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Chapter 232 If you have nothing to do, you can bite the lighter

"Kill him!"

In Qin Guanqi's sight, Gu Yuanlong and Wen Yuanzhong leaped up together,

The former held his hands in the air, and a hot black fireball condensed in the palms of his hands.

At the same time, several huge high-temperature fireballs also appeared behind him.

They are like "golden crows" falling into the mortal world, with a terrifying deathly silence and a despairing heat,


His hands shot out one after another, and each fireball seemed to be guided, heading towards one of Qin Guanqi's clones,

Drops of black and green water flowed from the latter's body, and they fell on the ground. Even the soil and rocks were affected by each other and began to rot.

He flicked his right hand, and a long black whip appeared in his palm.

The black divine power in the body began to surge, covering the long whip's body,

Drops of rotten water dripped from the whip's body,


Wen Yuanzhong raised his right hand and flicked it fiercely, and the sound of air explosion from the long whip came out.

With the huge power that faintly tears apart the space, he whips towards another clone of Qin Guanqi,

On top of the giant crocodile's head, Deng Tiancheng was already in the form of a human being like water at this moment.

The opponent must have just poured some water into his mouth and changed his body structure. The flowing water and sharp arrows that attacked him at that time must also be the opponent's method.

Looking at Qin Guanqi who was charging towards him, Deng Tiancheng also frowned.

The other party possesses the four divine powers of wood, fire, thunder, and poetry. The things he carries are a little weak.

Water, lighters, paper, metal, stones, wood, it feels like... they are all useless... they are all restrained by the other party,

Paper, metal, and wood are restrained by fire, and water is restrained by thunder. Although stone has strong defensive capabilities, it has almost no offensive capabilities.

What's more, the opponent also has the superposition of fire and thunder. These two high explosive abilities combined, he is afraid that he will only be beaten.

He reached into his pocket and took out a lighter.

"Damn it, now I can only bite the lighter."


The shattering sound of the lighter sounded in his mouth, and a hot flame burned in his mouth.

Swallowing the flame in his mouth, in an instant, flaming fire burst out from his body.

Qin Guanqi raised his right hand and pointed lightly at the void in front of him.

The blue-white divine power burst out from the fingertips like a ball of mist,

In just a moment, they floated behind him,


Qin Guanqi clapped his hands and opened his eyes suddenly.

The green and white air behind him changed instantly, and a pair of colorful wings surged out from the mist,

The violent air waves rolled out, forming a curtain that covered the sky and the sun, and spread towards the surroundings.


A long cry of a divine bird sounded from the mist, and this sound resounded through the sky,

The vibration made the gravel on the ground tremble slightly, and the leaves began to sway and dance.

A colorful divine bird appeared from the blue-white mist that was dispersed by it,


Seeing such a scene in their sights, Deng Tiancheng and the others' pupils shrank.


Qin Guanqi shouted low and pointed with his right hand towards Deng Tiancheng and the stone crocodile at his feet.


The phoenix raised its head to the sky and screamed. It waved its wings fiercely, its nine tail feathers moved smartly, and its body was filled with colorful streams of light as it rushed towards the opponent.

Qin Guanqi fluttered his wings and followed closely.

The opponent has three people, and he must be the first to kill one as quickly as possible.

When the gods degrade, they can catch the opponent by surprise.

Looking at the attacking Shenhuang and Qin Guanqi in his sight, Deng Tiancheng snorted coldly,

He held his right hand in the air, and a burst of flaming divine light burst out from the palm of his hand.

Qin Guanqi's figure did not retreat, but still dived towards the opponent's position,

He opened his mouth, and the power of thunder gathered in his mouth, and the crackling sound of electricity reached his ears.


His cheeks were tense, and he spit out loudly in his mouth,

The purple divine light burst out happily, colliding with the incoming flaming divine light in the air,

But the picture of the two canceling each other out did not appear.

After a short period of maintenance, the flaming divine light was quickly decomposed and retreated steadily.

The divine power of thunder continued unabated, and with lightning speed, it struck at the opponent's position.

However, at this time, the divine phoenixes that were rushed out also reached the end,

Hitting the body of the stone crocodile,

boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded in the space, with dust billowing and thick smoke everywhere.

All the surrounding trees were uprooted by a violent force and flew into the distance.

The river bed on the ground was also destroyed, and the river flowed into a huge pit, gradually forming a lake.

Suddenly, the thick smoke and dust moved, and a figure flew out quickly,


Deng Tiancheng frowned, his face was ashen, he coughed twice, and spurted out blood like plum blossoms.

His clothes were stained red, his right arm was bloody, and he began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

"What a powerful divine power."


Just after he finished speaking, his pupils shrank and his expression changed drastically.

I saw the dust below changing again, and a huge hurricane of divine power slowly appeared,

The entire dust was driven by this divine power and turned into a series of terrifying tornadoes.

"What's going on???"

Wen Yuanzhong and Gu Yuanlong's expressions changed with shock. Looking at the situation in the dust below, a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

This huge divine power seems a bit familiar.

At this moment, the mutation occurred again, and the curtain that originally blocked the sun disappeared.

The night and moonlight in this world all turned into nothing, and the two clones of the other party were blown away by the wind at some point.

The terrifying divine power fluctuations gradually dispersed, the sky and the earth became dim, and a shocking thunder struck from the sky.

Rumble~! !

Wisps of purple thunder erupted from the endless dust tornado, dotting the bleak world.


A purple divine thunder suddenly shot out from the dust,

A figure entwined by thunder snakes appeared in front of Deng Tiancheng in less than a breath.

"not good!!!"

His expression was horrified, his pupils trembled violently, and a cold sense of death seeped from his spine into the back of his head.

Qin Guanqi's purple eyes were cold and stern, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

With a quick twitch of his right hand, Tang Dao was instantly pulled out with a strong force.

It's like drawing a sword, flying with the dragon and snake, with the force of breaking bamboo, directly towards the opponent's neck,

Click~! !

A shocking divine thunder was reflected in the opponent's pupils,

puff! !

A human head flew out violently, and a bloody arrow pointed directly at the sky.

A corpse fell towards the ground,

Deng Tiancheng's pupils were dilated, scarlet blood swallowed his pupils, and he refused to rest in peace.


Wen Yuanzhong's face froze, his pupils trembled violently, and a feeling of suffocation poured directly into the back of his head.

Deng Tiancheng... was killed by this guy!

"The gods degrade..."

not good...

Gu Yuanlong frowned and secretly thought something was wrong. He glanced at Wen Yuanzhong in the distance and reacted quickly in his mind.

His figure suddenly fell, immediately escaped to the ground, and fled madly towards the distance.

What the opponent's spirit decomposes is the power of the God of Thunder, and its speed and power are both extreme.

If he went to save someone, he would definitely not be as quick as the other person, and he might be dragged into it too.

It's better to sacrifice your teammates and escape first.


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