Noah had a hint of surprise on his face. He held the short blade in his backhand and slashed it in the air a few times. He felt that it was quite easy, and then he rushed over with a breath of concentration.

The group of brothers saw that Noah suddenly conjured up a short blade. This magical scene made them look at each other in confusion, wondering what was going on?

Could it be magic?

But when the brothers saw that Noah only conjured up a short blade and then rushed towards them instead of retreating, they thought it was nothing special, and their faces showed morbid excitement. You thought it was one against seven, but now it’s seven against one. How can we lose?

""Little boy, don't think you can scare us off by using some magic or circus trick to conjure up a dagger. Who do you think we are?!"

The younger brothers shouted and pressed forward, their momentum did not drop at all.

Noah had a relaxed smile on his face, his eyes revealed determination and calmness, holding a dagger in his hand, looking confident.

Noah used magic to strengthen his physical fitness, and then his figure became like black lightning and rushed over. His movements were so fast that people could not see clearly.

The younger brother who was the first to bear the brunt only felt Noah's figure flash, and then a touch of warmth came from his throat. His hands could not stop trembling and wiped his neck, and his hands were stained with blood. He hurriedly covered his neck, but it was a pity that Noah's blade had already taken away his energy. Noah's figure did not stop for a moment.

Every time he swung his knife, he accurately hit or cut the vital points of these gangsters. Too many attacks were swift and decisive, without any delay.

The two gangsters at the end were frightened and stopped and turned to run in the direction of their boss.

Noah sneered. Leaving his back to the enemy, wouldn't it be faster to die? After all, their speed was nothing compared to Noah's. Of course, they would die if they didn't run, but Noah still didn't like to see such people, because they were all the same.

"Tsk, miscellaneous cultivators are just miscellaneous cultivators, boring souls!"

Noah dodged and swung the short blade in his hand, and the two gangsters fell to the ground with a scream.

The whole process was smooth and the gangster leader was also shocked for a moment. By the time he reacted, all his brothers were dead.

"Well, uncle, you are the only one left. It is time to send you and your old brothers to reunite. After all, they are your lovely brothers. I believe you will not let them down."

Noah said to the gangster leader in front of him with the most brutal words with an innocent face.

"Um, that, little…little…little brother, I think we can talk."

The gangster leader looked at Noah who was approaching step by step, and spread his hands out in front of his chest, expressing his hope that Noah would calm down.

"Bro, I can explain!"

"Come on, uncle, you have all drawn your swords, doesn't that mean you are ready to risk your lives? Don't show that expression, it's lame!"

Noah looked at the gangster leader who was so scared that tears and snot came out, and felt very annoyed in his heart. Even the idea of stretching his muscles faded.

Noah now just wanted to end this battle quickly. Killing intent began to emerge in his heart. For him, the fight just now was just playing a game, but now Noah saw the scene in front of him and really wanted to kill.

"Do you think attacking me is a game that can be stopped at any time? Go to hell, you idiot!"

Noah glared with red eyes, then poured magic power into the short blade and threw it out.

With the blessing of magic, the short blade shot towards the head of the gangster leader at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and before the gangster leader could react, the short blade had already penetrated his head, and then he fell backward with snot, tears and an incredible expression.

As soon as it touched the ground, the short blade exploded with a"bang", and the whole head was blown into a piece of black charcoal.

"Oh? It seems that because the prototype of this short blade is not a treasure or a powerful weapon, it contains too little magic power, so Fantasy Collapse didn't even blow his head into pieces, but the people in this world are also very hard-headed."

Noah was still observing the corpse of the gangster leader with interest at this time, and found that if he didn't use magic to bless him, his physical fitness would probably be much stronger than that of the gangster leader, but the people here are very tough.

"It seems that people in this world don't seem to be able to use this energy in their bodies."

Noah thought of the battle scene. He found that when they were fighting, this energy was in a dormant state and did not move at all.

"But this power should have some connection with spiritual will!"

Noah guessed in a positive tone.

Because when the group of people were about to die, this energy had a slight fluctuation, and when the gangster leader was frightened, although it was very subtle because of the weak energy, Noah still captured that this power was more dead, and even had a slight decrease.

"Um, Noah...are you okay?"

Bart came over at this time. He witnessed the whole fighting process, or rather the bullying process.

Although Bart knew that Noah was not ordinary, after all, no normal kid could punch him and hang him on the door, but when he really saw Noah's strength, he found that he had to thank Noah for not killing him.

Now Bart no longer dared to call Noah"Noah kid".

Noah heard the change in Bart's tone and of course knew the reason, but he did not correct it. This kind of psychological pressure could not be relieved by one consolation. He just needed to speak the same way as before.

"I've already said it, old man Bart, these people are just low-class characters. You just happened to be here, come and help me clean up the bodies, I don't want to touch them."

Noah said to Bart with a relaxed look, and there was some childish boasting in his tone, which gradually relaxed Bart's heart.

Then Noah took out the wallet from the King's Treasure, took out two gold coins from it and threw them to Bart, and then motioned Bart to come over to clean the floor.

After a period of getting along, Bart understood Noah's view of money. He took the gold coins without hesitation, and said to himself:

It's not shameful to make money legally.

Bart pushed out a small cart that was usually used to transport fish from the side of the house. Of course, the fish in this world are relatively large, and they are not small either. Then he threw these people into the sea in batches. There are many sea beasts in this world. If the corpse falls into the sea, sea beasts will soon come to smell the blood. This treatment is much safer and more environmentally friendly than burying it in the soil.

After watching Bart finish the treatment, Noah was also hungry, and then proposed to go to the town for a good meal, and said that he would treat him.

Bart had no objection to hearing that he could eat at a rich restaurant, and immediately took Noah to the most expensive restaurant in town.

Noah randomly chose a table by the glass and motioned the waiter to come over to order dishes

"This, this, and this……"

The waiter took out a small notebook and wrote down

"Remember, don't take what I ordered just now, and give me two servings of the rest."

Noah looked through the menu and removed a few things he didn't like, and ordered two servings. The main reason was that Noah didn't like to share a dish with others, except for those who agreed with him. Although the Bart family saved him, Noah didn't find any resonance between them and him.

""Hmm, hm? Ahhhh! Excuse me, sir. Did you just say that you want to remove these dishes and serve two servings of the rest?" The waiter nodded at first, but after thinking about what he had just said, he was stunned.

"Yes, please bring the dishes over quickly, one for him and one for me."

Noah saw the waiter's shocked look but did not blame him. Instead, he responded politely and urged him to serve the dishes.

""Okay, okay, okay, dear guest, please wait a moment, I'll bring you some wine right away."

The waiter was so excited that he couldn't speak straight, and he stammered, then ran to the kitchen with his feet moving like the wind.

"Noah, isn't that too much?"

Bart asked after the waiter left.

""It’s okay, old man Bart! If you can’t finish it, just pack it up and bring it back to Uncle Barry and Uncle Wright. It’s just a meal."

Noah replied nonchalantly, putting on his napkin and looking forward to the meal. After all, he hadn’t eaten for two days.

Not long after, the dishes were served one by one.

Bart started eating frantically as soon as they came up, but he only took a few bites of each dish, probably to pack it up and bring it back for Barry and the others to try.

Noah kept a relatively normal eating speed at the beginning, but soon the knife and fork in his hand became faster and faster, and even afterimages appeared.

Obviously, the food in this world is very much to Noah’s taste.

"Very good! Every piece of meat is especially tender and delicious, and different meats have their own unique flavors!"

Noah looked at the pile of plates in front of him, and he couldn't imagine that he was eating them. However, the food could be transformed into magic power, so he wouldn't get a stomachache.

At the same time, Noah discovered that the meat in this world contained quite a lot of energy.

While Noah was eating his delicious lunch, the gangster leader's gang discovered a problem.

In a somewhat magnificent house, a gangster brother was tremblingly reporting his work to a fat middle-aged man wearing a top hat and a suit who was sitting in an armchair.

"Boss, I don't know why Pixar and the others didn't come to start the gang? When I was investigating, I learned from the clerk of the clothing store in town that they were following a very rich man. Until now, there has been no news. I wonder if they were killed."

"Hmm? I guess so. After all, Pixar wouldn't dare to miss the gang meeting I convened. This idiot has always been tactless, otherwise I wouldn't have arranged a group of smarter brothers for him, and he finally hit a wall."

The gang leader's upper body was in the shadow, with one hand supporting his chin, and he spoke his guess in a cold tone.

However, he didn't know that Pixar would not die originally, and he almost escaped death every time, but was coaxed back by that group of smart brothers.

At this time, the clouds cleared and the sun shone on the face of the gang leader. If anyone saw it at this time, they would find that the gang leader was none other than the former pirate Vic.

"However, Pixar's death cannot be in vain. We are leaving anyway. With this power, I will never flee back here in a panic like before. To celebrate, let me turn this country upside down!"

Vic became more and more excited as he spoke, and at the end he raised his hands and roared, as if he was taking an oath, or as if he was venting the suppressed emotions over the years.

"How many people in the meeting just now are willing to go out to sea with me?"

"Boss, half of the people are willing to go to sea with us, and the other half are either afraid or have families and it is inconvenient to go to sea."

The younger brother looked at the report in his hand and answered Vic's question.

"Well... it's okay, if they don't want to, then don't. Considering the years they have worked for me, let them go quickly and buy a stronger poison."

Vic glanced at the younger brother beside him, his cold and ruthless look made the younger brother sweat.

"Yes, yes! I'll do it right away!"

"Take me to that clothing store and ask those small leaders who are willing to go out to sea to come over. I will bite off the head of the guy who dares to attack my men, so that the people in the gang can see the strength of their future captain."

Vic said with a wild grin, his tone full of confidence and arrogance.

"But boss, the clerk in the clothing store doesn’t know where they went."

The younger brother reminded nervously.

"Who do you think I am? I am the user of the Animal Devil Fruit - the Dog-Dog Fruit - Prairie Wolf Form. As long as the scent lingers, I will let them know that the prey targeted by the wolf cannot escape even if they run to the ends of the earth! Hahahaha!"

Vic grinned, revealing his pair of sharp canine teeth, like a bloodthirsty hungry wolf.

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