After returning that day, Uta pulled Shanks to ask doubtfully where the pig was.

Shanks stammered and confused for a long time before he could get rid of Uta's questioning eyes.

Here Shanks, Noah and others laughed and cursed, and lived freely for more than half a month.

In the tavern,

Noah and his friends occupied a corner. At this moment, Noah was sitting on a chair beside him, holding a straw in his mouth and watching the drunken madness of the Red Hair Pirates every day with great interest.



Noah asked curiously:"Sister Liya, it's amazing that this group of people can be so happy fighting like this."

Liya was speechless and said:"Maybe this is pirates"


Noah thought of this and couldn't help but look at the little boy at the front desk.

The little boy was Luffy!

Luffy grinned and said to Shanks:"Shanks! I want to be a pirate!"

Shanks said helplessly:"Aren't you annoying me every day? There's nothing good about being a pirate!"

Luffy said with longing:"But didn't you say that being a pirate is both powerful and���Are you excited and free?"

Makino couldn't help laughing when she heard Luffy's innocent speech.

Shanks turned around to face his companions, and said helplessly,"Hey, who instigated this kid?"

Lucky Lu and Benck Punch, who were fighting, immediately stopped and sat back in their original positions, indicating that it was not them.

The others also looked at the captain, on the one hand to indicate that it was not them, and on the other hand to despise their captain's behavior of shifting the blame.

Luffy was unwilling to give up, and pestered,"Hey, give me the test to join the group today!"

Makino said helplessly,"Still coming? Give up!"

Makino didn't know how many times he had seen this scene in the past half month.

Luffy would fail every time, and it was obvious that Shanks would not let Luffy join the group.

Otherwise, Shanks would have to suffer Garp's iron fist warning.

Luffy said unconvincedly,"Just wait and see, I will definitely pass this time."

Seeing Luffy so persistent, Shanks had to smile and say,"Okay."

Then Shanks brought three cups and a coin.

People gathered around, among them Sibel, Joanna and Michelle crowded around Makino affectionately, and they still enjoyed it even after watching it for more than a dozen times.

Noah looked at the three of them speechlessly. It was just a coin guessing game. He could play it himself when he got back.

Shanks held two cups in each hand and kept crossing them on the table. Suddenly, the coin on the third cup disappeared.

Shanks fiddled with the cups on the table again, then asked with a smile,"Where is the coin?"

"If you guess right, I'll let you on board!"

Luffy lay on the table and examined it, then he stretched out his hand with difficulty and gently turned over one of the cups with his fingers.

Everyone was also very curious whether Luffy had guessed correctly, and they watched Luffy's every move intently.

Noah, however, was yawning and bored, muttering,"In the future, coins must be washed before use."


The cup was turned over, revealing the scene underneath the cup.

Obviously, there was nothing!

Shanks showed a smug smile on his face. Luffy was startled by this, and then hurriedly said,"That's it!"

Luffy turned over the middle cup again.

Unfortunately, there was still nothing.

Luffy finally chose the last cup, moved it in front of him confidently, and then took it away.

But he was surprised to find that there was still nothing.

The crew of the Red Hair Pirates began to talk again

"Failed again……"

"I can’t guess!"

"Are you so stupid?"

Shanks said with a smile:"The correct answer is……"

As he said this, he stuck out his tongue, and on it was the coin.

Luffy was shocked and shouted unconvincedly,"You're breaking the rules!"

Then Luffy picked up the coin that Shanks had just spit out of his mouth, and under Noah's disdainful gaze, he began to fiddle with the cup like Shanks.

After the cup landed, Luffy pursed his lips and asked vaguely,"Where is it!"

Then Luffy slammed the table, looking very confident.

Shanks was also happy to play with him, as if he had been thinking hard for a while, and then he said in a guessing tone,"In the mouth."

Luffy gritted his teeth in panic and said,"No."

Luffy's look of refusing to admit it made Noah frown, and the girls laughed.

Noah frowned and said softly in disdain,"Eh~, it's so dirty!"

The coin had just passed through Shanks' mouth, and now it was in Luffy's mouth again.

Shanks suppressed his laughter and said tentatively,"Then open your mouth and let me see."

Unexpectedly, Luffy swallowed the coin directly in his mouth.

After swallowing, Luffy smiled and opened his mouth to indicate that he hadn't eaten.

Noah's eyebrows jumped when he saw this scene.

This naughty kid, why does he stuff everything into his mouth?

Noah was about to stand up and scold him when the door of the tavern opened.

Everyone turned their heads and showed surprise.

The person who came in was the singer of the Red Hair Pirates - Uta.

Noah didn't care what metal Luffy ate at this time, and immediately stood up to report it.

""Uta, Luffy and Shanks just kissed indirectly, it was so exciting!"

Noah's voice of laughing and reporting resounded throughout the tavern that had just been silent.

Puff puff puff!!!

In an instant, Noah's report made everyone who was drinking present become water guns.


"Cough cough cough, boss, don’t take it to heart, we are all men of the sea!"

"Yes, boss, the first kiss is useless anyway, and you haven’t found a woman!"


Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates was laughing and joking. This topic, which was not taken seriously, was ignited by Noah.

The Red Hair Pirates argued on the side:"Hey, hey, hey! I didn't dislike you for the bottle mouth you drank from before, and you didn't dislike my bottle mouth either, so what are you talking about?"

Uta stared at Luffy with sharp eyes. She didn't have much opinion on Luffy, but these days she found that Luffy kept attracting the attention of her father.

As a little cotton-padded jacket with a father-control attribute, Luffy's existence began to make her feel a little threatened.

Under normal circumstances, she would not care too much about Noah's report today, but now she feels a little sad, as if Luffy is beginning to take away her father's love.

"Hey, Luffy, let's go out and play together, Noah, you come too."

Uta stepped forward and tried to pull Luffy, and did not forget to pull Noah away.

Noah did not intend to struggle, but Luffy was different.

Luffy yelled,"No, I still want to get on Shanks' ship, and Shanks just lost, Shanks you have to agree to let me get on your ship."

But how could Luffy resist Uta's strength.

He was dragged out of the door by Uta.

Shanks did not forget to argue,"Luffy, we were one to one just now, it doesn't count as you win."

"Damn it!!! Shanks is so cunning!!!"

Noah followed Uta outside, leaned over and asked,"So, Princess Uta, where are we going?"

Luffy had completely lost his resistance and suggested,"Let's practice. I want to become stronger quickly and then get on Shanks' ship."

Uta said with disgust,"What kind of practice is that? Jumping off a cliff is considered a practice to increase courage?!"

Uta had seen Luffy's illogical and life-threatening practice a long time ago, and she was fed up with it. Noah agreed with Luffy's practice method and said,"It is indeed a very good practice method. Well, the premise is that you can survive after jumping off."

Yes, Noah thought there was nothing wrong with this practice, as the practice of challenging nature was supposed to be like this, except that this practice was a bit life-consuming.

The girls were also giggling behind Noah. At first, they were also surprised when they heard it, and even shouted that it was impossible.

But later they heard that it was Luffy's grandfather who taught it, and they had been here for a while, so they naturally knew that Luffy's grandfather was the legendary marine - the hero Garp.

At this time, they found that Noah's usual training of them was simply too gentle.

Especially when they heard about the practice Luffy had experienced, the relief in their eyes was even greater.

Noah stared at the girls with his eyes wide open, and said,"This training would be impossible if there were no top masters at home. The grandfather knows his grandson's ability to bear it very well, so he doesn't take action when his life is not in danger, but takes action in time when his life is in danger. This has greatly cultivated Luffy's ability to bear and deal with danger."

Noah's statement was very clear. Luffy was not miserable, but was being controlled. His path to becoming a strong man was arranged by his grandfather.

The girls were so scared that they shook their heads. They could not bear this path to becoming a strong man.

Uta rejected this ridiculous training and turned her head away and said,"I am your sister, you should listen to me, little brat!"

Luffy was���I can't help it. After all, I am two years younger than her.

"I remember that we are training at the beach today, so let's compete to see who can reach the beach first."

Uta said and rushed out first.

Luffy shouted from behind:"So cunning, wait for me."

Noah saw the two of them and said to the girls with a smile:"Then you can join us, the last one to arrive, I have someone to guide you"

"" Huh?!!"

As soon as Noah finished speaking, the girls flashed and ran out, pushing and shoving each other, no one gave way to anyone else, obviously unwilling to accept Noah's individual instruction.

Luffy looked at the speed of the girls and exclaimed:"Sister Liya and the others are so fast, it's as if they disappeared out of thin air and suddenly appeared."

Uta was also under pressure when he saw the speed of the girls, and said:"Is this a high-speed movement technique?"

Noah also walked leisurely to Uta's side and said with a smile:"Take your time, we're leaving first!"

After that, Noah disappeared on the spot, and the next time he appeared in a place ten meters away, his body movements were still walking, as if he had not appeared suddenly just now.

Luffy widened his eyes and exclaimed:"So handsome!"

Uta was also surprised.

Of course, Noah was the first to arrive at the destination, and the last one to arrive was not Michelle, but Kuina.

However, Kuina did not feel uncomfortable about this. She was eager to accept Noah's guidance.

Five minutes later, Uta arrived panting, followed closely by Luffy.

Luffy panted and said unconvinced:"Just... just now if... if you hadn't sneaked away... sneaked away for those few seconds, I... I would definitely... win."

Uta was also out of breath:"No matter... no matter what, it's... I won."

After the two rested for a while, they started rowing again. Noah also directed the girls to take out the empty basins and buckets to compete together, and even Noah restricted his strength to compete together.

Occasionally, there were a few blind sea beasts making trouble, but later they entered the stomachs of Noah and others.

Liya smiled and said,"Lord Noah is really like a child at this time."

Noah responded dissatisfiedly:"Sister Liya, even if I am a child, I should be the king of children. How can I be simply classified as a child?!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Time passed quickly, and Shanks was also going out to sea, this time to the New World.

This time he was not going to the New World directly to fight for territory, but to find a teacher for Uta to learn from.

With his strength, it was easy for him to wander around in the New World where no one was in charge.

Coincidentally, Noah had also had enough fun in the East China Sea, and was also ready to go out to sea with Shanks, so he could take care of him.

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