"I'm back."

Noah stood on the deck waiting for the girls to return, without even moving his feet.

Before Leah could speak, Michelle ran over and hugged Noah's hand, and asked with a smile:

"Lord Noah, was that blue light you made just now? What kind of move was that?"

After saying this, Michelle's eyes lit up.(✿◕‿◕✿), looking at Noah, hoping to get a positive answer.

Joanna saw Michelle running up to Noah first and being intimate with him, her eyes rolled, and she also ran up to Noah and hugged his other arm.༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ, also asked with a coquettish smile:

"Yes, Lord Noah, that attack was so powerful, what was that?"

However, Noah smiled and scratched her pretty nose, gently stroked her delicate cheek with his hand, and said with a warm but eerie smile:

"Don't think that you can let me off the hook by acting like a spoiled child. Be good, don't run away later. I'll give you some special treatment and I'll love you well!"

Joanna's soft body trembled and froze in place, like a stone statue.

"Uh..., no, Lord Noah……"

Joanna looked at Noah with tears in her eyes, looking pitiful like an abandoned puppy.

Unfortunately, Noah was not moved at all.

This Joanna thought that she could look down on the pirates in the East China Sea just because she had the Mystical Beast Devil Fruit and good physical skills.

She must be trained hard and must not be allowed to develop the bad habit of carelessness.

Noah secretly thought about how to train Joanna later.

At this time, Noah was pulled back to reality by Michelle's hand.

Noah then remembered to answer Michelle's question, so he shook his head and smiled helplessly:"Okay, Miss Michelle, don't shake it, I did it, okay.

" Michelle stopped after getting an affirmative answer, and then asked eagerly and excitedly:"What new skills have you learned, Lord Noah?" Noah shook his head and smiled:"Didn't I often practice archery in the woods before? The move just now was actually just an arrow I shot.


"Huh?" ×nLoran jumped out and asked in a professional tone:"Lord Noah, what kind of arrows did you use? With such destructive power, did Lord Noah develop some special formula for gunpowder?"

She knew that Noah was actually a scientist, although his learning speed was not as fast as hers, but this was because Noah read more miscellaneous books.

To her disappointment, Noah still shook his head, embarrassed and apologetically said:

"I'm sorry, sister Luo Lan, the explosion was mainly because I used the treasure formed by my ability. This time, the treasure I used is more advanced, and its structure is very interesting. It can greatly enhance the ability to rotate, thereby increasing the ability to break through the air and the penetration."

As he said, Noah took out a strangely shaped sword and handed it to Luo Lan.

"Here, this is the treasure - the spiral sword!"

Loran was a little disappointed that Noah had not researched any new gunpowder, but when she heard Noah talk about the special structure of the spiral sword, she became excited again, especially when she saw Noah handing the spiral sword to her, she wanted to jump up. Before

Noah handed the spiral sword to her, Loran took a few steps forward impatiently and took the spiral sword in her hand to examine it.

Noah was speechless about Loran's anxiety, but he also understood

"This structure?"

Loran looked at the spiral sword and found that its entire blade was spiral-shaped, and the arc was so beautiful that it could perfectly divide and guide the airflow.

After watching it, Loran left Noah and ran to her bedroom with the spiral sword, because there were some tools she bought in the bedroom.

She was now eager to measure the various data of the spiral sword.

Noah saw Loran leaving him and running away, and sighed helplessly.

"Well, forget it."

Noah covered his face, looking very tired.

People should learn to reconcile with themselves.

Noah comforted himself.

Liya just frowned and wanted to say something, but then she thought of Luo Lan's temper and found that she was as helpless as Noah.

Liya sighed, turned around and asked Noah seriously:

"Lord Noah, does that mean that you can launch an attack comparable to that of a general?"

Yes, Liya did not forget that her lord was different from others. He had an energy called magic in his body.

Obviously, Kozaburo did not know that Noah had magic in his body, and Noah had never shown it.

Therefore, Kozaburo's judgment of Noah's strength had a certain error, and it would not be small. After all, the magic power in Noah's body was not weak. On the contrary, it increased very quickly due to his physique.

Noah calmed down his depressed mood, held his head with both hands, and replied lazily:"Ah, I guess so. I haven't seen how strong the general's attack power is, but judging by the previous strength with Senior Kozaburo, it should be about the same. At least if it hits, it must be about the same."

"What if we add domineering power?"

At this time, Alyssa stood up and asked.

She keenly understood what Noah had just said. The previous arrow did not carry domineering power. She smiled and asked:

"If you add domineering power, how much can the attack power be improved?"

Noah looked at her with great appreciation and smiled confidently:

"If Haki is added, if the general only uses Haki to defend, I am sure I can make a hole in him."

After all, the real strength of Noah's spiral sword for an individual is its penetrating power that seems to be able to penetrate everything.

Alyssa and others also laughed, and everyone looked at each other.

Noah smiled and poured a bucket of cold water on everyone, saying:

"However, I only have the ability to attack three times. If I use domineering power, I can only use one domineering power, and the other two attacks can only rely on magic."

Leah did not feel disappointed because of Noah's cold water. Instead, she was very open-minded and said with a smile:"It's okay. Anyway, Lord Noah already has the power of a general's attack. Few people can threaten us by surprise."

Yes, except for the group of people standing at the top, who dares to say that they can withstand the general's attack

""The Shame of the Seven Warlords of the Sea" Gekko Moriah definitely can't bear it. If he's lucky, he can still dodge it through the Shadow Mage, but with his current observation Haki, he probably doesn't have that kind of reaction speed.

Noah was stunned and then smiled and nodded.

"It's good that you can think positively and don't be too anxious. After all, the sea is still very big."

The next day, at noon.

In a branch in the East China Sea


A Den Den Mushi lowered its eyes and kept chirping.

A man in a navy coat took it over.

"Ah, this is Claude"



A roar resounded throughout the Navy Work Building.

Then hurried footsteps were heard in the corridor on the top floor of the building.

"Bang bang bang bang……"

"Report to Colonel Louis, I'm Claude, here's an urgent report!"

The man inside was smoking a cigar and said in a low voice,"Come in!"

After hearing Louis' response, Claude quickly opened the door, put the information in front of Louis, and reported:

"Report to the colonel, an informant sent an urgent report about the Poker Pirates."

"Oh? What happened to the Poker Pirates?"

Louis picked up the information on the table and asked casually.

In his heart, he cursed: That idiot Big Bear King, has he already taken action? Didn't we agree not to make a big fuss before? How come now the people from the Intelligence Department have sent messages. Although he cursed, thinking about the benefits he could get, he began to think about how to cover up for Big Bear King.

"According to the informant: Just yesterday, the Poker Pirates were officially declared destroyed. The Great Bear King and two officers have been found dead, and several officers should have sunk into the sea with the ship."



Louis' pupils shrank, and he slammed his palm on the table. He stood up from his chair, staring at Claude and questioning:

"Is this information accurate? Was it our navy that destroyed them?"

Claude was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat, and reported stutteringly:"Colonel! The information is correct, but it was not our people who destroyed them!"

Louis breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not his own people who destroyed them, otherwise Louis should have considered the possibility of being betrayed by the Big Bear King.

Louis calmed down, squinted his eyes and asked in a low voice:"Do you know who did it?"

Claude wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly straightened his waist and replied seriously:"Report to the colonel, I heard from the pirates who escaped that it was done by a group of women, um, a group of very beautiful women!"

Seeing the uneasy Claude, Louis' tone became slightly softer, and said:"Okay, Major Claude, don't be nervous, do you have any photos of these women?"


Claude's face was covered with sweat again. He closed his eyes and said loudly,"Colonel, there was no one around at the time, so there is no information about these women! Even the pirates we captured were in a trance, and we don't even have basic information about their appearance."

Claude spoke this string of information quickly in the longest breath of his life, and glanced at Louis cautiously, but when he saw Louis's visibly black face, he was so scared that he quickly raised his head and avoided it.

"Hmm? Humph! Useless guy, no useful intelligence at all. How can such intelligence ability guard the sea? How can it protect civilians from being persecuted by pirates?"


Louis roared angrily, sanctimoniously denouncing the intelligence department for its inaction.

In his heart, he was angry that he couldn't even find anyone to retaliate against.

Who on earth was it that actually cut down his cash cow before it even sprouted? No, it should be said that it was dug up.

King Big Bear had made a deal with Louis before.

Louis helped him cover up, leaked some information to King Big Bear, and helped King Big Bear cover up some of his whereabouts.

At the same time, King Big Bear promised that he would develop arms in the future, give him part of the profits from arms, and occasionally help Louis cut off the wings of other factions.

King Big Bear even told Louis about his plan.

Among them, King Big Bear valued Clockwork Island the most.

First, Clockwork Island was not a member state and was not protected by the navy.

Second, Clockwork Island was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it was easy to develop power.

Third, the entire lifeline of Clockwork Island was on the clockwork, and he could use it as a threat to the residents of Clockwork Island to work for them.

Louis felt that this plan was perfect, and the only thing left was how to seize Clockwork Island without making a big fuss.

This was not easy, after all, there was only one road from Clockwork Island to where the residents lived, and this road was full of various sophisticated traps.

However, the Big Bear King promised to take over Clockwork Island within three years.

So the Big Bear King had been wandering around Clockwork Island looking for an opportunity to take action.

Who knew that he would be killed suddenly.

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