The merchants around were so scared that they closed their doors, leaving Liya with no choice but to knock on doors one by one.

However, some merchants who knew the truth were surprisingly not opposed to seeing Liya, and even wanted to give her some food for free to express their gratitude.

Of course, Liya did not accept it and paid for it one by one.

Noah stood in front of the execution platform.

Looking at the simple execution platform made of bamboo-like wood in front of him, Noah frowned.

It was on such an execution platform that the Pirate King Gol was executed.·D·Roger was executed by the navy in public?

There was no fight, he was just easily executed like a loser.

Although Noah had never seen Roger, he still felt that it was a pity for such a person to die in such a place.

""Hic~!" Roger is such an amazing man. After all these years, people still come to visit him."

At this time, a short old man wearing sunglasses was holding a bottle of wine. He was looking drunk and burping, looking at the execution platform and said.

There were no people around, and it was obvious that he was talking to Noah.

Noah did not refute it. After all, he did come to see Roger.

"Ah, I heard that he opened a new era, but dying in a place like this is a bit of a violation of his dignity."


The old man snorted coldly and said,"What do you know, brat! I thought you understood Roger, but it turns out you are just a rookie!"

Noah was so angry that veins on his forehead popped out by calling him"brat" and"brat".

Before Noah could lose his temper, the old man continued,"After Roger arrived at Raftel, people all over the world called him the Pirate King, but everyone knows that few pirates admit to it, especially the big pirates!"

"These ignorant idiots are still thinking that they can become the new Pirate King by taking Roger's head!"

"Hahaha, what a bunch of short-sighted guys!"

The old man took a few more sips of wine, looked up at the execution platform, his eyes were blurred as if he was lost in some memories, and said:"Although this execution platform is simple, it is Roger's throne, the throne of the Pirate King!"

"I still remember that day very clearly. Amid the cheers and insults from the crowd, the man grinned with a heroic smile, as if he was not captured, but was supported to ascend to his throne step by step."

"In fact, facing the coming bayonet, he had no fear at all. Instead, he laughed and shouted:"My treasure? If you want it, I'll give it to you. Go find it! Everything in the world is there!"

When he said this, the old man raised his hands high, and the whole person seemed to be at the scene at that time, excited and worshipful, as if he had seen a believer of God.

"Boy, do you understand? Although there is no sword to see the king off, it is the throne where the king ascended to the top. Since then, Pirate King has been synonymous with Roger, and no one has any dissatisfaction."

Noah's anger subsided a little, and he smiled and said,"Oh? Is this Roger's great achievement?"

"I am looking forward to meeting this kind of person, but before that, Pirate King? I reluctantly acknowledge you!"

Noah looked at the old man, his domineering color rose slightly, patted the old man's shoulder, and smiled faintly:"Old man, be thankful, I like your story very much. The last person who dared to call me 'little devil' has now been turned into mud by me!"

After saying that, Noah disappeared on the spot, leaving only the old man trembling and sweating like rain.


The old man loosened his hand, and the wine bottle fell to the ground. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fear:"I didn't expect that there would be such a domineering person after Roger. Just now, it seemed as if I had seen an emperor who ruled everything, and I couldn't move my body."

The old man trembled and picked up the rolling wine bottle on the ground, and then cursed:"I wouldn't have said such a bad mouth if I had known earlier. It's fine to pretend to be cool with those little devils, but in the end, I pretended to be a living devil and was almost crushed into ashes."

(Note: Have you guessed it? This old man is the old man in the tavern that Luffy met in Rogue Town.)

Just as the old man was comforting his frightened little heart, Noah had returned to the dock.

Except for Liya and others, the other women had returned to the ship.

Kuina was wiping the Wadō Ichimonji in her hand with a towel. When she saw Noah, she smiled and said,"How is it? Is the execution platform spectacular?"

Noah shook his head and said,"You ask even though you know the answer! I don't believe you didn't see it!"

Because the execution platform is right in the middle of Rogue Town, and it is quite high, as long as you jump onto the roof, everyone can see it.

"Hahaha! I've said it before, Lord Noah, what's so good about a beheading place like this, and it's also the place where the Pirate King was killed. The people of the World Government must have made it as simple as possible, taking the opportunity to humiliate the Pirate King!"

Joanna also came over and said gloatingly.

Michelle also nodded:"Yes, Lord Noah, after all, the Pirate King is an enemy to the World Government, the execution platform can't be that gorgeous."

Noah shook his head and said:"This is where he accomplished great deeds. No matter how simple it is, it is a symbol of his identity."

If it were in the fate world, such a great deed would definitely turn Roger into a heroic spirit. It is estimated that the execution platform is either Roger's inherent barrier or Roger's treasure.

"Sister Liya hasn't come back yet?"

Noah asked curiously.

"No, Liya probably wants to buy more things."

Alyssa smiled gently.

Rosalind also looked at the red-haired boat curiously, waved to Uta and asked:"Uta, your people haven't come back either?"

Uta shook his head, lying on the railing boredly, and said:"No"

"I really don't understand why Shanks wants to leave so late."

Shanks couldn't help but comfort Uta and said,"Don't say that, Uta, don't you want to be the most famous singer in the world?"

"This time I go to the New World to find a teacher for you."

Since Shanks adopted Uta, he has tried not to participate in overly dangerous battles, so he hasn't been to the New World for several years.

Facing Uta's questions, Noah seemed to have some vague guesses.

It is estimated that this man does not want to set foot in and stay in this sad place.

Although this place symbolizes justice to outsiders, or the beginning of a new era, or the place where the Pirate King becomes king.

But for Shanks, this is the place where his most respected and admired"father" was killed.

As we all know, Noah never sails at night, but he did not object to Shanks' decision at all, and this is the reason.

It can only be said that the tacit understanding between men is sometimes so wonderful.

"Lord Noah, please have someone put the ladder down."

Liya directed a group of people to carry food, fresh water and wine.

Noah glanced at Michelle and found that she was still standing there stupidly. Noah was so angry that he kicked her on the butt and said,"Idiot, why don't you put the ladder down quickly? Isn't this job your responsibility?"


Michelle rubbed his butt and pouted,"I see, Lord Noah, just say it, why waste your energy!"

Noah sighed after hearing this, he found that talking was more tiring than taking direct action.

At this time, Lachi Lu and others came back.

Shanks directed his companions on the ship to transport the supplies on board, and then he said in surprise:"Huh?! Lachi Lu, how did you lose the Jesus cloth?!"

Lachi Lu bit the meat leg in his hand twice and smiled:"He, he was entangled by someone. I heard that he met a lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters who has very good shooting skills. I heard that he is the Navy's top sharpshooter. I don't know if it's true."

After Lachi Lu's explanation, everyone understood.

It turned out that during the turmoil just now, a pirate had kidnapped an ordinary girl, and wanted to see if he could use this threat to overcome the difficulties when he met the girls.

But this scene was seen by Jesus Bu.

As a member of the Red Hair Pirates, how could he turn a blind eye!

Jesus Bu directly shot the pirate to death with a pistol from a hundred meters away. This scene was also seen by Lieutenant Dadi, who came to lend a helping hand.

He was shocked by Jesus Bu's gunmanship, and felt excited that he had met an opponent.

As a sharpshooter and a navy man, although Dadi could not resist Belis, he also wanted to do his best for justice.

So he formally challenged Jesus Bu to a duel.

"Boss! Excuse me, please wait for me a moment!"

Jesus waved to Shanks, stroking the back of his head and smiling.

"Boss, I have an agreement with this marine to have a one-on-one duel of gunners. Wait, please don't attack."

"Hey, hey, hey, Jesus, that guy is the best marksman in the navy!"

��Yeah, are you sure you want to go one-on-one with him?"

"Jesus, how sure are you?"


The shouts of the companions came one after another, but they all revealed their worries for Jesus.

Sibel curled her lips and said,"It's best if this scumbag dies! He deserves to die for abandoning his wife and children!"

Although Sibel did not hate her parents, she deeply understood the pain of being abandoned and hated this bastard who abandoned his wife and children more than anyone else on the ship.

The women did not refute.

Jesus ignored the concerns of his companions and looked at the captain with a firm look.

Shanks also stared at Jesus steadily, and finally nodded and said seriously:"Ah, go, bring victory back for the Red Hair Pirates."

Jesus smiled and nodded,"Don't worry, boss! I want to be a powerful sea warrior, it's not that easy to die!"

The navy named Dadi in front of him faced the group of pirates in front of him, without any panic or fear on his face. He knew that the man in front of him would not let anyone interfere with their duel.

The duel between gunmen and the duel between swordsmen are both sacred!

After the two men took their positions, a member of the Red Hair Pirates shouted,"One shot will decide the outcome!"


Both sides held their guns with a little force, their eyes fixed on each other.





As the third shot fell, two gunshots rang out almost at the same time.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the two stood there motionless.

The women and the red-haired companions also looked at the scene in front of them with solemn expressions, all wondering who won.

Only Noah, Shanks, Beckman and a few others were not panicked at all, but their eyes revealed that they had seen the result.

Jesus' figure first shook, and then he covered his shoulder with his hand, obviously injured.

But he quickly stepped into a horse stance and stood still.

It can be seen that although Jesus' expression was painful, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, Dadi on the opposite side fell to the ground with his head raised with a whine.

The red-haired companions could no longer suppress their excitement and surrounded Jesus.

After a while,

Dadi endured the pain and said to Jesus:"Kill me, I don't want to linger on after losing the duel."

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