Noah and his companions walked through a small forest leading to the town.

It had just snowed, so the snow on the road was very thick.

The girls behind him were surprised to see snow because they lived on a summer island.

However, Uta, the youngest girl, was the most experienced among them and seemed very calm.

"Snow is not fun. It may be beautiful when floating in the air, but when it falls on the ground, it will be hard like ice."

Uta looked at the girls' curious expressions about this world of ice and snow, and explained with a look of surprise.

Liya and others didn't care at all. Instead, they were still looking around with a curious look.

Liya smiled and said,"Don't be so disappointing, Uta, isn't this the first time you come to Winter Island!"

Uta curled her lips and said boredly,"You guys should look less. It's all white around here, which has a great impact on your eyesight. When Shanks and I went to a very large Winter Island together, a crew member became blind and it took a long time to recover. It's best to wear sunglasses."

Uta said, taking out a pair of fashionable sunglasses from behind and putting them on.



"Did you bring it?"

"How is that possible! This isn't a beach sunbathing place."

"I didn't bring it either."


Noah listened to Uta's words, touched his chin and said:"It seems possible. It is probably because the snow reflects the sunlight, and the eyes receive too much strong light from the sunlight, causing short-term blindness."


Noah looked up at the gray sky and said,"I think this island rarely has strong sunlight, so people here don't seem to wear this kind of thing."

"Of course, it is also possible that because they lived here during their time, their eyes are more resistant to strong light."

After saying this, a golden light flashed in front of Noah, and he reached in and groped, muttering,"I remember it should be here……"

"I remember that leisure items should be placed in this area"


Liya and others are no longer surprised by the fact that Noah always puts things in a mess. Uta, on the other hand, marvels at how convenient Noah's ability is, as he has everything!

""Ah, I found it!"

After saying that, Noah threw out several pairs of various sunglasses from the box and threw them to the girls.

Rosalind complained about Noah,"Lord Noah still unexpectedly likes gold."

Because these sunglasses all have fancy gold frames.

Noah put on a pair of sunglasses casually and complained,"When I bought these sunglasses, I thought they were very fashionable and good-looking, but it turned out that there was not even a pair with a gold frame!"

"It's simply beneath my dignity!"

Liya's forehead was covered with sweat, and she consoled him,"After all, we were in the East China Sea at that time. We will definitely find a commercial island on the Grand Route when the time comes, Lord Noah."

Noah's anger subsided a little.

Irene put on her sunglasses, looked around to try out the effect of the sunglasses, and suddenly her face changed as if she saw something. She clenched the sword in her hand and shouted,"Who's there?!"


The girls and Noah turned their heads and looked in the direction where Irene was staring.

They saw a tall humanoid figure covered in snow staggering away.

Seeing this, Irene felt relieved and loosened her grip on the hilt of the knife.

Liya and others came over and asked,"Irene, what was that just now?"

Irene shook her head and said,"I don't know. Just now when I put on my glasses, I suddenly saw a tall figure hiding behind a tree and observing us, so I was a little alert."

Liya turned her head and asked Noah,"Didn't Lord Noah discover it in advance?"

Noah shook his head and smiled,"The breath of this creature is similar to that of ordinary animals. At first I thought it was just some wild beasts in the woods."

To be honest, Noah felt that the combat effectiveness of this humanoid creature was not as strong as the wild beasts on Xiangpa Island and Tailanglin Island before, so he naturally classified it as a [weak beast].

Xibel walked over and said with a smile,"Could it be a villager here?"

Eileen shook her head and said,"I seemed to see that he was not wearing any clothes. Well... mainly because he seemed to have fur, so I thought he must be a wild beast!"

Rosalind smiled and said,"Okay, Sibel, besides us fire-attribute devil fruit users, there are also ice-attribute devil fruit users like you on this island. Who dares to be naked all day long?"

Because of the devil fruits, Rosalind, Sibel and others were still dressed like in Summer Island, without any change due to the weather.

Noah looked into the depths of the woods, wanting to go over and see what the humanoid creature looked like.

He hadn't said a word just now. The creature's breath was a little weak, probably because it was injured.

But forget it, Noah was too lazy to run over to look for it again.


"We are finally here!"

Xibel raised his hand and shouted

"But are there really supplies for sale in places like this?"

Liya expressed some concern. After all, many crops should not be able to grow in this kind of climate.

Noah patted her on the shoulder and said,"What's the use of thinking so much? Just ask and you will know, and there should be some plants that have adapted to the climate of this place."

Everyone came to a noodle shop, pushed the door and found that it was unexpectedly warm inside.

The boss was a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a chef's hat on his head and an apron around his waist.

At this time, the boss was a little surprised at the arrival of Noah and others, because generally speaking, few people would come here at this time, and there would not be so many people coming to play on this kind of island. Generally speaking, most of them come here to treat illnesses.

As soon as he came in, Xibel smelled the strong aroma from the noodle soup base. He sat down on the chair excitedly and shouted,"Boss, please give me your���A variety of ramen in the store"


The boss came back to his senses at this time, but he was a little surprised to hear that the woman in front of him wanted to order so much, but he didn't care too much, thinking that she was ordering for her companions.

At this time, Noah said helplessly:"Sister Xibel, you only care about ordering for yourself when you come here, and you don't care about ours?"

Xibel's body stiffened, and she made a look of protecting her food, and said:"I don't care, anyway, what I ordered is mine."

Liya was a little helpless about this, and said to the girls:"What you like, just order it yourself."

At this time, the boss understood, it turned out that this was for the little girl to eat by herself, and hurriedly tried to dissuade her.

But who is Xibel? This little thing is not enough for her to fill her teeth. She patted her chest and asked the boss to go ahead, and she promised to finish it.

Helplessly, the boss had to turn his back. The noodles came up soon.

Liya asked the boss about the situation here.

The boss said in surprise:"So you really came from the open sea!"

"Is it because someone is sick?"

Liya waved her hands quickly and said,"No, our people are all fine."

The boss was relieved and said,"That's great, otherwise you might have come here in vain. Now every doctor is being shot and arrested by the king. Many doctors have run away, many doctors have died, and some are hiding everywhere. It is impossible for them to treat you."

It can be seen that the noodle shop owner is a good person. He was just worried about the possible patients of Noah and others.

"However, if you want to buy food, you probably can't do it. Since the past few years, the taxes on the island have become heavier and heavier. The food is only enough for you to eat."

"I do have some flour and materials here. If you need them, I can sell them to you at market prices."

The boss looked at Liya and said.

Liya waved her hand and said,"Don't bother you. I can think of a solution myself."

The main thing is that these things are not enough for them to eat for two days.

The boss sighed, looked at the snow outside the window and said,"The Drum Kingdom was actually quite good before. The medical level here is well developed. Many dignitaries would come here to seek medical treatment, and many doctors and scholars came here to exchange and study. But since Wapol came to power, life has been getting worse day by day."

The boss sighed heavily. After a while, he seemed to think of something, and touched the back of his head embarrassedly and said:

"I didn't say anything just now, and you didn't hear me say that Wapol was a bastard."

The girls had sweat on their foreheads. They thought the boss was some hidden master, but he turned out to be a middle-aged uncle with a bad mouth.

Irene asked in a soft voice,"Boss, are there any humanoid animals in the woods outside?"

The girls looked at the boss with curiosity.

The boss touched his chin and said,"Then you must have seen the legendary snow man."

"Snow man?" ×nThe boss nodded and said grimly:"I heard that this kind of monster will pounce on passers-by on a snowy night, bite their necks, and survive on fresh and hot blood. I heard that he likes girls with tender skin and flesh the most. I guess it's because there are too many little girls here, so he has set his sights on you."

As he spoke, the boss widened his eyes and looked around at the girls.

The girls and Noah looked at the boss speechlessly.


It's just a humanoid beast, and it's very weak!

The girls didn't forget what Noah said, the breath of this beast is weaker than that of the dinosaurs on Paphos Island. Wouldn't it be easy for the girls to catch it!

Irene was a little confused and asked:"Have you seen him eat people?"

The boss' forehead was sweating after hearing this, and he looked up and said embarrassedly:"This... I also heard this from the customers who came to eat noodles"

"Oh, I heard that they recently organized people to hunt this monster. After all, children often walk on that road and it would be bad if they accidentally encounter it."

"However, I heard that the hunter escaped during the most recent hunt. I didn’t know if it was true or not, but after hearing what you said, I guess it’s true."

Noah and the others twitched their mouths. They knew that this cannibalism legend must be false.

It was probably made up by someone who was afraid of being laughed at or just to show off.

However, Noah and the others didn’t want to interfere. First, they didn’t know him, and second, he wasn’t a human.

While Noah and the others were eating, Joanna and the others had already reached the top of the mountain.


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