
Liya handed Noah a newspaper from the past few days and said,"Lord Noah, look! There are reports here saying that you destroyed naval ships at will. This is simply slander!"

"And they only offered a reward of 500 million Baileys. Who are you looking down on? The bounty for the Golden Lion is more than 4.8 billion Baileys!"

Noah was a little helpless when Liya pushed the newspaper in front of him, but he felt a little embarrassed when he heard Liya's"slander". He raised his hand carefully and said:

"I think I did destroy a warship, right in front of Upside Down Mountain"


Not only was Liya shocked, but even Xibel and others beside her were puzzled and asked:

"Lord Noah, why?"

They didn't understand why the usually lazy Noah would bother to deal with a warship.

Noah said nonchalantly:"There's no way. They've put their telescopes in my face. If I don't show my appreciation, won't they think any random cultivator can be so rude as to look me in the face?" Liya and the others were a little relieved, but Liya still didn't understand:"But the bounty is simply too low."

Noah drank the hot tea brought by the boss indifferently, and said:"What's so strange about this? How can it disgust us if it's too high? This amount is just enough to make those ignorant people think that the Golden Lion is just a sick and old lion. This will make me a hot commodity, and my head is equivalent to a legend."


Moreover, this group of people probably think that too high a bounty would also bring shame to their navy. After all, a high bounty also means that the navy can do nothing about this person.



Noah slammed the teacup heavily on the table, and said with a serious expression:"If we can meet, I will throw 500 million in his face, as the money for his life!"


In the castle,

Vanessa led the other girls to the meeting hall. They didn't kill anyone along the way, but knocked them out.

Roland had already tortured a soldier to find out the location of the treasure room, and was carrying the soldier forward.

Vanessa had been following Joanna and Michelle, the two arson fairies, for fear that the two of them would accidentally burn some precious documents. Even though the two girls repeatedly promised that they would not use their abilities, they refused to let them run around.

As soon as they entered the meeting hall, the three girls saw Wapol grabbing Cromalimon's collar and roaring:"Is this the promise you said?"

Cromalimon stammered:"Ah, Lord Wapol, I will go and get rid of them right away, please rest assured!"

Jess also pleaded at this time:"Yes, Lord Wapol, now is not the time to punish him."

Wapol's anger subsided at this time, and he pointed at the girls and said:"Why are you still standing there! Why don't you kill them quickly!"


Wapol finished speaking, he hurriedly ran away while their attention was focused on the women.

Nonsense, at the beginning he said that he would run away first and come back after he could win. The bastard Cromalimon patted his chest and said don't worry, but what was the result?

This time he said he would run away first!

By the way, I remember there is a devil fruit in the treasury. Eat it to enhance your life-saving ability, and then take the treasure and run away.

Jess said to the women with a raised eyebrow:"Where are you women from? Why do you want to rebel against Lord Wapol? Do you know that this will kill many people!"

Cromalimon also widened one eye, staring at the women and grinning grimly:"Citizens who resist Lord Wapol are all untouchables, and untouchables should die honestly!"

As he said that, Cromalimon swung his hand and threw out a black spherical object

"Static electricity ball!"

Michelle looked at the flying black ball curiously, wondering what it was.

Seeing Michelle like this, Cromalimon immediately looked proud, just a group of women with a little strength.

Who knew...

Just when the black ball was about to hit Michelle, Michelle exhaled lightly.


A ball of fire came out of her mouth and instantly wrapped the black fluff tightly.

Soon, the black fluff was burned to ashes.


The smiles on Jace and Kromarimon's faces froze for a moment, and they burst into tears after a moment of shock at what had just happened.


""A monster!"

Michelle frowned and said,"I thought it was something else? It turns out that it burns so fast!"

Vanessa smiled and explained,"It's a hairball. The fluffy structure allows the fire to have more space to combine with oxygen, so it's not surprising that it burns faster."

Joanna put her hands on her hips and smiled,"It's so rude and fun to say that we are monsters!"

"However, it is still too weak! ×3 said as the three girls disappeared in a flash.

""Eh? Where did they go?"

Jace looked horrified, aiming his bow left and right.

Cro-Malimon also looked gloomy and uncertain, saying,"How would I know!"


As soon as the words fell, Joanna flashed in front of Jace, smiled grimly, and said:

""Lan Kick!"

As she said that, she slashed her legs at his chest like knives, and with a whoosh!

Jace's pupils shrank sharply, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The bow and arrow in his hand fell to the ground, and he flew backwards.


After seeing a flash of blue light like a knife on Jace's chest, Cromalimon hit the back wall of the hall hard, and he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and shouted:"Jace!"

But his face soon turned pale, and he heard a voice ringing in his ears.

""Stop shouting, it's your turn!"

Turning his head, he saw the other two women appear in front of him without knowing when, and kicked him fiercely in the air.


The two women kicked out two slashing shock waves, forming a"×"He only had time to cross his hands, but it was obvious that this defense was futile.


He only let out a cry of pain, and then followed in the footsteps of his colleagues.


Michelle brushed the dust off his legs and said,"They are really losers."

Joanna looked around and said,"It seems that Wapol has run away."

Vanessa nodded and said,"Indeed, I noticed that he seemed to have disappeared after the battle."

Michelle stuck out his tongue and said contemptuously,"What a bad king, he just ran away like that?"

"The king you are talking about, is it this ball?"

At this time, a plain but funny voice came from outside the door. The girls turned their heads and saw that Loran was kicking a short and fat man with a big bump on his head and white eyes.

Loran looked at the short and fat man and laughed jokingly,"This ball is quite arrogant. He knew that we were attacking his castle, but he still dared to point at me and ordered me to put down the things in my hand."

Loran kicked the king a few more times and said,"You still said that these are the king's things and asked me, a lowly person, to put them down."

Joanna also smiled and nodded, saying,"These kings are like this. They act like I am the boss in the world, but they don't have any strength. They only know to beg for mercy when a knife is against their necks."

Michelle was curious about the box in Loran's hand and said,"Sister Loran, what is this?"

Loran looked down at the box and said excitedly,"This is what I found in the treasure room, the devil fruit!"

She opened the box and revealed a strange fruit with strange patterns and a purple-blue appearance, which looked like a biting man-eating plant.

"This is the fruit I've seen before, one of my favorites."

She raised the devil fruit, a happy smile on her face, and said,"Paradox Swallow Fruit!"

Michelle asked curiously,"What's the use of this fruit?"

Roland smiled and said,"This fruit can synthesize everything. It can swallow everything and turn it into a part of its body. It's very helpful for my material creation."

Vanessa smiled gently and said,"Congratulations, Roland!"

Roland nodded with a smile, then bit it hard.

Joanna shouted in horror,"Huh? Sister Roland, don't you need a knife and fork? Just eat it like this?" Roland

's face turned pale, but she still swallowed it hard, and smiled bitterly,"Sorry, I was too excited all of a sudden, uh……"

Luo Lan stuck out his tongue and said,"I will never eat something so disgusting again in my life."

Vanessa smiled and condensed a ball of green liquid, saying,"Drink it, this is a plant extract that is very good for the body, it tastes very good!"

Luo Lan hurried over and held Vanessa's hand and took a sip.

Gulp gulp!

"It tastes great!(* ̄︶ ̄*)o"

The livid look on Luo Lan’s face disappeared in an instant.

The other two women also rushed over to drink.

Vanessa accepted all the drinks.

After Luo Lan finished drinking, his mind became more active. After looking around, he said,"Huh? Didn’t they say that there is a doctor 20 here?"

Vanessa’s face paused at this time. She pinched her chin with her hand and said,"It seems that there is no trace of doctor 20.""

"Well, we are here!"

At this time, a group of doctors wearing pink coats, pink hoods and medical gloves came out.

It turned out that they had been hiding in the aisle.

Michelle said disdainfully:"So you are the group of spineless doctors."

The doctors lowered their heads in shame.

An elderly doctor said:"Although we surrender to Wapol's force, there is nothing we can do. If we refuse, then death will greet us!"

"Many of the escaped doctors you mentioned wanted to be one of our 20, but their medical skills were not good enough."

"While we are alive, we can still fulfill our duties as doctors and cure diseases and save lives, but if we die, our talents and knowledge may be cut off!"


A slightly younger middle-aged doctor also came out and said,"Although many of us did join because we were afraid of death, there is nothing we can do about it. If we refuse, our death will not do any good to this country. Wapol will only need to recruit more doctors to fill our vacancies!"

Michelle and Joanna were a little speechless.

Indeed, they are just a group of doctors without any military power.

Refusal means death for them, and their own medical heritage will be cut off, so refusal will not do them any good.

They cannot save this already sick country.

Vanessa smiled gently and said,"In this case, Wapol is dead, and your lives are in our hands. Could you please hand over what you have learned throughout your life?"


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