"So what do you want to do?"

Beckman took a sip from his glass, somewhat curious about what his captain would do.

Shanks paused for a moment and said,"Let's observe for a while. If it doesn't work , find someone else."

Shanks exhaled deeply, raised his head suddenly, grinned and showed a row of neat teeth, and said,"If it doesn't work, I can also go up. This is the last resort. The captain and the others shouldn't blame me."

"You guy……"

Beckman laughed and cursed speechlessly

""Hahaha, forget about him. Beckman, come on, let’s have a drink. I’ve been running around with Ace all day. I’m really exhausted. This kid has so much energy!"

Shanks hugged Beckman’s shoulders and pointed the bottle at Beckman’s glass.

Beckman glanced at him, then glanced at his own glass, and finally clinked his glass with his smile.

"ah,ε=(´ο`*)))Oh, this wine tastes so good"

"How does it compare to your Xihai wine?"

Beckman asked


Shanks held his head and shook it with a conflicted look. After a long while, he said,"The wine from the West Sea is still better."

After that, Shanks glanced at Makino, then waved his hand and explained hurriedly,"Well, after all, it's the wine from my hometown. There is a certain sentimental bonus."

Makino covered his mouth and smiled,"It's okay, Shanks. After all, I'm just responsible for selling wine. This wine is not brewed by me."

Shanks smiled and said,"Oh, do you brew your own wine? If so, I'm looking forward to it."

The two sides chatted for a long time and were about to go back. Beckman seemed to remember something and put down the cup in his hand with a little heaviness.

"Ah, I forgot one thing.

Shanks was also shocked by Beckman's cup, thinking that he was busy chatting with the beauty and his good friend Beckman was angry and jealous.

"Uh... Beckman, if you have anything to say, relax and talk slowly."

Beckman was thinking of lighting a cigarette, but he put it down when he saw Makino.

He glanced at Shanks, and a rare look of embarrassment appeared on his face. In the end, he said it under Shanks's hint.

"Today, Uta went out with Noah and Luffy."

The smile on Shanks' face froze in place, and even the muscles controlling his smile slowly relaxed.

After a few seconds, the whole tavern seemed to be shaken.


Shanks grabbed Beckman's clothes excitedly and angrily said:"Why didn't you stop him? He has bad intentions towards Uta, how can you let them be alone?"

Beckman was speechless. Shanks became a little crazy when he encountered the matter of Noah and Uta.

He clearly said"Uta, Noah, and Luffy", and Luffy, Shanks!

Luffy: I'm not a human?!

And Noah's maids are one with Noah, they must have followed him.

Seeing that Shanks seemed to be having a lot of fun, Beckman didn't explain much and let Shanks grab his clothes while he drank the wine in his glass by himself.

The next day,

"" Noah, come with me!"

Noah, as usual, came to Makino's tavern with a group of maids and Kuina.

Shanks walked towards Noah, staring at Noah with sharp eyes.

But Noah waved his hand to signal to wait a moment, and smiled to Uta beside him:"Uta, how about it, are your clothes from yesterday comfortable? I heard from Sister Roland that there will be shooting stars tonight, and Sister Leah also said that the visibility is very high tonight. Do you want to join us?"

Uta immediately avoided Noah's gaze, fixed her eyes on her dress and shoes, and said a little shyly:"Okay, Luffy probably didn't notice the shooting stars, so I'll accompany him and you."

Shanks' face became darker and darker. He felt that he had walked for not a day yesterday, but a whole year.

He was about to jump out of the cabbage.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Noah smiled and nodded, then raised his head to Shanks to signal him to lead the way.

Uta pulled Shanks' clothes and asked in confusion:"Shanks, where are you going?"

Shanks smiled and touched Uta's head, saying:"Don't worry, Uta, we just saw a very strong pig in a place. It was digging the cabbage planted by the villagers, so I took Noah to help. We will eat pork together tonight."


When the girls heard this, how could they not understand what Shanks was referring to?

They couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh, and looked at Noah with strange eyes.

Noah also heard the hidden meaning of Shanks at this time, but he had to dig his cabbage, so he suppressed his inner indignation.

He actually compared the king to a pig!

Only Uta looked at Shanks with innocence and said,"Shanks, you actually want Noah to go with a pig? Noah probably won't help you carry it back, give up."

Although they had only known each other for more than a day, Uta knew that Noah was a very clean person. He would not do this kind of job even if he was given the whole world.

"No, it's just that this pig is very strong, so I have to go with him. I can carry the pig back by myself."

Shanks waved his hand to indicate that he was not asking Noah to help carry the pig.

"Hmm...are there such strong pigs?" Uta thought for a moment and said,"Well, you guys go early and come back early."

Shanks breathed a sigh of relief.

Noah followed Shanks to a deserted island not far away.

Shanks pulled out his griffin and said,"Noah, what is your purpose in approaching Uta?!"

Noah shrugged and said,"Nothing else, I just came across a beautiful flower, so I thought of transplanting it to my garden."

Shanks originally asked Noah to come out this time to test Noah's strength. As for Uta, he only accounted for a small part, but he felt a little angry when he heard Noah's metaphor. The rapier in Shanks' hand was trembling from being tightly grasped.

"and……"Noah paused, and said meaningfully:"Didn't you ask me to come here just to test my level?"

Noah projected Gan Jiang Moye Overedge, and said with a smile:"Then don't use Wuta as an excuse, just say it directly, and I won't refuse to answer you."

Shanks was still a little angry, but when he heard this, he suddenly exhaled deeply and smiled:"Sorry, you are right, it is not good to use Wuta as an excuse, then I will ask directly."

Shanks pointed a knife at Noah and asked:"What is your purpose?"

Noah frowned, obviously feeling unhappy about being pointed at by Shanks with a knife, but still asked doubtfully:"Do we know each other?"

Shanks hesitated and shook his head:"No!"

"Then why are you so hostile to me?" Noah was a little confused.

Shanks also realized at this time that his reaction was a little sensitive. He hesitated and said,"Your domineering makes me feel very uneasy."

Shanks thought about it and felt that the source of his uneasiness seemed to have started from that domineering confrontation.

Noah shrugged and said,"Okay, I reluctantly accept this explanation."

"As for my purpose, I don't know either. I guess I will go to the new world soon and fight those so-called monsters."

Noah touched his chin, thought for a while, and then told his itinerary without hesitation.

"Well, now that you have drawn your sword and pointed it at me, if I don't teach you a lesson, any cat or dog will jump in front of me, although you are not any cat or dog."

Noah said, and before Shanks could speak, a blade of light swung towards Shanks.


Shanks' eyes flashed, and without saying anything, he dodged.

"Armed·Two-Sword Style·Flying Swallow Piercing Willow!"

Noah clenched Gan Jiang Moye in his hand, and quickly swung out two slashes as if he was drawing his sword.


The two slashes were not very powerful, but they were as agile as a flying swallow among willows, and their trajectories were unpredictable.

Noah improved this move. The previous flying swallow piercing willow was only fast, but it was not as agile as a spirit snake, making people feel unpredictable.

Shanks' pupils shrank, and he found that his observation Haki could not predict the next move in time, or its next move was always changing, so Shanks supported his hands with muscles, and the sword in his hand became an afterimage, and slashed out several times to block the route of the two slashes.



"What a wonderful swordsmanship!" Noah was somewhat amazed.

Irene and the others were also watching in a trance, muttering:"What a powerful swordsmanship, what an excellent response, is this a competition between great swordsmen?"

Liya and the others did not understand swordsmanship, so they did not understand and asked:"Irene, what's wrong, was there anything just now?"

Kuina pouted and said angrily:"Of course there was!"

But thinking that she was not good at swordsmanship, she calmed down and said:

"Because the attacks from Red-Haired Shanks just now perfectly blocked Noah's attack path, and at the same time, not every attack needed to be as powerful as Noah's, but those attacks just offset Noah's attack."

Irene added:"The most common people would have to spend more energy to resist with several attacks with the same or more power as Noah's attack."

"This is almost a perfect response!"

Even Elena, an abnormal swordsman who usually thinks about dissection all day, is fascinated by the sword skills of Noah and the others.

Shanks also looked solemn and said,"I should be the one saying this!"

Shanks did not expect Noah's swordsmanship to be so exquisite, and he could use such superb sword skills so easily.

This move can only be intercepted by those who have not reached the level of predicting the future with their observation Haki, who can only spend more physical strength, or those with superb swordsmanship like Shanks can intercept it relatively easily.

Noah smiled and said,"This is what I learned from my secret technique. How about trying my secret technique next?"

Noah dodged and quickly approached Shanks, but as for the physical body, Noah's physical body at this time was still not as fast as those monsters, so Shanks easily caught Noah's figure.

Shanks stretched out his hand and a scarlet slash slashed on the predicted route of Noah.




Noah raised the Ganjiang in his hand to resist, and then raised his hand to deflect the slash from the track.

Noah quickly approached a few meters in front of Shanks, and then smiled.

"Armed·Dual Sword Style·Secret Technique of Quick Sword·Swallow Return!"

In Shanks' eyes, Noah seemed to have become four people, slashing fiercely from the top, left, right and front at the same time.

Shanks found that Noah's swordsmanship might be better than his.

At least with this move of Swallow Return, there was no way out!

Shanks was domineering, and he turned into a red light and rushed forward.

Noah's pupils shrank, and he saw Shanks wrapped in a layer of domineering domineering. He suddenly picked up the sword light in the middle, and then suddenly appeared in front of Noah, raised the famous sword Griffin in his hand, and slashed with a sword with red eyes.

""God, get out of the way!"

Noah was unable to dodge and was hit directly by the shock wave condensed by the Conqueror's Haki. He was hit so hard that he was bent over and flew backwards like a shrimp.

"Lord Noah!!!" the girls exclaimed.

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