
Jesus' expression was full of admiration. It was obvious that he was going to help the other party. He praised:"You are so brave!"

But he seemed to have seen something, his face changed, and he rushed to Dadi and pulled off the necklace on his neck.

"What are you doing?"

Dadi didn't quite understand why Jesus wanted to steal his necklace.

Jesus found a photo of a cute little girl in the necklace box. He seemed to remember something and asked with a smile:"Is this your daughter?"

Dadi obviously didn't want to answer him, and was afraid that Jesus would hurt his daughter, so he stretched out his hand and said:"Give it back to me."

Jesus closed his eyes and smiled:"As a lieutenant in the navy, you still treasure such things. How childish!"

Jesus didn't know who he was talking about. Maybe he was talking to himself, mocking himself for being a man who abandoned his wife and children.

It could also be that he was warning the man in front of him that as a lieutenant in the navy, he actually carried a photo of his daughter with him. He was really not afraid of endangering his daughter!

Dadi retorted stubbornly:"A mere pirate is preaching to me!"

Jesus laughed in agreement and said:"That's true!"

As he said this, he threw the pistol to Daddy, and then returned to his companions to bandage their wounds.

The companions surrounded Jesus Bu, and their words were mostly admiration and joking.

Shanks also smiled and threw a bottle of celebratory wine.

Jesus Bu took it and said solemnly:"Sorry, boss!"

"I'm very grateful that you didn't say anything and just watched me fight this duel!"

Shanks didn't say anything. He stood up, turned around and waved to indicate that you're welcome. He probably wasn't used to Jesus Bu being so pretentious.

Jesus Bu turned his back to Daddy and said with emotion:"Family, that's great!"

"But I'm terrible!"


Dadi asked in confusion.

"I also have a son, his name is Usopp! I haven't seen him for several years. I went out to sea when he was still learning to walk."

Yesbo explained, his low tone contained guilt and longing for his family.

"Why? Don’t you love your son?"

When Dadi heard Jesus Bu say his son's name without any precautions, his heart was somewhat opened.

Jesus Bu smiled and said,"The problem is not here, the pirate flag, it is calling me!"

"You are really good at talking, Jesus!"

His friends also laughed and made fun of him.


Xibei curled her lips in disdain, obviously disdaining this. No matter how she tried to cover it up, it couldn't change the fact that this man had abandoned his wife and children.

Vanessa patted her shoulder and shook her head gently, signaling her to calm down.

Xibei also took a deep breath and turned around.


Jesus stood up and prepared to leave. He threw the necklace back to Dadi.

Dadi caught the necklace and looked at his daughter's photo, as if he was lost in some memories.

"I can't do anything for my son, such a bad father……"

Jesus turned his head to look at Dadi and said with a smile:"I am enough!"

"Go back, go back to your daughter, and never let her be alone again"

"Although I don't seem to be qualified to say such things, hahahaha!"

Dadi looked at the photo of his daughter in front of him, and remembered that he was still a navy man. He also had the honor of a soldier, so he forced himself to stand up and shouted to Jesus Bu who was gradually moving away:

"Hey! I lost the duel, Jesus Bu, I am a navy, don't sympathize with me! Kill me now!"

Jesus Bu did not look back, put his hands in his pockets and lowered his head and said:"It is the freedom of pirates to decide whether to kill a person!"

""Vanessa, please!"

Sibel said to Vanessa with her head down.

Vanessa nodded knowingly:"I understand!"

Noah did not stop her and said with a smile:"Go ahead."

Vanessa jumped to the side of Dadi with a moon step. She lifted up her clothes to observe Dadi's injuries.

"What are you doing?"

Dadi asked in confusion, obviously feeling strange that this woman lifted his clothes for no reason.

"Please don't move. Your wound has already hurt your liver, and the bullet has not been taken out. Moving around will cause secondary damage, such as crushing your liver that already has a hole in it."

Vanessa gently reminded Daddy not to move, although her tone was terrifying and the content was a bit exaggerated.

But the effect was remarkable. Daddy immediately dared not to move when he thought of his daughter.

Vanessa condensed a purple liquid out of thin air with her hands and poured it into the wound, explaining:"This is a plant extract I came across by chance. It can disinfect and sterilize. I will help you stop the bleeding and avoid infection first. You can find someone to take out the bullet later."

After that, she condensed a few drops of cyan liquid and dripped it on the wound. His blood immediately coagulated and stopped bleeding.

After doing all this, Vanessa stood up and said with a smile:"Sir, don't move. I suggest you find a stretcher to take you to treatment. I'm leaving first. Remember to accompany your daughter well." After

Vanessa finished speaking, she jumped back to the boat

"As long as he doesn't fight, he won't die."

Noah nodded and turned to signal Liya that they could set sail.

Red Hair and Noah and the others came to the front of the Upside-Down Mountain.

Unlike Red Hair and the others who were familiar with the road, the expressions of the women were very solemn.

"Is this the Upside-Down Mountain?"

The two navigators, Liya and Luo Lan, looked at the red barrier that separated the sea with serious and curious eyes.

"Does that strange ocean current really exist? What is the principle behind it?"

Loran was curious about the bottom-up ocean current mentioned in the book.

When Bendik Snake heard Loran's question, he smiled and said to her,"Ah, of course it exists. It is a very magical ocean current."

"There is a rapid current like this in all four seas. When it reaches the center of Upside-Down Mountain, the current will head to the Great Route again. However, due to the height difference, it is still a rapid current."

"As for the question"Why?"

Bendik Snake shrugged, indicating that he could not help, and laughed:"We are pirates, not scholars, so we are at most curious and marvel at the wonders of the sea, but we have never studied it in depth."

"Liya, there seems to be a strong current, and it is difficult to turn the rudder here."

Xibel, who was at the helm, soon found that his ship was attracted by the inexplicable current, or pushed

"Are they here?" Liya and Roland were not surprised, as this meant they were not far from the entrance to Upside Down Mountain.

Bendik Snake shouted,"Ladies, we will go over to show you the way in a minute, remember to follow us closely, otherwise the ocean current will carry your ship to the Red Earth Continent, and your ship will surely be destroyed."

Liya bowed slightly and said,"Okay, thank you for your trouble!"

Roland ordered,"Elissa, Michelle, quickly fold up the sails, we don't need them now."

Elissa and Michelle jumped onto the mast and folded up the canvas.

"Xibel, follow them closely and adjust the direction in time"


Noah sat firmly on the recliner, watching the girls running around, but he was not panicked at all.

His eyes had already seen the entrance, and he whispered:"Sister Liya, at one o'clock, the crack in the mountain is the entrance."

Upon hearing this, Liya quickly picked up the telescope to observe, and indeed found that there was a barrier in the crack of the mountain, and there was even a square stone arch there.

Roland also saw this scene with a telescope, and murmured:"How is this possible! Could this gap in the Red Earth Continent be caused by humans?"

Who on earth could build this stone arch in such a turbulent current?

Liya suddenly said:"No wonder there is no wider ship. Our big ship is already the limit. It will be difficult or even impossible to pass through this upside-down mountain if it is bigger."

"Xibel, please, remember to aim!"

Xibel patted his chest and assured confidently:"Just watch me!"

Liya also nodded. They studied hard every day not just to sail around the world.

This time was a test for the girls.

""Boss, do you think Noah and the others can get through?"

Bendik Snake was a little worried. Although they seldom drank with Noah and the others, they recognized Noah.

As long as you were polite to Noah, he was elegant and cultured most of the time. In addition, he could defeat his own captain but never made a fuss, so the people in the Red Hair Pirates had a good impression of Noah.

It's a pity that their ship was famous for its elite configuration, and there were no extra navigators and helmsmen to help.

When Uta heard this, she couldn't help but worry, and tugged at the corner of Shanks' clothes.

Shanks didn't seem worried at all, and said with a smile:"You underestimate Noah and the others. Since Noah dared to go to the New World, their navigation skills must be well prepared. Coupled with their strength, the Upside-Down Mountain can't stop them."

Liya and Roland's sailing talent is not as good as Nami in the original work, and Nami has been learning sailing since elementary school. She even went to the Sky Island Visalia to study for two years. Her sailing skills are far superior to those of Liya and Roland at this time.

But although Liya and Roland's skills are not as good as Nami's, they are enough to deal with general situations, and the rest can be made up by strength.

Unless it is a natural disaster without any warning, Noah and others will not be able to do anything.

Uta smiled after hearing this.

The people of the Red Hair Pirates also firmly believe that a man like Noah can't even get through the Upside-Down Mountain.

Shanks raised his hand and shouted loudly:"Guys, let us lead the way for Noah!"


"No problem, boss!"

"Boss, let them see the sailing strength of our Red Hair Pirates!"

Noah seemed to have heard the movement on the Red Hair ship, and a smile appeared on his lips.

But soon Noah frowned, as if looking in one direction.

When everyone was about to step into the Upside Down Mountain, a warship a few miles away was observing Noah and others.

"Admiral! I found the Red Hair Pirates and Noah's group. They are heading to the Grand Line."

A navy officer dressed as a navy officer reported to the people on the other side with a telescope in his left hand and a microphone in his right hand.

The person simulated by Den Den Mushi had two long spiral whiskers at the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice,"I understand. Come back!"


Just as the naval officer was about to hang up the phone, he noticed Noah looking in his direction.

That look seemed to be right next to him.


"Hmm? What's up?"

"He...he looked over here!"

"Who's looking here?"

The officer was horrified to find that Noah stood up and transformed into a gorgeous long sword, and then slashed in their direction.

In an instant, a blade of light flew towards them at a rapid speed from seven or eight meters at the beginning, and kept getting bigger.

When it was in front of the warship, it was already more than ten meters wide.

"Forward quickly!"

"That's too late!"

"Noah... Noah... Ah!!"

"Hey! What's going on!"

The whole ship was split in half, and then a big wave came, and in an instant only a few broken wooden boards were left floating on the sea.

The news quickly reached the Navy Headquarters.

Zhan Guo looked at the report in his hand with a solemn expression.


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