie, wake up! I am Axi!"


Rosalind's mouth twitched and said,"Alyssa's ability is really powerful and weird."

Liya was also shocked by the scene in front of her and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Liya and others coming, Alyssa smiled and came down from the fence, and said,"Sister Liya, Rosalind, have you solved it?"

"Well, the enemy is very weak, the main thing is to practice the six styles."Rosalind replied with a smile.

Alyssa nodded and said,"Yes, then I will end the battle, but unfortunately I don't have many cadres here."

As she said that, Alyssa jumped up, and a cluster of peacock feathers grew behind her. Then Alyssa opened her hand, and the peacock feathers behind her also opened up, beautiful and gorgeous, but beautiful things generally symbolize danger, or even death.

"Peacocks spread their feathers and dance wildly!"

Countless peacock feathers shot at the crowd below like machine guns.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

The people below saw this scene and hurriedly wanted to turn around and escape, but they were held tightly by their companions.

In the end, they could only die in despair in the desperate entanglement of their companions.

Boom, boom, boom~!

The thick smoke blocked everyone's vision, and at the same time, endless desperate wails resounded through the sky.

"Let me go, Aqiang, I will return your money to you in the next life!"

"Ah Zhen! Wake up! Next time I will never compete with you for a wife!"



The scene of broken limbs and blood flowing after the smoke made Leah and Rosalind shudder.

Rosalind stammered,"Oh my god, Alyssa is so scary, especially her illusion, it's so hopeless!"

It was so painful to think that her former partner and friend had become her enemy and launched a suicidal attack on her.

Leah agreed and nodded,"Fortunately, Alyssa is our partner, otherwise it would be too scary!"

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