"Lord Noah, we are in Rogue Town ahead. This is the last island on the Grand Line where we can resupply supplies."

Noah was lying on a chair listening to Liya's report.

Hearing that they had finally arrived at Rogue Town, Noah became interested. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of person the Pirate King, who was hated and admired by everyone, was.

""Hey, Shanks, you bastard! What kind of person is your captain?"

Shanks was seen sitting on the railing of Noah's ship, drinking the fine wine that Noah bought from all over the East China Sea.

Shanks came to Noah several times in the past few days to challenge him to a kendo match, and Noah did not refuse.

After the first two fights, Noah had figured out Red Hair's kendo.

Well, it was a very traditional pirate swordsmanship.

The killing skills were open and fierce, and the skills were okay. After all, they were all great swordsmen, and they would occasionally reveal some responses that amazed Noah when needed.

It can be seen that Red Hair has a high talent for kendo, and his swordsmanship is purely pragmatism honed in battle, without any gorgeousness.

The style reveals a dignified and open-minded style. Domineering.

Actually, Noah originally planned to project Red Hair's sword.

But Red Hair had just obtained Griffin not long ago, so the Griffin projected by Noah did not have much trace of Red Hair.

However, Noah saw the swordsmanship of other masters from it, which benefited him a lot.

Noah and Red Hair fought three times during the voyage. The first two times allowed Noah to understand the essence of Red Hair's swordsmanship.

The last time, Noah was really bored, so he simply projected Griffin to disgust Shanks, and even imitated Shanks' sword moves.

Sure enough, when Shanks saw Noah project Griffin, he felt bad all over. , looking at the Griffin in his hand, he felt green on his head.

After all, for swordsmen, the meaning of swords to them is needless to say.

Not a wife, but better than a wife.

When he saw Noah using Griffin and his sword moves to fight him, the whole person felt confused, like looking in the mirror.

But soon Shanks was immersed in it, and he also understood that this was Noah instructing him.

Noah only instructed him once because he was Uta's father, and later he didn't care about Shanks's shameless pestering him to fight him.

Noah also ignored him. For Noah, he had seen all of Shanks' kendo. At least it's not interesting to watch in the short term.

He is not a philanthropist who teaches people kendo for no reason all day long. Shanks is not Zoro, and he did not make Noah's eyes light up.

At most, it just made Noah feel a little interesting. His soul seemed to be inheriting the light of another soul, or the belief.

Noah didn't even have to think about it, this must belong to his captain.

Time goes back to the present.

Facing Noah's question, Shanks looked at the town of Rogue not far away, and his thoughts drifted back to the day of the execution.

After a long time, Shanks replied:"He is a free and domineering man. He opened an era by his own strength."

Shanks did not say that Roger is a good man.

Roger is very principled and never bullies civilians on his own, but if it hurts his companions, he can also destroy an entire country for his companions.


Noah found it interesting, he thought Shanks would be a die-hard fan of his captain, but it turned out that he was just giving a pertinent summary of Roger's character.

Noah suddenly thought of something and said with a smile:"Does your captain have a very good relationship with Golden Lion?"

Shanks didn't understand, but still said honestly:"Scary seems to admire the captain very much and wants to dominate the world with him, but the captain is not a person who is willing to be inferior to others, and the two have different paths, so they should be considered mortal enemies."

"Oh? Really?"

Noah shrugged and didn't comment. No matter how you look at it, the two of them don't seem to be simple enemies.

At least Golden Lion is not. He kept tempting Noah to explore the onepiece left by Roger until his death.

What else can this be but good friends?

At most, Golden Lion might be a little arrogant.

So it is said that arrogance ruins a life.

Otherwise, Golden Lion and Roger should be good friends, just like Newgate and Roger.

"" Sir Noah, are we going to dock now?"

Liya asked.

Noah nodded and said,"Yes, we are here."

""Little guys, quickly replenish the supplies!"

Shanks also ordered his companions to move quickly, and it seemed that he did not intend to stay for long.

Noah followed him down, he mainly wanted to see the execution platform, he was not interested in other things.

As soon as Noah and others landed on the island, the navy stationed in Rogue Town discovered

"Colonel Baylis! It's bad. The Red Hair Pirates and Noah, who killed the Golden Lion, have appeared at the Rogue Town Pirates."

A non-commissioned officer hurried to the office of the highest officer stationed in Rogue Town.

When he opened the door, he saw that the decoration inside was low-key and luxurious, with various crafts and famous paintings neatly placed in every corner.

At this moment, Baylis was sitting on his sofa covered with mink fur, with an open file box in front of him, which was full of green Baileys, and he was licking his fingers and counting the money.

Seeing his non-commissioned officer suddenly break in, Baylis was startled at first, and hurriedly wanted to collect the money, but when he looked closely, he was relieved to see that it was his own confidant, but he said unhappily:"What are you yelling about?"

The non-commissioned officer was no longer surprised by the corruption of his superiors, and even participated in it and got a lot of dividends.

However, at this moment he was also anxious and said:"Colonel! Noah and Red Hair are here."

Baylis counted the small change slowly and said:"What Red Hair?"What Noah? Ah? Noah?!"

Belis was shocked and dropped the money in his hand on the ground. However, he didn't bother to pick it up at this moment. He grabbed the sergeant's shoulder and asked,"Kill Noah of Golden Lion?"

Seeing���The officer nodded, and Belis suddenly felt like the sky was falling, and immediately warned the non-commissioned officer not to do anything.

Damn it, when he heard that Noah had killed the Golden Lion, he was scared to death.

Others didn't know, how could he not know?

After all, he was a legendary relative, and he used to live in Marinford.

When he was young, he saw with his own eyes that half of the Marine Headquarters in Marinford was destroyed.

When he received the news that Noah had killed the Golden Lion, he was dumbfounded. How could there be such a fierce man in the East China Sea?

Then he was nervous. What if such a fierce man was unhappy with him? After all, he was guarding the door of the Grand Line. No matter who Noah was, he was a devastating threat to him. If

Noah was a good person, Belis thought to himself that he was corrupt, colluded with pirates, and oppressed civilians. He was also a bad guy. If he was seen, he would definitely be hacked to death.

If Noah is a bad guy, Belis looked at the treasure in his hand and the low-key and luxurious office. It is better to rob him than to rob the whole island.

He was the most active in reporting the patrol to the headquarters at that time.

However, he was relieved when he saw that Noah had not been seen for a long time, and planned to make another fortune and leave.

But now, Belis wanted to slap himself in the face.

The sergeant whispered:"Colonel, do you want to report to the headquarters and ask the headquarters to send someone over."

Belis paced back and forth, and when he heard the sergeant's proposal, he immediately rejected it and shouted:"Are you crazy? What if the headquarters asks us to follow or stop them? Should we listen or not?"

The sergeant nodded. He had finally saved a lot of money, enough for his son to live a lifetime without doing anything, but he still wanted more.

However, Belis hesitated again and rejected the idea:"No, if I don't report it, will the higher-ups say I was negligent? Although I am more afraid of losing my life than negligence, is there any way to have the best of both worlds?"

The sergeant was obviously an old fox. He rolled his eyes and said:"We go out to sea to catch pirates. If the higher-ups ask, we just say we don't know. Isn't that enough?"

Belis' eyes lit up. It's not that this excuse is good.

On the contrary, this excuse is very bad, but to put it bluntly, you have to give the higher-ups a way out, otherwise they will have no place to say if they want to forgive you.

"Just like that, when they don't exist, we should quickly go out to sea, so that Noah won't come in with bad intentions."

""Okay, I'll prepare it right away."

As for the red-haired girl,

Belis said: What red-haired girl? I don't remember her.

Noah looked at the street and saw pirates doing zero-dollar shopping from time to time, but there was no sign of the navy for a long time.

Noah frowned, but didn't say anything, just said lightly:

"The navy here seems to be filthy, and there are still more miscellaneous cultivators in this world."

From time to time, some blind pirates come over, as if they want to do something indecent to the girls.

The girls looked at Noah and questioned with their eyes.

Noah just said lightly:"Go, don't leave any survivors."

The girls nodded, and disappeared from the spot, leaving only Noah and Leah.

In an instant, screams rang out on the street, and then Elena, the killer, and Joanna took the lead in cleaning up. Joanna didn't even use the devil fruit. In an instant, all the pirates on the street died on the spot, and the rest of the girls also started their own cleaning tasks.

Well, because some pirates have implicated the pirates of the entire Rogue Town, they can be considered to have a face.

During the whole process, the naval base seemed to be blind and deaf, shrinking and not showing up.

Belis's Den Den Mushi was almost blown up, and no one answered.

""Damn it!"

A pirate captain looked at the Den Den Mushi in front of him with panic and fear on his face, and said,"Bellis, that bastard, agreed to cooperate and provide us with a certain amount of shelter, but now he is turning a blind eye to these women!"

"Why are they going against us? Is it for justice?"

Laqi Lu and others were buying meat in the town's shops. Seeing this scene, Laqi Lu said in surprise:"It seems that the boss is going to have a headache again."

The other partners laughed and said:"Who cares! I hope the boss won't get me beaten up!"

"Yeah, hahahaha!"

Shanks looked at the movement on the island, smiled wryly and said to Beckman:"See, I told you that this kid would never settle down."

"I just didn't expect him to actually massacre all the pirates in Rogue Town."

Beckman frowned and said,"Don't let him hear you calling him like that, and don't try to stop him, otherwise you will be beaten."

But Beckman had no opinion or opinion on Noah's massacre of pirates.

Pirates are mostly unforgivable people, and they must understand the dangers when they go out to sea, otherwise why go out to sea? Playing house?

Shanks was also tactful and didn't say anything more, but he heard screams from the town from time to time, and the people in the boats next to him were also fleeing frantically, and some even ran to him to rob the boat. Shanks still felt that Noah was a bit too much, but as Beckman said, you have to be responsible for yourself when you go out to sea. If you die here, you can only say that you are unlucky, that's all.

Uta was a little scared of the scene in front of her, but she was the daughter of a pirate after all. She had seen a lot of dead people since she was a child, and she had heard a lot of screams before death.

It's just that she had never heard of them one after another like now.

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