"My dear beautiful ladies!"

The Big Bear King shouted suddenly, then knelt on the ground.

The pirates and women on the field stopped what they were doing and looked at the Big Bear King in surprise and doubt.

However, the pirates' eyes were flashing with joy.

That's right, even a blind man can see that the Big Bear King is in a bad situation.

If it weren't for the heavy majesty that the Big Bear King left behind before them, they would have run away long ago.

It's great for them that the Big Bear King can surrender at this moment.

After all, the treasure is not theirs, but their lives are theirs!

When the Big Bear King saw the women stop, he was very happy and felt that his chances of survival had greatly increased. He hurriedly bowed again.

"Dear beautiful ladies, I am willing to give away all my treasures and beg you to spare my life!"

"Oh? Really?"

At this time, Liya and others fell from the air. After hearing what the big bear king said, Liya said with interest

"We killed all your other men, including the cadres!"

Liya looked at the Big Bear King sinisterly, as if she would kill him if the Big Bear King showed any resentment or dissatisfaction.

The Big Bear King's expression froze instantly, and he couldn't believe it.

How could it be possible!

He had more than a hundred men on each ship, not to mention his own cadres. Could it be that every woman was so strong?

Thinking of the resentment that had just risen in the Big Bear King's heart, he was chilled to the bone by a stream of cold water.

He looked at Liya flatteringly. It was hard to imagine how this gorilla's face could show such an expression.

"They deserved to die for provoking all the beautiful ladies! I have absolutely no intention of revenge."

My heart ached for the sweet queen with a great figure, but when I thought about my own life, it seemed insignificant.

Liya laughed softly, thinking that this clown show was particularly interesting.

"Well, I'll spare you!"

The Big Bear King was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly thanked the little ancestor.

He couldn't help but feel complacent, thinking that his life was saved, and even began to imagine how to seize the weapons on the ship of Liya and others on the opposite side.

Because in his opinion, the reason why he was defeated was just that their weapons were too strong.

If he could get it, the strongest attack coupled with his strongest defense, it would be equivalent to being invincible in the world, and the position of Pirate King would be within his reach!

Just as he was dreaming of becoming the Pirate King, he heard a crisp sound of metal and stone colliding in his ears, and at the same time, he felt an itch on both sides of his neck.

The Big Bear King came to his senses and looked around.

Irene and Sibel were chopping his neck on both sides with swords on the left and right.

This frightened the Big Bear King and puzzled him, and he said hurriedly:

"Two beautiful ladies, didn't the lady just now agree to let me go? Miss, please say something!"


Michelle and others around Liya couldn't help laughing.

But Liya suppressed her laughter and said seriously:

"Yes, I let you go!"


Liya paused and said,"They just didn't let you go. After all, they are not superiors or subordinates to me, and I have no way to command them."

Liya shrugged her shoulders in a helpless manner.

The Big Bear King didn't know that he was being played with by others.

Thinking of how powerful he used to be, dominating the entire East China Sea, but now he was being played with by a group of women.

The Big Bear King's face turned red and he shouted angrily,"Damn it! Even if I die, I will drag a few people down with me!"

He thought that this weapon was so powerful that he would not dare to aim directly at the ship, otherwise it would definitely affect his own people, so he must try his best to fight in close combat.

After making up his mind, the Big Bear King rushed towards Kuina regardless of anything.

There was no other reason. Although Kuina was flexible and fast, she was already very slow compared to other women.

Sure enough, as soon as the Big Bear King approached Kuina, Xibel and Irene blocked him.

The Great Bear King didn't know that even if he didn't rely on Kuina, Irene and others would fight him in close combat. After all, Irene and others wanted to use his iron body to hone their swordsmanship. The

Great Bear King heated up his remaining arm, swung his fist and attacked Sibel and Irene fiercely, without any intention of defending.

Sibel did not use the power of the fruit, but dodged the Great Bear King's attack like Irene, and hit the Great Bear King hard from time to time.

The Great Bear King staggered after being hit by Sibel's sword and staggered back a few steps.

The Great Bear King looked at Sibel in surprise. This force was stronger than him, and he even felt a little pain.

Therefore, the Great Bear King paid more attention to Sibel's attack and stretched out his hand to resist from time to time.

Sibel and others did not know the armament color, and did not dare to touch the Great Bear King's burning red arm with swords. Otherwise, it would be okay once or twice, but if it happened more than a few times, even if the sword body was broken, it might have a bad effect on the sword body.

At this moment, Irene only had the Great Bear King in her eyes, and she only wanted to keep swinging her sword.

One sword, two swords, three swords... clang~~clang~~……

I don't know how many times I swung the sword.

Gradually, Irene seemed to feel something special, and as she swung the sword again and again, this feeling gradually became clearer and clearer.

"What is this?"

At some point, Irene suddenly came back to her senses, and she found that she sensed something unusual.

Although she didn't look behind her, she could feel Xibel's sword behind her.

It turned out that Xibel saw Irene fighting madly, as if she had realized something, so she simply gave it to her and protected her behind her, so that she wouldn't be too immersed in it and fail to react in time to the attack of the Big Bear King.

Then, Irene felt the frost in her hand.

She could clearly feel the breathing of the frost, and at the same time, it seemed to be cheering and celebrating the master's great progress in swordsmanship.

Finally, she looked at the Big Bear King. At this moment, she could clearly feel the presence of breathing in the hard body of the Big Bear King.

The steel body that could not be cut in any way before, now seemed to her like a piece of tofu dregs full of countless holes, as if it could be easily cut in half.

Irene stopped her attack, tapped her feet lightly, and turned over to exit the battle circle.


Irene sheathed the frost in her hand, then leaned over and grasped the hilt of the sword.

"Is this... a sword-drawing slash?"

Sibel saw Irene suddenly retreat and thought she had failed in her comprehension. He was about to go forward to comfort her, but after seeing Irene's next move, he stopped and continued to watch in some doubt.

Irene stared straight at the Great Bear King, and suddenly a thrilling smile appeared on her expressionless face.

""One sword style, draw the sword, dragon roar!"

Irene's figure suddenly disappeared, and everyone seemed to hear the roar of a flying dragon. At the same time, a cloud of dust rose around the Great Bear King, and Irene suddenly appeared behind him. Irene was about to draw the sword, but at this moment she was slowly shedding it.


The scene was quiet at this time, and the only sound was the friction between Irene's knife and the scabbard.


Along with the crisp sound of Irene's knife returning to the scabbard, a large cut was made on the chest of the giant bear king behind him, and blood spurted out like a fountain.


Puff, puff!

The big bear king screamed, his eyes turned white, and he fell to his knees. Finally, he couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.




The pirates who lost their support had no fighting spirit at this moment, making Elena and others feel like they were slaughtering pigs without any feeling.

""Oh~ Yeah!"

Xibel raised her hands, then waved her fists up and down, cheering loudly:"Erin, you have become a swordsman! That's great!!!"

Seeing Xibel's excited face, those who didn't know would think that she had become a swordsman!

Irin was very moved and happy to see Xibel's excitement, and said gratefully:"No, I still lack the flying slash! And thank you for giving me the opportunity and watching over me."

Irin was very moved. After all, if Xibel hadn't automatically withdrawn just now, her comprehension might have been interrupted, and Xibel could have become a swordsman.

Xibel waved her delicate hands fiercely, and laughed carelessly:"Hey! We are sisters, what's there to thank for! And you found the opportunity to break through before me, so it's only natural for me to withdraw! Besides, if it doesn't work this time, there's still next time! And can you not be my sparring partner?"

Says Xibel, pretending to be angry and laughing. It can be seen that Xibel is asking Irene to let go of the guilt and gratitude in her heart.

Irene seemed to understand Xibel's meaning, smiled and said:

"You are right, there is no need to say thank you to each other. I will definitely work hard to be your sparring partner and make sure you become a swordsman as soon as possible!"

Irene's eyebrows revealed a serious look, which made Xibel feel a little timid.

"Uh..., don't be too anxious. Swordsmen need to be in a good state of mind, so you can't rush it."

Irene pinched her chin and thought for a while, then nodded in agreement:

"Xibeier, what you said makes sense!"

This made Xibeier feel relieved, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled:

"See, I was right!"

Elena also came to congratulate Irene and said,"Irene, I have long felt that you must have entered the swordsman realm before Xibel. Congratulations to you. Remember to go back and tell me how you felt at that time."

Irene was out of combat at this moment, and the whole person looked a little lazy and dazed.

"No problem! Sister Elena, let the other sisters come over to listen later."

Elena raised her hand and clenched her fist to cheer her up.

"Okay, Elena, what do you mean Elena must be the first to enter the swordsman realm!"

Xibei screamed and rushed towards Elena, holding the pride that countless men envied in one hand, looking at Elena with a threatening smile.

Elena was not to be outdone, and her long legs clamped Xibei's waist. With one force, she pressed Xibei under her body, sniffing Xibei's beautiful collarbone like a gangster, and said with enjoyment:

""Just based on this pair of encumbrances of yours, if you weren't so strong, you probably wouldn't be able to stand up straight, hehehehe!"

Even the carefree Sibel blushed after hearing this, and then there was another fight.

Unfortunately, this erotic scene was only seen by one man, Noah, who was far away.

The rest of the pirates had been killed by Joanna and others.

Kuina sat on a pile of pirates, with Do Ichimonji on her shoulders, smiling as she watched the two women fighting below, as if the fatigue of the battle just now had been reduced a lot.

As for the others, they also smiled as they watched the two women fighting, and even Michelle and Joanna were directing Sibel and Elena.

"Sister Xibel, quickly tear off Sister Elena's stockings! Hahaha!"

"Sister Elena, quickly break Sister Sibel's belt, hehehehe!"


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