"This castle doesn't look very grand!"

Joanna looked at the European-style castle in front of her and complained a little boredly.

This kind of castle is not that big, and any noble with a little money can afford to live in it.

And it lives on the top of the mountain. Apart from appearing to be of high status, it has no benefits at all, and it is also very cold!

Michel shrugged and said,"I don't know."

Vanessa guessed,"I heard that the former king of the Drum Kingdom was quite wise."

Roland said disdainfully,"Wisdom will not be passed on to Wapol. Doesn't he know what kind of character his stupid son is?"

"He must have known, but what could he do? He only had one son. He had thought about what would happen to the country, but he still let Wapol become the king. In the end, it was selfish."

"And we don't know if this castle was built by the previous king."

Vanessa smiled and said nothing. Obviously, she felt that what Roland said made sense.

Joanna narrowed her eyes and reminded:"It seems that there are soldiers below. They have discovered us."

The girls were not surprised. The sudden appearance of red in this white country was undoubtedly dazzling.


""What are you doing recently?"

A soldier yawned with boredom and asked another soldier next to him.

The soldier complained:"What else can we do! We have to hunt down those doctors! Those doctors are really good at hiding, especially that witch, she is almost 130 years old, but she can run faster than us young people in our twenties."

Another soldier next to him said hesitantly:"I...isn't it wrong for us to do this? Not to mention that we usually get treated by these doctors when we are sick, not to mention that without these doctors, can our Drum Kingdom still be a medical power?"

The soldier hugged his neck and comforted him:"What are you afraid of? This is the king's order, and don't we still have Doctor 20? The king said that we can find Doctor 20 to treat our illnesses, and we can get money by hunting down those doctors, so why not?!"

The soldier laughed.

""Hey! Look, what are those two flames in the sky?"

A soldier suddenly shouted nervously.

Hearing this, all the soldiers looked up at the sky, and one of them guessed with sweat on his forehead:"Could this be a meteorite?"

"How is it possible!"

One of the soldiers picked up the telescope and shouted in a hurry:"It's a woman and a big flaming bird!"

Then he put down the telescope and shouted loudly:"Enemy attack!"

Everyone didn't bother to question it, and pointed their guns at the two fireballs in the sky. At the same time, a soldier ran to inform the king. The soldier was very courageous. When he saw Joanna and others, he didn't ask or stop them, but chose to line up and shoot at the sky.

This kind of person is obviously not a good person!



Bang, bang, bang, bang~~~!

Facing the incoming bullets, Michelle rushed forward without dodging. A bullet pierced her forehead. Her face did not change at all, and no blood flowed out. Instead, a ball of fire appeared at the wound, as if the whole person was made of fire.

Joanna also rushed forward. The powerful healing flame gave her a nearly immortal ability, and the flame on her body could immediately turn into the fire of the Vermillion Bird as long as she needed it. The bullet melted into molten iron before it hit her flesh.

Vanessa and Loran also jumped off Joanna's back, stepping on the moon step, with a flash of red light in their eyes, as if they had already seen the route of the bullet and easily avoided the seemingly dense bullet net.

The soldier's hands trembled after seeing it, and sweat on his forehead shouted:"It's useless! Bullets have no effect on them at all!"


The officer next to him shot the demoralizing soldier with a gun, and then asked with a murderous look on his face:"Where is Captain Dalton?!"

The soldiers below were frightened by the officer's cold-blooded style and trembled all over.

The soldier in the middle of the crowd saw that he was pushed out by the people behind him, and he stammered helplessly:"Report to the commander! Captain Dalton went down the mountain with the patrol team today."

The commander was so angry that he spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground, and said hatefully:"This damn Dalton! He clearly knew that he was the captain of the garrison, but he didn't stay on the mountain to guard the castle, and cared about the group of untouchables below!"

The commander hated Dalton's glorious and upright style. After all, everyone is a running dog. Why are you so noble?!

Have you changed anything? No!

It's just watching Wapol propose various harsh policies, and even the action of exterminating doctors, which is a brainless action.

Why can you get the love of the untouchables with your hypocritical appearance of worrying about the country and the people?

But after all, the commander still had to admit that Dalton's strength was not comparable to his. In the front part of the Four Seas and the first half of the Grand Line, as long as he ate an animal-type devil fruit, he would be a good player with a little training.

The officer saw that the women were about to come down, glared at the soldier next to him and shouted:"Why are you still standing there? Where's my cannon? Push it out!"

The soldier was startled and quickly responded loudly:"Yes!"

Then he hurriedly ran to push the cannon.

The officer shouted solemnly:"Don't stop! Keep shooting! Hold it!"

Bang bang bang bang!

But how could these ordinary bullets stop the pace of the four women? Soon the four women landed steadily.


Inside the castle,

Wapol shouted in panic,"What's going on outside!"

Jess, the staff officer, stepped forward and said,"Report to His Majesty the King, I heard that a group of women are attacking the castle."

When Wapol heard that it was a group of women, he didn't take it seriously for a moment and said,"Oh, it turns out to be just a group of women. Could it be that the wives of those doctors are here for revenge?"

Jess shook his head to indicate that he didn't know

"By the way, Your Majesty, the soldiers outside are requesting the use of that cannon."


Wapol jumped up in surprise and shouted,"That's our secret weapon. Are the enemies outside so difficult?"

Jess scratched his head and said,"It seems that they are not afraid of bullets, so we pushed out the cannon as a backup."

Wapol scratched his head and said,"What if we can't beat them? How about we evacuate first, and come back after they win?"

The affairs officer next to him, Kromarimon, wore a black pompom similar to a boxing glove in his hand, and said confidently,"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, those subordinates will definitely destroy the enemy."

"Well, never mind. Remember to ask them to handle it cleanly. I don’t want to be attacked by these crazy people every time I go out!"

"As you command, Your Majesty."


Joanna fell to the ground and regained her human form. She yawned and laughed,"I didn't expect the countries in the Grand Line to be just like this. The guns they use are almost the same as those in the Four Seas, and there are no strong people."

Michelle also laughed and said,"That minotaur must be the strongest in this country. It's so sad that such a powerful person can survive in the Grand Line and not be destroyed?"

Roland looked at the soldiers' armaments and said,"It's probably because they are one of the member countries of the world."

"And don't say that. There are not so many countries in the world that can equip every soldier with a gun. This country is already the top military power in the world."

Vanessa also interrupted and said,"Yes, and that officer seems to have a stronger weapon."

Joanna and Michelle were not in a hurry to attack when they heard it. They waited for them to take out their weapons and dodged the bullets from time to time, just to practice their observation.

Sure enough, after a while, the soldiers pushed in several cannons. The middle one was particularly exaggerated, with seven gun holes, like an enlarged Gatling.

"" Hahaha! Damn sinner, just wait for your death without a burial place!"

The officer laughed triumphantly, as if he had seen the women being blasted by shells and fleeing everywhere, or even being killed without a complete body.

Then his face straightened and he shouted:"What the hell are you waiting for? Fire!"


The soldier hurriedly obeyed the order, then pointed the muzzle at the women and fired.




Three large shells shot out from the barrel and attacked the four women.

Joanna was still speechless and said,"I waited in vain, it turned out to be an ordinary cannon, that's it?"

Joanna used the armed color to harden her calves, jumped into the air to meet the direction of the shells, and kicked them three times in a row.

Bang, bang, bang!


The soldiers and officers had never seen anyone kick a shell back.

A group of people began to curse at each other anxiously and pushed each other to avoid the shells flying back.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, flames broke out, accompanied by a burst of black smoke, and countless soldiers were blown into a ball of black charcoal.

Because the officer was not in the center of the shell, he was just knocked down by the shock wave caused by the explosion of the shell.

He woke up quickly and saw the soldiers who had lost their combat effectiveness everywhere. He panicked and thought about running away and pretending to be dead, but he soon put this idea behind him.

He staggered to his feet, ran behind the giant turret, aimed the artillery at Joanna and others, and immediately fired.

"Go to hell!"

A dazzling light flashed in the seven gun holes, and then a violent explosion sounded at the position of Joanna and others.


The commander stared at the black smoke with excitement in his eyes and trembling body, and shouted:"Hit it! Hit it! See if you monsters are still alive!"

But after the smoke dissipated, only a bowl-shaped barrier composed of flames was seen covering the original place.

Soon this"bowl" melted like ice and snow.

A girl stood in the middle with flames all over her body. He could see that the barrier just now was the credit of this girl.

Vanessa smiled and said:"Well done, Michelle!"

Michelle laughed and replied:"Of course!"

It can be seen that she enjoyed it very much.

Loran stared at the cannon in front of him with interest, and said:"I didn't expect this cannon to be so powerful."

The commander collapsed on the spot, muttering:"Sure enough, mortal power can't defeat you monsters!"

As he spoke, he recalled the past, remembering the time when he competed with Dalton for the position of captain of the garrison...

If Dalton hadn't eaten the devil fruit, I'm afraid the position of captain of the garrison would have been mine.

That guy Dalton will definitely betray the king in the end!

If I had that kind of power, I would be able to point out Wapol's mistakes as bluntly as he did.

No! I will even use this power to pull this dying country back from hell!

I will never be like Dalton, that hypocritical man!


"Let's deal with him. I plan to search the treasury to see what treasures there are!"

"Don't go too far, after all, these civilians also need to live."

"I know, I just want to see if there is anything particularly interesting, I won't take the treasure."

Vanessa nodded after hearing what Luo Lan said, raised her hand and pointed at the officer in the distance.

"Flying Finger Gun·Pull Out!"


It instantly pierced through the officer’s head.

Just like that, he died peacefully with countless memories and fantasies.

His last thought was – if these women could kill the king, it might be a good thing, and the country might be saved!


The four girls ignored this man.

This man was like a flower by the roadside. He withered and passed away quietly, carrying his attachment to this country and his loyalty to the soldiers...

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