Woo woo woo~~

A passenger plane from Suzhou and Hangzhou landed slowly, and after the wheels rolled, it gradually stopped on the runway.

Qin Guanqi and Liu Zeming took their own things and left the cabin one after another.

"There must be more than two people looking for the four sacred beasts this time. We must move faster and reach Yumen before 1 a.m.

The fastest high-speed train there takes an hour. We still have time to buy tickets and rush there."

"Okay, you can arrange it."

Qin Guanqi nodded and followed closely behind him.

As soon as the two left the airport, they hurriedly hailed a taxi to the high-speed rail station.

After buying tickets in the car and paying the driver, the two quickly walked towards the station as soon as they got off the car.

Just as the two of them entered the high-speed rail station, four more people walked out of the airport in Jiayu Pass. Shadow,

"Unfortunately, the fastest high-speed train has already departed, so we can only take the next one."

"How long will the next one take?"

"About two hours."

Jiang Feiying looked at the information on the phone and said to the three people,

"Two hours? That's still early. Let's find a place to eat first, and then go to the high-speed rail station to take the train."

After Xu Xinghuai finished speaking, the four of them moved their feet and walked towards the restaurant outside the airport,


At nine o'clock in the evening, the sky was as black as a layer of sticky ink,

On the dim streets of Chengping Town, a car dragged a long shadow slowly,

The wheels gradually stopped, and two figures walked out of the car,

"We're in Chengping Town."

Yanagi Zeming sorted out his backpack, looked at the sparse lights in front of him, and slowly spoke,

After they arrived at Yumen, they had a simple dinner So they hired a car and came to Chengping Town.

"Let's go, let's find a motorcycle and let the master take us to Luoshui Village."

Luoshui Village is the end of their journey this time. After arriving at the village, keep walking north and you will enter the mountains and forests.

After the two entered the streets of the town, they quickened their pace under the yellow lights.

But due to time constraints, the shops and residents on the roadside were closed at this point.

It was too difficult to find a motorcycle.

However, at this moment, a motorcycle parked at the door of a resident attracted their attention.

"I saw the motorcycle, let's go."

Yasu Zeming's eyes lit up and waved at him. The two quickly came to the door of the resident.

"Master? Is the master at home?"

"Who is it?"

A loud voice came from the house, and a middle-aged figure in black long sleeves slowly came in. Slowly walked out,

He looked at the two people standing outside the door, frowned slightly, and asked,

"Who are you? What do you want to see me for?"

"Hello, Master. We are villagers from Luoshui Village. Can you take us back?"

"Don't worry, we won't let you run in vain. We will pay every penny of the toll."

Hearing the other party's words, the middle-aged man frowned and shook his head slowly,

"I'm not a motorcycle driver. You can find someone else."

"And Luoshui Village is too far away. It's so late now. It will take more than two hours to go back and forth. I won't go."

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Liu Zeming hurriedly said,

"Master, don't be in a hurry. You name a price first."

The middle-aged man stopped his steps to leave, turned around, and slowly stretched out two fingers,

"Two hundred yuan, how about it?"


Liu Zeming nodded and agreed directly,

"Then you wait outside for me to put on my clothes, and I'll be there soon. "

The middle-aged man nodded and walked towards the room in a good mood. For the first time in his life, he felt that money was so easy to make.

Ah... I should have called for four hundred earlier...

Soon, on the dim road, a motorcycle with bright lights on was driving fast with two passengers.

Listening to the whirring sound and the roar of the engine,

Yiu Zeming squinted his eyes and spoke loudly,

"Master, do you know who else entered the village today? Or are there any unfamiliar people coming to your town?"

"I don't know. I sleep at home every day. How can I care so much?"

The driver holding the front of the car shook his head. He turned his head slightly and spoke slowly to the two people behind him,

"Why are you asking this? Your village is so remote. Who else goes there besides your villagers?"

"Oh, it's okay. I just asked casually. "

Liu Zeming smiled and ended the conversation.

He originally wanted to find out if anyone else had entered the village, but now it seems that this master doesn't know much.

But it doesn't matter. When we get to Luoshui Village, we can ask someone.

"Little brother, let me ask you two why you are in such a hurry to go back? Two hundred yuan for the fare is not a small amount. "

"My dad is dead."

Hearing the words of the person in front of him, Qin Guanqi, who was sitting at the back, was slightly stunned.

Good guy, you are too filial. This excuse... is impeccable.


"Uh... sorry..."

The motorcycle driver was also slightly stunned, his mood was slightly low, and there was an apology in his tone.

"It doesn't matter, there will always be such a day. "

Liu Zeming shook his head. He was used to this excuse a long time ago.

Although it was a bit filial, it was very useful. A few words could block the other party's questions and reduce trouble for himself.

As long as the other party has some brains, he won't catch him and keep asking questions.

The environment in the countryside is much better than that in the city. I looked up slightly and saw that

The bright starry sky is like a curtain of beads, one after another, emitting dazzling light.

The stars in the sky seemed to fall in their pupils, and the silver light was as bright as heaven,

At the entrance of a self-built building in the countryside, orange lights hang on the door beam.

An old man sat under the light, holding a fan in his hand and swinging it gently. The cold wind blew on his old face, and the white hair on his temples was slightly fluttering.

The yellow light formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding darkness, as if the whole world suddenly became as small as the door beam.

At this time, a light in the distance was getting closer and closer. The dazzling brightness made him quickly cover his face with a fan.

The sound of the engine stopped quickly, and a motorcycle stopped in front of his door.

The driver stepped on the ground, pressed the brake, and slowly spoke to the two people behind him,

"Luoshui Village is here, please give me the money and let me go back."

"Thank you, master."

Yanagisaki smiled slightly, and after paying the money, he watched the other party leave.

After adjusting the backpack behind him, he looked at the old man sitting under the door beam and was slightly startled.

Then he quickly stepped forward, bent down, and said,

"Old man, are there any strangers in your village today?"

The old man under the light fanned himself silently and did not answer yet.

He frowned, his eyes always focused on Qin Guanqi, and there seemed to be a trace of thinking and confusion between his brows.

Qin Guanqi looked at the other party's actions and frowned slightly. He didn't understand what the other party meant for a while.

Why does this old man keep looking at me...

The old man withdrew his gaze from him and nodded slowly to Liu Zeming in front of him.

There's drama!

Seeing the old man's actions, Liu Zeming's eyes were delighted, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, and he spoke quickly,

"Can you tell us how many there are?"

The other party nodded, but still didn't speak. Instead, he held out two fingers.


After signaling, his right hand changed again and pointed at their figures,

It's you two,



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