"Macefield Noah?"

Golden Lion muttered Noah's name, then stared at Noah and asked,"Boy, is there no D in your name? Or do you have a hidden name containing D?"

"D? What a messed up name, is there anything special about it? Nothing!"Noah looked at the golden lion with a smile, then he suddenly realized something and said jokingly:"Could it be that the famous golden lion would care about bloodline theory?"

"Hahahaha! That's right! Roger is wrong! So what if I'm D! No one dares to look down on me even if I'm not D!" The Golden Lion was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Come on, kid, let the senior teach you how to use a sword!"

The Golden Lion twisted the sword in his hand, and the Dominant Color instantly entered his body.

Noah also retracted the Dominant Color, and he inserted Gan Jiang Moye into the pile of stones.

The two swords turned into blue particles and floated away.

"Boy, what do you mean by this! Are you going to admit defeat?"

The golden lion raised his eyebrows and looked at Noah's behavior in confusion.

"No, it's just that the Golden Lion at this moment is qualified to make these two king swords of mine bleed!"

Noah calmly took out two extremely gorgeous swords , one black and one white, from the King's Treasure.

"Oh, little brat, you dare to look down on me!"

As a great swordsman, the Golden Lion could tell at a glance that the two swords were extraordinary, and were definitely not inferior to his own Dead Wood and Sakura Ten. However, Noah had used the swords manifested by his own ability to deal with him before, and it was obvious that he didn't take him seriously just now.

Noah smiled faintly and said,"No, it's just that the sick and weak Golden Lion just now was not worthy of me taking out the king sword. It's not about strength, but courage!"

The Golden Lion glared:"Boy, you really dare to say that!"

"" Chop!"

The golden lion suddenly swung the dead wood cleanly and quickly, and a huge slash came quickly towards Noah. The speed and the concentration of the sword energy were at least twice as strong as the previous slash.


""Come on!"

Noah also did not hold back at this moment, not only using magic power to increase, but also the armed color domineering aura seemed to flow continuously into the dawn and twilight.

"" Magic Armor, Demon Domination!"

He swung out two giant slashes one after the other, and the two slashes collided in the air, and finally merged into a faster and larger slash that attacked the golden slash.


Boom boom boom!~~!!

"The Lion Chikiri Ya!"

"Magic Armor: Demonic Dance!"

Flying slashes collided with each other quickly, and the huge shock wave made the already broken surface seem to be shattered and fall into the sea in the next second. At the same time, the strong wind blew away the trees near the sea, and even uprooted the

"Sister Liya, will Lord Noah be okay?"

Liya stared at the battle ahead, and comforted Michelle who was worried beside her,"Don't worry, Lord Noah will never lose."

Irene, Kuina and Sibel stared at the battlefield between Noah and the Golden Lion. The slashes made them dizzy and inspired their inner yearning for kendo.

Clang clang clang!

Both of them used two-sword style, and the swords in their hands were swung into afterimages. Only the sound of metal and stone colliding and the sparks that burst out after the collision could be heard.

Noah swung violently, and two knife lights flashed, but were easily avoided by the Golden Lion.

The Golden Lion floated in the air with the help of the Floating Fruit, staring at Noah with excitement and appreciation, and laughed:"Hahahaha! It's been a long time since I met a newcomer with potential like you, no, it should be said that I have never met one!"

"What a pity," the Golden Lion looked at his broken body. The hidden injuries hindered his physical strength. He could even feel that his time was running out. He laughed with determination and heroism,"It would be interesting if I could live in the same era as you!"

Noah also grinned at this moment,"Hahahaha, the same era as me? I guess none of you can hold your heads up!"

"Maybe, but this sea won't be so lonely!"The golden lion smiled faintly, as if he was chatting with a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

But soon the golden lion put away his smile, his eyes became stern.

"Come on, Noah! Let me show you what the power of a king is!"

After saying that, the two swords in the hands of the golden lion were covered with armed color domineering, and at the same time, dark red lightning appeared and wrapped around them. It seemed that the surrounding space was wailing, and the two swords also sent a suffocating pressure.

"This is……"

Noah's pupils shrank, and he was somewhat surprised and delighted to see this scene.

"The might of the lion, the roar of the lion king!

The golden lion was like real sparks and lightning, and it rushed towards Noah at lightning speed.

"Come on!"

Noah felt like he was being locked in, unable to dodge, but he didn't want to dodge.

Noah poured his armament color and magic power into his two swords, his eyes also revealed a crazy fighting spirit, and slashed with his two swords to intercept the golden lion's attack.


The golden lion slashed with his sword, and the two swords came towards Noah with black and red lightning.

"What is this?!"

Noah's pupils shrank, he felt a pain in his chest, and even his mind was in a trance for a moment.

At this moment, Noah had only one question in his mind:"Why did this attack bypass my sword?"

Before he had time to figure it out, the golden lion's attack completely fell on Noah.

Noah only felt his head go empty, and then a sharp pain came from his body. At the same time, his feet felt light, and the whole person instantly turned into a black shadow and shot backwards. Whoosh



Noah knocked down countless trees along the way, and finally even plowed a gully over a hundred meters long in the ground.

"Lord Noah!"×nThe women exclaimed, not caring about anything else, and directly used their shaving skills to run towards Noah.

"Don't come over here!"

Noah shouted, then struggled to get up.

"Ah, but Lord Noah……"

Liya and others paused and said worriedly

"The king is fine!"

Noah looked at Leah sternly, signaling her not to disobey orders.

Leah understood after seeing Noah's expression, and turned to everyone and said:"Let's retreat, this is the order of Lord Noah!"


Then, the girls returned to their original places.

Ugh, cough, cough!

When Noah saw the girls turned around and ran back to their original places, he immediately relaxed his body and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. He looked at the blood in his hand with blurred vision, and his mind began to gradually become clear. It seems that he has never suffered such an injury before. Even if he has, it should have been a long time ago. At least there is no memory in his mind.

Noah felt the pain from his body. He was obviously seriously injured, but he was particularly happy.

How long has it been since I felt this kind of happiness, no! It's the feeling of excitement?

This kind of battle with no result in sight, this kind of battle that is likely to be lost, really makes the blood in my body want to move.

The domineering aura in my body seems to be taking stimulants, growing continuously, and more active than ever before!


Noah used his two swords to stand up, staggered forward a few times and stood firm, shouting the name of the Golden Lion.

"Not dead yet, kid!"

Ho ho ho ho ~

The golden lion flew towards Noah and saw Noah staggering to his feet.

The golden lion was panting, still staring at Noah with an excited grin, but it was still obvious that the previous attack was very exhausting for him.

If other monsters saw the golden lion at this moment, they would probably shake their heads and sigh that the powerful lion was gone, leaving only a mighty but weak lion. The domineering color entanglement that the top powerhouses used as a normal attack was so strenuous for the golden lion now.

""Hehe, I won't die so easily! However, this is the first time I've been so embarrassed! I will definitely wash away this shame with your head!"

Noah panted, but his momentum was not inferior at all.

"I didn't expect that the Conqueror's Haki could still entangle me, and I didn't expect that this power could actually attack from a distance, and even affect the mind!"Noah showed an interesting smile on his face, not afraid of the attack just now.

"Come on, Shiki! Let me show you my domineering color!"

Noah smiled, his eyes confident and full of fighting spirit.

At this time, the armed color in Noah's body quickly flowed into the two swords, and then Noah's eyes flashed red, and a domineering and outstanding domineering color wrapped around the two swords, and the dark lightning was as agile as a leaping elf.

"Nani! You can use Overlord Haki Entanglement so quickly?!"

The Golden Lion's expression froze, and his eyes revealed an expression of disbelief.


"It's nothing special, it's just what I thought. As long as I firmly believe, I can do it!"

Noah pointed his knife at the Golden Lion, and his tone seemed to be as natural as a matter of course, as simple as an emperor ordering a minister to go to a place. The

Golden Lion was stunned when he heard it, but then he burst into even more excited laughter:"Hahahaha! You are right, the power of domineering is to believe that you can do everything!"

"What a joy! Come on! Noah, accept my last blow!"The

Golden Lion said, and the same domineering color was wrapped around the dead tree and Ying Ju. The power of this blow was even greater than the previous one. It can be seen that this is the last and strongest blow of the Golden Lion.

"I'm happy to accompany you!"

Noah's eyes also revealed a hint of a crazy smile, and his two swords were madly infused with magic and domineering power. The black lightning on the two swords seemed to be rioting and made a harsh sound.

"Magical Armament, Sword Drawing, Ragnarok!"


Lion 's might, the roar of the lion king!~~~

Instantly, the four knives were about to meet, but they did not collide, as if there was a wall blocking them. There were lines of black and red lightning in the middle.


The ground beneath Noah's feet began to crack, and countless pieces of rubble flew into the air and were shattered by the raging aura in the air.���

Even the stones on the golden lion's side were like this, and their domineering aura seemed to crush everything around them into nothingness.

The sky was split in half under the domineering aura of the two.

The women looked up at the sky with dull eyes, muttering,"The sky is cracked!"……"



Golden Lion and Noah stared with red light flashing in their pupils, and the explosion in the air became more violent.

Finally, a dazzling white light engulfed the two of them and blocked the sight of others.

Rumble, r...~~~!!

The girls couldn't stand the dazzling white light, and they all used their hands to block the dazzling light and the strong wind.

When the white light faded, the girls shouted nervously:"Lord Noah!"

They ran towards Noah.

Noah and Golden Lion fell in the big pit, both of them were gasping for breath.

Noah heard the voices of the girls, but he didn't have much strength to respond, so he had to wait for a few minutes.

Golden Lion looked at the sky with blurry eyes at this moment, as if he saw the fateful battle with Roger that day.

"How many times have I said this, Roger! Although we had many grudges when we were young, let's forget it!"

"Be my right arm, Roger!"

"I'm not interested in ruling, Shiki! What's the point of being a pirate if you don't do what you want to do!"


Roger! The era you started will definitely end in this kid's hands!

Just let me... just let me lead this kid on the path of pirates!

"Noah! You know Roger, right?"

The Golden Lion was very calm at the moment, memories flashed through his eyes like a revolving lantern, and the pain in his body seemed to have disappeared.

"Ah, what happened?"

Noah struggled to sit up and leaned his back against a huge rock.

"Although I don't know what onepiece is, Roger is a man who doesn't lie, so……"

"onepiece! It exists! Go find it. A man like you should ride on the sea and conquer it!"

"If...if one day, you find the legendary one piece, you must tell me in front of the grave.……"

The golden lion's eyes were blurred, and his speech became increasingly weak. Finally, a bold and fearless smile appeared on his lips, and he passed away suddenly!

"onepiece, there should be a lot of treasures……"

"I will go and have a look, but only because all the treasures in the world belong to me!"

Noah muttered as he looked at the golden lion in silence.

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