Here, Noah was squinting his eyes and wiping the corners of his mouth elegantly with a napkin:"It tastes good, but the wine is a little bit worse. However, the brewing method is somewhat novel, and it is still drinkable."

Bart was also satisfied, squinting his eyes and leaning comfortably on the chair with his belly sticking out. One hand was gently stroking his arched belly, and the other hand was picking his teeth with a bamboo stick.

""Old Bart, it's time to pack up and go back. Uncle Barry and the others should be back by now."

Noah took out a gold pocket watch and checked the time. He found that it was already past three in the afternoon. Fishermen usually go out to sea at dawn and come back in the afternoon. Considering the unpredictable sea, they usually go out a little earlier.

"OK, waiter, please pack it up!"

Bart did not object and asked the waiter to come and help pack it up. Although his stomach was about to burst, it was only because Noah ordered a lot.

There were two waiters waiting on the side. After all, the customer in front of them was a big customer. When they heard that they wanted to pack up, they came to help.

Noah signaled to the waiter next to him to pay the bill, then leisurely took out the wallet from the King's Treasure, grabbed a handful of gold coins and handed it to him, and asked:

"Uncle, do you think these gold coins are enough?"

The waiter looked at the handful of gold coins in his hand and his eyes bulged. His hands were shaking violently."Sir, it's enough. We don't need so many."……"

"It's okay, the extra amount will be your tip, after all, the two uncles have been waiting here."

Noah smiled and waved his hand

"Oh, by the way, is your boss here? Please ask for me if your store provides meal delivery service. I would like to pack three meals for the next week according to this quantity and have them delivered to me at meal times every day."

The waiter hurriedly found the boss, and in a friendly negotiation, Noah used half of his wallet's gold coins to buy a week's worth of meals and asked for them to be delivered to Bart's home.

With the cordial farewell of the boss and the waiter, Noah and Bart, who was carrying the lunch box, left the restaurant.

On the other side, Vic and his brothers marched to the door of the clothing store, scaring the clerks and bosses of the surrounding shops so that they stayed indoors, and the pedestrians on the street suddenly scattered.

"Is this the place?"

Vic turned his head and asked the younger brother beside him. After getting a positive answer, his body suddenly changed dramatically. First, his canine teeth became longer, and the other teeth became unusually sharp. Then his mouth and nose protruded, and the nails of his hands and feet also showed sharp claws. Then he lay on the ground, making a wolf's howl, and at the same time, smelly saliva flowed from his grinning mouth, giving people the feeling of a hungry wolf pouncing on its food.

Wolf Wolf Fruit·Beast Form!

""Ouch! I smell it!"

Vic's nose twitched slightly, and then he ran in one direction.

Noah and others who were across the street also walked in the same direction.

As expected, they were in a"Y"Noah was stunned when he saw the wolf in front of him.

He was not scared by the giant wolf in front of him. Instead, he turned his head and asked Bart:"Old Bart, can your wolf run on the street like a human wearing clothes?"

Bart was so scared that he took a few steps back and hid behind Noah:"How is it possible! The one behind seems to be a gangster... But is it the time to talk about this? This is a wolf that eats people!"

Vic was also surprised to run into these two people.

First, he was surprised by Noah's noble temperament and beautiful and lovely appearance. Vic observed carefully and found that he was not a noble son here, so he remembered his smell and planned to deal with the person who killed his younger brother and then kidnap Noah and sell him for money.

Secondly, he was surprised that someone dared to block their way at this time?


Vic shrugged his nose and said to Bart:"You..., old man! Why do you smell like Pixar, and there's also a smell of blood! Did you kill Pixar?"

Vic roared with a grin on his face, staring at Bart with a ferocious face and took a few steps in his direction, hunching his body as if he would pounce on him and bite off his neck as soon as he answered yes.

"Hey!!! He spoke!!!"

Bart was startled at first, but then he was frightened by Vic's question and sweat broke out on his face. He staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground, trembling for a while and said,"No, sir, I didn't kill Pixar.……"

"What? This wolf can actually talk? Is it some kind of fantasy creature?"

Noah was stunned when he heard Vic's words, and then asked innocently

"Humph! You ignorant brat! I ate the Prairie Wolf Fruit, and this is my beast form! Watch out, I'm going to change back to human form now."

Vic's wolf-headed face showed a human-like disdain, but he couldn't help feeling superior when he heard the question from the cute kid in front of him. After all, devil fruits are a scarce resource, and ordinary people may never have seen one in their lifetime, so he showed off his fruit ability to Noah.

Vic propped up his hind legs, then retracted his teeth and claws, and even his protruding mouth and nose returned to their original appearance, and even his clothes were intact, which made Noah feel strange, but he saw that the people around him were obviously accustomed to it, or turned a blind eye.

""It's amazing, Uncle Wolf!"

Noah's eyes were hot when he saw Vic's transformation, as if he saw a fun toy, because Noah found that compared with the state when he just transformed into a wolf, his breath was much weaker. This shows that the so-called devil fruit is not just functional or just for show, but can actually enhance a person's strength.


Vic felt a little uncomfortable when he felt Noah's strange gaze, but he was still very proud when he heard Noah's words, thinking about picking a better master for Noah.

Well, Count Chris's wife is not bad, and she will definitely"take the southeast war" when she sees this kid.

But Vic soon remembered the business, his laughter stopped abruptly, and he turned around and continued to ask Bart:

"I almost forgot something important. You old man, I remember your name is Bart, Barry's doctor father, right? Since your son often supplies me with goods and brought me an elephant tuna today, tell me what's going on with Pixar?"

Vic didn't believe that an old man in his sixties could kill his little brothers. After all, Bart was just an ordinary old man, and not every old man was called Cap.

But it was obvious that Bart would not admit it, but he was so flustered that he didn't know how to make up a story, so he could only keep repeating:"I don't know, sir! I don't know……"

Vic's blood vessels popped up when he heard this. He was about to get angry when Noah spoke up.

"Ah~, Uncle Wolf was talking about that group of low-class hooligans, I killed them, who told them to draw their swords and start a war so easily, but in the end, that Pixar cried and begged to let him go, this random cultivator was simply provoking me! In this world, anyone can declare a war, but only the king and the strong can declare a ceasefire, a mere random cultivator actually dared to touch my power!"

Noah interrupted Vic's anger, and then narrated in his childish and clear voice how he killed Pixar and others, but his expression changed as quickly as turning a page of a book, and in the end, he expressed his inner anger with disgust and nausea.

"Uh... kid, it's you?!"

Vic originally thought Noah was joking, but as Noah's voice gradually became deeper and sharper, he inexplicably felt a certain pressure, and his expression even became a little dazed. When he came to his senses, he didn't know when his back was soaked with cold sweat.

At this time, Vic believed from the bottom of his heart that the kid in front of him was not simple, and Pixar and his men really fell into his hands.

""Little brat, now I'm going to teach you that there's a price to pay for bragging! Come on, boys! Tear him to pieces!"

Despite this, Vic was still unwilling to admit defeat verbally, and planned to let his minions try it out first. After all, isn't that how the minions' lives are spent?

For a long time after he finished speaking, Vic found that there was no sound behind him, and no one came forward. Turning around, he found that his own minions were all frightened and stunned.

Vic was so angry that his crown was about to be lifted up, and he immediately turned into sharp teeth and fierce eyes and shouted:"What are you still standing there for! Come on! If you dare to take a step back, prepare to grind my teeth!"

"Uh... yes!"

As the chaotic voices rang out, a group of younger brothers moved their Adam's apples a few times and rushed towards Noah with knives in hand. Some small leaders pointed flintlock pistols at Noah. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of blood and rain.

"Oh? Just a bug!"

Following Noah's arrogant declaration, he scanned and projected all the swords in front of him, then waved his hands to shoot them out like arrows, and detonated the magic that constructed them.

The swords quickly turned into black lines and shot through their chests, while the magic explosion brought by the collapse of the fantasy caused secondary damage to them.

Almost killed them if they were shot!

In an instant, Vic's eyes were bloodshot, and there were painful wails in his ears. Of course, more of them died without a murmur.

While shooting out the weapons, Noah also materialized two daggers, and used their magic to block the bullets shot at him and Bart. He also easily threw the daggers at the gunman and killed him, and then calmly materialized a new knife. In just a dozen seconds, there was no one standing on the opposite side except Vic.

Vic looked around with some horror, and then pretended to be calm and said:"Kid, I was wondering how you killed Pix and the others. It turns out that you are also a devil fruit ability user. These minions are dead, so join my pirate group! I can appoint you as the vice captain."

After saying that, Vic looked at Noah with some expectation. After all, Noah was just a child, and he should be happy to agree to be his deputy captain.

But Noah just lowered his head and didn't respond.

When Vic was about to repeat what he had just said, Noah finally responded.

Noah lowered his head, but his shoulders kept shaking, and he groaned.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

The snorts became louder and louder, and finally Noah covered his head with one hand and his stomach with the other, and laughed, which Vic thought was extremely harsh. This laughter contained ridicule and disdain for Vic.

"Uncle Wolf, how much did you drink when you came here? Tell me, one barrel? Two barrels? Or three barrels?"

Noah pointed the sword at Vic and looked at him with a smile, guessing how much Vic had drunk.

Suddenly, Noah paused and said in a cold tone:"But if you say you are sober, I will let you feel the pain of a thousand arrows piercing your heart! Miscellaneous cultivator!"

Noah covered his right eye with his right hand and grabbed the golden hair on his forehead. His red left eye seemed to be dyed red by blood, and even the pupils in it turned into vertical pupils.

At this time, Noah was like a ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex, and also like a gunpowder barrel that would explode at the touch.

"Hey! Wait! I can be your subordinate! You can be the captain! I am a devil fruit user, I am very useful!"

Seeing that Noah was about to cut him into pieces, Vic knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, even ignoring the hat that fell off his head in panic.

But Noah showed no mercy, and projected all the swords on the ground again, aiming at Vic and shooting at them.

Looking at the swords shot from the sky, Vic immediately turned into the most tenacious beast form to resist

"Bang Bang……"

"Ah~, spare my life!"

First there was the sound of swords piercing flesh, then there were bursts of roaring explosions, raising clouds of dust that covered Vic's figure, and only the wailing accompanied by the roar told of Vic's pain at the moment.

Under the smoke and dust, although Vic used the form of an animal to resist so that the sword only penetrated a little, the explosion that followed made his flesh and blood blurred, and gradually exposed the bones under the flesh.

As the swords continued to fall, Vic gradually lost his strength. At this moment, he enjoyed the feeling of thousands of swords on his body.

At this moment, Vic hated that he had eaten an animal-type devil fruit, which made him support for so long in the rain of swords.

At the last moment of his life, Vic died with a smile.

"Finally freed……"

"I really regret that I didn't get to go out to sea.……"

"Maybe I was destined to be a loser when I fled back to Cleves Island.……"

Noah put his hands on his waist and looked at the bloody mess in the pit, and curled his lips:"It's really sad to have vitality that doesn't match your strength.……"

"However, I hope this pain will accompany you into reincarnation, so that you can have brighter eyes in your next life, miscellaneous cultivator!"

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