The dark alleys of the university town are filled with dusty wooden frames and tattered, musty-smelling rags.

And in the corner of the shadow, a figure huddled next to it,

The figure remained motionless, as quiet as a bag filled with gravel placed in the corner.

Jiang Chaoping sat on the ground with his back against the wall. The coldness above penetrated through his clothes, stimulating his skin and bringing a chill.

He slowly raised his body, opened his eyes, and looked at the darkness around him. His weak face became rosier due to time.

Reaching into his pocket and taking out the cell phone inside,

As soon as he turned on the flashlight, a crow twisted its head, opened its scarlet eyes, stood on the wooden shelf, and stared at him silently.

"You haven't left yet. Are you always here with me?"

The crow rolled its eyes, stretched out its sharp beak, and pecked its own feathers, as if responding to the other person's thoughts.

"I want to...ask you a question,"

Jiang Chaoping, who was squatting in the corner, hesitated for a while and then spoke hesitantly,

"Why don't you let me go find Qin Guanqi? If he is really the guardian of the tomb, he might be able to help my illness."

The crow turned his head and stared at the other person with his scarlet eyes. An indifferent voice from nowhere came into his mind.

"Qin Guanqi is indeed the guardian of the tomb, but don't forget that you are his enemy and he will kill you."

"You must stay away from him, for the sake of your parents, understand..."

"But...but I don't think he is a bad person, and I don't want to be his enemy."

Jiang Chaoping frowned, his tone hesitant, unable to make a decision at all.

He also wanted to go to Qin Guanqi to explain this matter clearly. The other party's act of buying him food last time made him feel good about him.

If you talk to him kindly, he might help you.

"You're so stupid. Do you know how the tomb-keepers improve their strength? As long as they kill you and eat the things in your body, they can directly improve.

There is no need for hard training, no skills, no mental skills. If such a temptation is placed in front of him, will he not be tempted?

Human nature cannot stand the test. It is the dirtiest thing in the world and the most deceptive thing in the world. "

Jiang Chaoping lowered his head, recalling the words in his mind.

After a while, he slowly spoke,

"Do you have a cure for my illness?"

"Of course, your illness is related to the things in your body. As long as you promise me not to come into contact with Qin Guanqi or the tomb guardians, when I come to find you, I will help you take out the things. Then you will live like a normal person and not become a monster."

"Then, what will happen if I contact Qin Guanqi?"

After he said this hesitantly, the voice in his head suddenly became extremely cold and irritable.

"Then you will die!! I will kill you directly. Not only will you die, but your parents will die too! Do you understand!"

The other party's words were like his body falling into an ice cave, his body and soul were trembling, and even a thick layer of goosebumps appeared on his back.

It was as if those words of his had directly transformed the other person into a different person.

But just a few seconds later, "his" voice returned to its original appearance again,

"Okay, I'm kidding you, but I still say the same thing, don't get close to Qin Guanqi, he will hurt you."

"By the way, I remember that your mother is blind? When I come to you, I will not only cure your disease, but also restore your mother's original light."

"You didn't lie to me??"

Jiang Chaoping's pupils shrank and his face became extremely excited.

My heart was beating fast, and my whole body seemed to be refreshed, like a dry pond with a clear spring pouring into it.

Compared to his own illness, if his mother's eyes could recover, he could give everything.

Isn't it just to not contact Qin Guanqi? He can do it.

"Of course I didn't lie to you, I will do everything I say."

"Okay, that's all I have to say. I believe you will know how to do it. Oh, also, I put ten thousand yuan in your dormitory bag. You can keep it for flowers. If you don't have enough, come back to me. ”

The voices in his mind gradually subsided, and the crow under the light gave a miserable cry, then flapped its wings and left his sight.

Seeing that the crow in his eyes had disappeared, Jiang Chaoping lowered his raised head.

Then he stood up slowly, holding on to the wall beside him.

He moved his steps, with longing for the future in his heart, and left the alley little by little.


South Zero Buffet Basement,

On the mahogany shelf, the strange doll is moving its eyes, and the strange smile on its face is eerie and terrifying.

They are like carriers possessed by resentful spirits, carrying a strange and ominous atmosphere.

In the deserted living room, the painter was leaning on the sofa, closing his eyes and concentrating, frowning slightly, thinking about trivial matters.

For nearly a month, he has been staring at Qin Guanqi, watching every battle of the opponent.

But what is puzzling is that this guy had clearly become a corpse tomb that night, but now he is still using the divine power of the tomb.

The evil god's power that blocked the sky and the sun that night seemed to have never appeared on the other party's body.

This strange scene also made him curious about the other party.

Does that guy have anything related to the evil god in his body?

After he completes his mission in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he may be able to take Qin Guanqi back with him.

At the very least, it would be good to force him to use the power of the evil god in his body again.

Although the opponent is very strong, he... is not weak either...

The painter raised his body, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at a corpse sitting on the sofa.

"Why are you here?"

"I want to ask what your plan is?"

The faceless man raised his head slightly, and his eyes under the five senses were fixed on the tattooed man not far away.

"This has nothing to do with you, just do your own thing."

"If I join your plan, , will it have any impact? "

Now he has lost his former spirit. Not only have more than half of the corpses in the strange world been killed, but even the Tianhe Group he supported is about to be razed.

Xie Tianhe has been controlled by the police and sent to the detention center. Everything seems to be about to collapse and disappear from the long river of time in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Hearing his words, the painter raised his mouth and smiled slightly. There was no emotion in his indifferent eyes.

"Although your strength is not strong, you can still help me clean up some ants. I will notify you when my plan starts."

"Keep your corpse tombs quiet for a few months, and then they will have a good meal."

"How long will it take?"

"Next year..."


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