"Master Noah! Are you okay?"

Liya ran over and squatted to ask Noah.

Vanessa also ran over to check on Noah's body.

But Noah waved his hand to indicate that he was fine and didn't need to come over.

"Ugh, cough, cough, cough!"

Noah struggled to stand up, wiped the stomach acid from the corner of his mouth, and whispered:"It's a close call, fortunately I used the Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki to protect my body in time, otherwise it would not be as simple as vomiting acid water."

After that, Noah looked at Shanks indignantly and said:"Damn you, you are serious! I was competing with you in swordsmanship, but you actually used the Conqueror's Haki to entangle me!"

Shanks scratched his head embarrassedly and said:"Gu Menase, the attack just now was too fast, and I used it in a panic."

Noah smiled strangely and said:"It's okay, since you want to use it, then use it."

Noah made a sword flower casually, then smiled and said:"I didn't plan to end it so soon. After all, your swordsmanship is superb. I wanted to learn more about its advantages, but now..."……"

Noah paused, frowned, stared at Shanks fiercely, and said coldly:

"This king’s heart is so big that it can hold the whole world, but this king’s heart is also so small that even a swear word deserves death!"

"Because I am the king, I don't need to tolerate the words of miscellaneous cultivators, nor do I need to correct the thoughts of miscellaneous cultivators. I will only do one thing, and that is to clean up the annoying bugs!"

Noah spoke word by word, and a dark red domineering aura gushed out of his body, stirring the sky, and it seemed as if a storm was coming.

Shanks felt a great threat from Noah's words. What if a powerful and domineering person went to the new world to stir up the situation?

But Shanks didn't have time to think about it now. Now he had a feeling that he could not protect himself. His domineering color was aroused and broke out, but he could only defend the small area around him.

And Noah's domineering aura seemed to surround the whole world.

But soon Noah's domineering aura receded like the ebb tide.

Noah inserted Moye beside him, and just when Shanks was a little confused. Whoosh~! Noah disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was already near Shanks. Shanks' pupils shrank, and his expression revealed an incredible look. Noah held the Gan Jiang wrapped in dark red lightning, and the starting posture made him very familiar.

Sure enough , the next moment


""God, get out of the way!"

Noah's eyes flashed red, and he raised the Moye in his hand and slashed at Shanks.

At this moment, Noah in Shanks' eyes seemed to overlap with the figure of his own Captain Roger, making him feel a sense of time and space dislocation.

This trance caused him to miss the opportunity to draw his sword to resist.

The domineering power of this sword slashed Shanks fiercely.


Bang!!! Tit for tat.

Shanks was beaten like Noah at the beginning."V"Like.


The moment Shanks was hit, his eyes turned white and he spat out a mouthful of sour water first. It was obvious that he had taken precautions, otherwise he would have vomited blood.

Bang, bang, bang!

Finally, the whole person flew backwards and knocked down several century-old trees before stopping.

Noah stood where he was, shading the sun with one hand and looking in the direction of Shanks. He blew a whistle and said,"Huh! Is this idiot scared silly? Fortunately, I used up my strength, otherwise the knife would have cut him in half. I can't explain to Uta."

Noah had just planned to have a domineering collision with Shanks, but the kid just looked at him stupidly. Fortunately, Noah withdrew half of his strength in the end, and Shanks knew to use the armed color to protect his internal organs, otherwise Shanks would have to lie down for several months if he didn't die from the knife just now.

For the people in this world, lying down for a few months is already dying, except for death.

"But I feel much better after letting it out like this."

Noah ran towards Shanks, shaving as if he was strolling in the garden. Judging from the calmness of his steps, it was obvious that he had practiced shaving into his bones, and it felt like he could shrink the earth into an inch.

"Cough, cough, cough!!!"

Shanks was on all fours, coughing violently, and it took him a long time to catch his breath.

"Hey! You're not dead yet!"

Noah stood in front of Shanks with his hands in his pockets, laughing.

It was as if the two of them met by chance on the street and greeted each other like acquaintances.

Although the content of the greeting was a bit strange.

Although Shanks blocked the attack with his armed color, the shock wave caused by the attack also made his internal organs ache slightly.

"How could you……"

Seeing that he was out of breath, Noah kindly took over the conversation for him and said,"'Shenbi', I like this name very much, thank you."

"Your demonstration just now shocked me greatly. It is quite different from the technique used by Shiki the Golden Lion, but it has given me a lot of inspiration."

Shanks smiled bitterly.


Noah seemed to suddenly think of something and said,"Oh, by the way, this move should not be developed by you, right?"

"Well, I think you use it a little awkwardly. Although the strength is exquisite, it is not suitable for you."

When Shanks heard this, his body trembled, he stretched out his hand to press the hat, stood up tremblingly, and smiled with difficulty:

"Ah, this is my captain's sword technique. I just learned it recently and haven't had time to modify it to suit myself."

Shanks is only 27 years old now, and he is still six years away from becoming a Four Emperor at the age of 33. His practice of domineering skills is even more immature. His Armament Haki has only reached the level of Hardening and Entanglement, and he has not yet mastered Ryuo.

His Observation Haki is only proficient, not to mention foreseeing the future.

However, Shanks's Conqueror Haki and Kendo aptitude are very good, and he was the first to enter the realm of great swordsman and Conqueror Haki Entanglement.

Noah was not surprised by Shanks' answer. After all, he created and learned���People are very different.

Even if the sword skills he created are not finished, he feels smooth when using them.

Noah nodded and praised:"What an amazing sword skill. I guess he has already used the Conqueror's Haki to a very high level."

Noah turned around and asked:"I guess your captain must be a famous strong man."

Shanks knew that Noah was asking who his captain was. Shanks did not hide it because this news was not a secret for the top strong men on the sea. He said directly:"My captain's name is Gor·D·Roger!"


Noah's tone was slightly surprised.

Noah looked at Shanks seriously, from head to toe.

When Shanks was a little scared and was about to ask, Noah said jokingly:"It seems that Gol·D·Roger is a free and domineering man."

Shanks felt proud that others praised his captain, and his eyes turned kinder when he looked at Noah.

However, Noah's deeper meaning was: a domineering man who doesn't like hygiene and has very poor taste in clothes.

Noah felt a little bored and had no desire to fight. After all, apart from the fact that Shanks had a little more domineering than him, there was nothing outstanding.

Whether it was the quality and control of domineering, or the realm of kendo, Shanks was no match for Noah.

He was originally curious about Shanks' kendo, but after a fight and being interrupted by the inexplicable use of domineering, he lost all interest.

Noah waved his hand lazily:"This time, for Uta's sake, I will spare your life. You must learn to be grateful for the king's kindness. Next time, I hope your domineering can be improved, but don't use the domineering color in the sword competition. Well, because it's boring."

Shanks remained silent. Although he had experienced some hardships along the way, it was generally smooth sailing. He wandered around the four seas, on the one hand to collect companions, and on the other hand because he was very familiar with the practice of domineering. He had watched his captain and others practice since he was a child and accepted their guidance.

So he found his proud deputy captain Ben Beckman from the North Sea, and his proud sniper Jesus Bu from the East Sea. The other crew members were also dug out from the four seas. He was simply a street slicker.

He had planned to go to the New World to build a foundation in a while, but he also In order to prepare for Nika's arrival, Shanks was crushed from all angles today.

This time he woke him up, and he found that his strength was not enough to protect all the crew members.

In fact, it was true.

In the original work, Shanks' crew members in Fengkumu Village lined up in three rows in front of the bandits, but when they appeared in the top war later, there were only a few of them.

You must know that Shanks was deeply influenced by Roger, and all of his crew members were elite crew members, and they were all first-class seedlings.

So later Shanks sighed to Luffy from a distance:"I have tasted the taste of victory and failure, and experienced fleeing everywhere.���Only by living and shedding sad tears can you grow up to be a man!"

Just when Shanks was frustrated and reflecting, Beckman slowly came over with two bottles of wine.

Obviously, he was watching Shanks's fight just now.

He casually threw the wine in his right hand to Shanks.


Shanks stretched out his left hand and caught it firmly.

He bit the cork skillfully and gulped down a few mouthfuls.

"Ah, much more comfortable……"

Shanks sat down on the ground, his back against the tree stump he had just knocked over.

Beckman sat beside him without any disdain, clinked his bottle with Shanks's, and drank a few gulps himself.

After a long while,

Shanks smiled with relief:"Beckman!"


"Looks like we need to slow down our sailing speed"


As soon as Noah returned to the boat, the girls began to gather around and look at this and that.

Vanessa also took out a stethoscope and put it on Noah's chest to listen.

Noah smiled and said,"Sister Vanessa, you don't really need this. You can just lean on my arms, and we'll find a quiet place to listen slowly."

Vanessa paused and smiled gently,"I'm fine, but I'm worried that Lord Noah will feel uncomfortable and have to take another cold shower."


Noah shut up immediately. After all, he didn't want to experience that kind of feeling. He was just talking nonsense.

""Okay, Master Noah is fine, there are just some injuries, but not much. Master Noah should get some medicine to treat internal injuries later. Although it can heal itself, it will be better with the help of medicine."

Noah nodded and did not refuse. Vanessa's ability can remove the so-called drug poison and unnecessary ingredients, so there are no side effects of taking the medicine.

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