Doctor 20's faces all changed.

What do you mean? Are you going to kidnap them? Are you envious of their bodies?

Vanessa rolled her eyes at the old men and said unhappily,"Give me all your medical documents and records. Why do I need you old men?"

Doctor 20 all breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, some of the middle-aged men were still a little amorous. After all, Vanessa and her group of women were all extremely beautiful.

Vanessa asked again,"Do you have any rare medical books or the like in your castle?"

The older doctor said nervously,"There are none, because the kings of all dynasties actually only managed the country, and they would not collect any medical books, but there are some historical records."

Vanessa thought it was not very interesting, so she asked the doctor to take her to the medicine storage room. After all, the variety of medicines in this medical powerhouse is still very comprehensive.

Doctor 20 said he had no objection.

Roland then said,"Notify Lord Noah, and notify the citizens by the way, and ask them to find Dr. Kuleha."

"What do you want to see Dr. Kuleha for?"

A man's voice appeared at this time. The voice was a little alert and a little resolute.


The three girls turned their heads and saw a slovenly man wearing a top hat, a tattered cape, and mop-like hair.

He was carrying a briefcase-like box, staring at the three girls with a wary look, and even holding a pistol in his hand.

"Who are you?"

The three girls would not honestly answer a stranger's question. They glanced at the gun in his hand and a judgment flashed through their minds - threat level: zero!

"My name is Xiluluk, and I am a man who vowed to save this country!"

Xiluluk stared at the three women with a firm gaze.

When the three women heard this, they relaxed their guard a little. After all, people who said such things were usually good people. However, they had just done something that destroyed the country, so they did not completely relax their guard.

"We followed Dr. Kulokas to seek help from Dr. Kuleha, but she has disappeared and is now in hiding because of the king."

Hiruluk believed the name"Klokas" a little. He and Dr. Kuleha have known each other for nearly 30 years. Of course, he knew that Dr. Kuleha knew Kulokas, and he even knew

"Kulokas? I didn’t expect that the guy would introduce him. Did he mention me?"

Shiruluk was different from the three girls. He completely relaxed his guard at this moment and even put away the gun in his hand. After all, he didn’t think that Kulokas would introduce the bad guy.

The three girls looked at each other, shook their heads slightly at Shiruluk and said,"No!"


Hiluluk was completely immersed in the gray-white background and became depressed.

Kulokas certainly knew Hiluluk, but he also knew that Hiluluk was a veritable quack, so naturally he did not mention Hiluluk's name.

Hiluluk came back to his senses and said,"I live in a place on the waist of this mountain. I ran up the mountain after hearing the noise. I was worried that the villagers couldn't stand Wapol's behavior and came up to make a fuss, but I didn't expect to see this scene."

Hiluluk thought of the soldiers who died tragically outside, and saw two ministers embedded in the wall inside, and Wapol who was not sure whether he was dead or alive not far from Roland's feet.

Roland seemed to be thinking about something and said,"Are you worried about this king?"

Hiluluk nodded and said,"As a doctor, I will not kill my patients, and of course I will pity my patients. In my eyes, Wapol is just a sick poor guy."

Michelle and Joanna couldn't help but sneer after hearing this, and said,"This? Poor?"

The two of them looked at Wapol wearing a fur coat, and he was as plump as a ball. How could such a person be pitiful?

Then, what about those civilians who have money but no doctors to treat their illnesses?

Shiruluk smiled and said,"Physical illness is not the only painful thing in this world. I used to be a thief in the West. I used the stolen money to find countless doctors to treat my heart disease, but the doctors said that there was no cure. But one day, I was in a bad mood and came to a mountain. I was deeply fascinated by the scene I had never seen before."

Speaking of this, Shiruluk raised his hand to hug, as if immersed in the scene of that day, and said:

"Those are cherry blossoms! Cherry blossoms are everywhere, dancing in the wind. This spectacular and beautiful scene is unprecedented!"

"Three months later, I visited the doctor again and I was shocked because the doctor told me that I was in good health!"

"Do you know what I was thinking at that time?!"

Shiruluk spread his hands and said excitedly:"It's a miracle, no! It's not just a miracle, but seeing the beauty of the cherry blossoms, I rekindled my hope for life from the bottom of my heart, and new changes occurred in my body. This is medicine! Great medicine!"

"There must be a panacea for all physical illnesses. There will be a medicine that can cure all incurable diseases."

"From that moment on, I understood that apart from physical illness, mental illness is the most difficult to cure!"


Shiruluk said confidently:"I will definitely cure this country! I have been studying for nearly 30 years and I have made some progress!"

The three women could not understand the psychology of the doctor in front of them. They actually wanted to cure these heinous villains.

Loran kicked Wapol and said:"This man is still alive, but those two……"

Luo Lan pursed his lips, pointed at the two people on the wall, and said,"Those two are no longer making any sound."

Luo Lan used his observation Haki to sense that the two people were already dead.

"That's great!"

Shiruluk quickly bent down, opened his suitcase, took out a syringe, and then sucked out a full tube of pink liquid from a test tube.

Joanna asked curiously:"What is this?"

Shiruluk patted his chest and said confidently:"This is the secret recipe I have painstakingly researched. As long as you inject this medicine, you will definitely get better."


The three girls had no doubts. After all, a doctor who knew Kulokas and Dr. Kuleha must also be an excellent doctor, so there must be no problem.

After Hiluruk confidently injected the liquid medicine into Wapol's body, he stared at Wapol expectantly.

There was no reaction for a long time.


The three women also looked at Shiruluk in confusion, asking what was going on.

Shiruluk's forehead was sweating because of being looked at. He looked at the injected medicine, touched his head and said puzzledly:"Huh? Did it fail?"

The three women realized the truth at this time. Could it be that the doctor in front of them was using Wapol as an experimental subject?

So what he said about the Virgin Mary's speech just now was a joke!

Just as Shiruluk was looking at the medicine and flipping through the book, he muttered to himself:"It's impossible. Adding this herb should have a miraculous effect.……"

Michelle suddenly shouted,"Look, did Wapol's fingers move?"

Everyone's eyes were instantly fixed on Wapol.

But after a while, Wapol still didn't react at all.

Joanna said unhappily,"Michelle, stop……"


Wapol suddenly sat up straight and wailed loudly.

Shiruluk was also frightened and stepped back, but when he came to his senses and saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing wildly:

""Look! Isn't it alive? I told you, how could it not work? Hahaha! I'm really a genius!"

But just as he finished speaking, Wapol collapsed to the ground again and lost consciousness.

Shiruluk coughed lightly and said,"Look, isn't it alive? After all, he was seriously injured, so it's normal for him to fall asleep."

"What's going on! Where are my hands? Where are my legs?"

At this time, Wapol, who had just woken up and fainted again, woke up again.

It's just that his eyes were filled with fear at this moment, because he could not feel the existence of his hands and feet at all, but his eyes could clearly see his hands and feet.

Shiruluk picked up his hands, but they fell down again as soon as he loosened his hands. Even when he pricked them with a needle a few times, there was no reaction.

He couldn't help muttering,"What's going on? This shouldn't be happening.……"

At this time, Wapol saw Shiluluk and immediately shouted:"It's you! Shiluluk! What did you, a quack, do to me!"

Obviously, as a king, Wapol had long heard of Shiluluk's name as a quack doctor, who often sneaked into patients' rooms and forced them to take unknown medicines.

It's confirmed!

It turns out that he is a quack doctor. No wonder Uncle Kulokas didn't introduce him here! The three women's eyes were as weird as they could be at this moment.

Originally, even if Wapol was incurable, with the super strong physique of the people in this world, the chances of survival were very high.

��If he were to give him one injection now, Wapol would be worse off dead than alive!

"What's going on?"

At this time, Vanessa came over with Doctor 20, who had obviously just returned from the medicine storage room.

"Um, you are... Shiluluk! That quack doctor!"

A doctor stared at Shiluluk and instantly recognized his identity.

"Yes, I remember now, he is the quack who insisted that he is a doctor!"

"It’s him! He is much worse than us. I doubt my students are better than him!"

"Isn't it? Abuse of drugs!"


Instantly, the meeting room was filled with Doctor 20's bad comments about Hiluluk.

Hiluluk said angrily:"What do you know! I will definitely research a panacea to treat this country!"

Vanessa ignored the people cursing behind her back and was a little surprised to see that Wapol had woken up. She said:

"Eh? Wapol is awake?"

Vanessa then turned to ask Hiluluk,"You did it?"

Hiluluk smiled and replied,"Of course!"

Doctor 20 started to curse,"Hiluluk, do you know what you are doing? You are actually saving the bastard who dragged our country into the abyss!"

"Yes, maybe it would be better if the king died!"


Shiruluk yelled angrily:"Are you still a doctor? As a doctor, shouldn't you only focus on the patients? Saving the dying and healing the wounded is our duty!"

"I don't care what Wapol did wrong, but in my eyes he is just a patient. As long as he recovers, you can do whatever you want with him!"

After hearing what Shiruluk said, the doctors looked at each other and lowered their heads in shame.

Vanessa smiled and said,"Well said!"


Vanessa withdrew her hand from examining Wapol and said,"Excuse me, how did you do that? I can't tell what caused his hands and feet to become disabled."

Shiruluk was stunned for a moment.

I don't know!

I want to know why, too!


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