"Master Noah, are you okay?"

"Lord Noah!"


Noah raised his head and smiled weakly,"It's okay, just rest for a while and it will be fine."

The girls smiled at each other.

Suddenly, boom!

The girls found that the ground was shaking, and at the same time, the ship of Shiki in the sky began to fall freely.

"Oh no, maybe after Shiki died, the ability of the Float-Float Fruit became ineffective!"

Roland looked around solemnly and found that the entire island was indeed falling.

"Lord Noah, let's take you back to the ship."

Leah stretched out her hand to help Noah.

Noah did not refuse, because he really couldn't get up so fast.

"By the way, I brought energy potions."

Vanessa suddenly remembered that she carried energy potions and some potions for healing in her bag.

She hurriedly opened the bag and took them out, feeding them to Noah.

Noah was delighted to see the potions, and said with a smile,"Sister Vanessa is so careful and prepared."

After drinking the potion, Noah cooperated with the life return. The potion was digested as soon as it went down his stomach. He immediately felt that his strength and injuries were recovering.

Noah stood up shakily and could barely run. As long as he didn't fight, it wouldn't affect his movements.

"let's go"

""Okay, Lord Noah!"

Vanessa responded with a smile. Although she didn't know why, she suddenly felt a strong resentment coming from Liya, so it was better to run as soon as possible.

Because the island was not high from the sea, it soon fell into the sea and did not collapse temporarily.

With a shake, Noah and others desperately protected the boat and returned to the sea.

""Lea, take a few people to see what good things are on Shiki's ship!"

Noah also told Lea to go to Shiki's place.

In the past, Noah didn't care much about the treasures of those little pirates. He didn't care whether to search or not, but he was looking forward to Shiki's treasure.

"Hi! Lord Noah!"

Lea, along with Irene and several other powerful maids, flew to the Golden Lion's ship.

The Golden Lion's ship was still quite sturdy, and it didn't break into pieces after falling from a hundred meters in the sky.

Only a group of people jumped off the ship, some cheering, some crying.

Noah was not worried about Lea. After all, it was difficult for him to break Lea's absolute barrier, and if Lea was in danger, he could call him.

Noah returned to the original place, asked Kuina to take away the Golden Lion's double swords, and asked Irene to cut down a tree and dig it into a coffin.

Finally, Noah and others buried Shiki all over the island.

Noah did not carve a monument, after all After all, they were rivals, and not letting him die in the wilderness was an appreciation for this hero.

And if he erected a monument, someone would probably dig up his grave.

Noah asked Kuina to clean the dead wood and Sakura Ten, mainly because Noah felt that they were tied to Shiki's legs for more than ten years, and he was too dirty.

But as a respectable opponent, he was able to put down everything and fight Noah to the death in the end, and his weapons were worthy of Noah's collection.

Then Noah put the two knives into the King's Treasure.

In the evening.

Liya and others came with a pile of treasures and some food.

Liya smiled and said,"Lord Noah, there are a lot of treasures on the ship, but there are no devil fruits."

Noah didn't find it strange, after all, devil fruits are rare, and even a lucky person like him only picked up a few.

Not to mention Golden Lion!

According to his understanding of Golden Lion's experience, it seems that this Golden Lion is not a lucky person, on the contrary, he is very unlucky.

Well, a naval battle with Roger ended up encountering a tsunami. Roger was not damaged at all, and his fleet was completely destroyed, and he also had an extra rudder on his head.

"However, Vanessa discovered a strange plant on the ship that can be used to increase potential and develop potential."

"In fact, to be more specific, this plant can stimulate animals and cause their bodies to evolve."

Venice smiled and added to Liya's explanation.

"This plant is called IQ! But Ski and his assistant just used it to stimulate the beast to make it more manic and stronger. What a waste!"

Vanessa was a little disdainful of the short-sightedness of the golden lion.

Noah rarely saw this expression on Vanessa's face, and smiled:"That's great, we'll be waiting for your evolution potion!"

Vanessa smiled and nodded and said:"No problem, leave it to me, Lord Noah!"

Liya smiled and said to Luo Lan:"Luo Lan, there seem to be some equipment on it. I don't know which ones you need. Do you want to take a look?"

Luo Lan's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he followed Liya happily.

The next day, the Navy Headquarters

"Bolu Bolu……"


"This is the Navy Headquarters……"


A navy soldier was sweating profusely and running in the corridor.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Sorry!……"

The soldier turned left and right and ran all the way to the office of Admiral Sengoku.

""Oh no! General Zhan Guo!"

Zhan Guo was still diligently reviewing a pile of reports.

"This Nanhai branch has applied for funding several times, but it was not approved! Let someone check whether they are stealing military funds!"

"The Donghai branch actually applied for another promotion, Major Mouse? Could it be related to that flying squirrel kid?"

"The Beihai branch is applying for additional troops again.ε=(´ο`*)))Alas, there is nothing we can do about it, because the pirates in the North Sea are the most violent?!"

"Why is this West Sea branch joining in the fun? The Capone family? A gangster who became famous by betraying and killing the boss? Let's pay attention to it."


Zhan Guo was confused by these reports. He wanted to be promoted to marshal.

It was not because he was greedy for power, but because he was too tired. As a man who regarded the navy as his lover and never married, he felt a little powerless now.

ε=(´ο`*)))Alas, there is no way, I am getting old!

He now only wants to become the admiral of the navy as soon as possible, and then let the three little bastards below take over some reports quickly to share some pressure with him.

It is really too difficult for him now. The work of three admirals and a marshal is now all done by him alone.

Just when Zhan Guo was complaining to himself, the hurried reports of soldiers came from outside.

Zhan Guo frowned, feeling uneasy, and shouted:"Come in!"

The soldier rushed in immediately, sweating and saluted to Admiral Zhan Guo nervously, and said:"Someone sent a message anonymously-the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion fell on Tailanglin Island in the East China Sea!!"



Zhan Guo slammed his hands on the table and stood up, his face full of disbelief:"Who is it? East China Sea? Who can be in East China Sea? Could it be that guy with red hair?"

Zhan Guo suddenly remembered a piece of intelligence he had read some time ago: Red-haired Shanks' whereabouts were strange, and he was suspected to be heading to East China Sea.

Zhan Guo attached great importance to the man named Red-haired Shanks, after all, he was a trainee member on Roger's pirate ship.

What? You look down on trainee members?

Kaido: Nani! Come on, take my Thunder Bagua!

The soldier was stunned when he heard this, but soon said:"No, it seems to be done by a man named Macefield Noah, who seems to be a newcomer."

Macefield Noah?

Zhan Guo was a little stunned when he heard this name, and quickly recalled the name in his mind, and found that there was no such person.

Strange? The person who can kill Shiki must be a strong man, how could he be unknown?

"Do you have any photos?"

Zhan Guo suddenly asked

"Hi! Yes!"

After hearing this, the soldier quickly took out a photo from the report in his hand.

It was the picture of Noah standing up again after being knocked away by Shiqi's domineering move.

There was a fiery fighting spirit in his eyes, and even through the photo, one could feel the domineering power revealed in the man's eyes.

Although his face was childish, Zhan Guo had an inexplicable feeling that he was a king.

Zhan Guo shook his head and immediately woke up, saying with sweat on his forehead:"Uh... what a domineering king!"

"How could such a man be content to remain unknown?!"

The soldier replied cautiously:"Maybe it’s because he just debuted. After all, he doesn’t look very old, so I said he is a newcomer."


Zhan Guo just remembered that Noah's face was indeed a little childish. He had already noticed it just now, but because of the domineering look in his eyes, his mind was dazed and he ignored the fact that this man was still young, no, too young.

Zhan Guo wanted to refute the soldier, thinking that it might be because he took good care of himself, or it might be the ability of some devil fruit, but when he thought of the domineering look in this man's eyes, he found that the soldier's guess seemed to be the most accurate.

"Has the news been confirmed?"

The soldier said,"Hi! I just received news that some islands fell from the sky yesterday afternoon. The reason was unknown at the time, but now……"

Zhan Guo understood that this phenomenon proved that Shiki the Golden Lion had fallen, and the island supported by the Float-Float Fruit fell down because the fruit's ability failed.


Zhan Guo raised his head, stared at the soldier, and ordered seriously:"I want all the information about this man, his every move, his life experience, I want it all!"

"Uh... Hi! I'll be there right away!"

The soldier was frightened by Sengoku's expression at the moment, but soon his military training cheered him up. After saluting, he rushed out of the admiral's office.

Sengoku looked at the soldier's hurried figure, sighed, turned his head to the Den Den Mushi beside him, picked it up and dialed Garp's number, shouting:"Garp!"

On the other side, Garp was on a naval warship, eating donuts crazily on the deck.

"One hundred and one……"

"One hundred and two……"

"One hundred and three……"

At this time, Bogart ran out and said urgently,"Lieutenant General Garp! It's General Sengoku calling!"

"Huh? Just say I'm not here, I'm still going to break the donut record!"

Garp laughed and tickled his nose with his little finger, saying nonchalantly.

In fact, Garp didn't want to listen to Zhan Guo's nagging. After all, this time he was going home to see his grandson without asking for permission.


"General Sengoku, I'm Bogart, Vice Admiral Garp is not here now.……"

""Bogart, give the Den Den Mushi to Garp! Garp! I'm not here to settle accounts with you just because you sneaked back to the East China Sea again!"

Garp then handed the bag of donuts in his hand to the soldier beside him and took the Den Den Mushi from Bogart.

Because he knew that if Zhan Guo didn't scold him for being absent from his post, it meant that there was real work to be done.

"Uh, Warring States, I just came from……"

"All right! Garp! Just now I received the information - the Golden Lion has fallen!"

Garp's face suddenly darkened, not because of anger, but because one more old rival and acquaintance from the old days was lost.

At this moment, Sengoku seemed to sense the loneliness in Garp's heart, and he was considerate and didn't say anything.

He is different from Garp, he is the future admiral of the navy, the death of the Golden Lion Shiki is conducive to the stability of the sea, and now the most important thing is to find the man who killed Shiki and determine his position.

If he is a civilian, try to pull him to the navy.

But if you want to become a pirate, then...

Sengoku's eyes flashed a hint of cruelty, this kind of strong man with unlimited potential must be strangled.

The New World is now vaguely controlled by the three major pirate groups, and no one else can appear.

"Garp! Now is not the time to sigh. Go to Tailanglin Island in the East China Sea and try to find the man who killed the golden lion. His name is Macefield Noah! I will send you the information by fax later. Remember Garp!"

Zhan Guo raised his head and looked forward, and said in a somewhat cold voice:

"If you can't win him over, then kill him. This kind of unstable factor is too troublesome. The world doesn't need another emperor anymore!"

Garp's face was gloomy. He was obviously a little dissatisfied with his friend's behavior, but he also understood that the situation on the sea had begun to stir up some waves.

He decided that when he found Noah, he must use the iron fist of justice to make Noah a glorious navy.

"I understand, leave it to me!"

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