late at night,

Thick clouds obscured the sky and moonlight, as if dividing the world into two parts.

You can't even see your fingers among the endless mountains, and a gloomy and depressing atmosphere settles in the dark woods.

On top of a mountain top, sparse firelights dispersed the darkness and burned slowly,

As the flames trembled and swayed, the two figures it cared for also fluttered slightly.

Liu Zeming handed the roasted hare in front of Qin Guanqi and spoke softly,

"Let's have some midnight snack first."


He nodded and took it politely.

It has been almost half a month since the two of them came to this mountain forest. In the past few days, the dry food and water have been completely consumed.

And the harvest is nothing except the Suzaku Key,

Although the record is very poor, what we can know now is that the four keys to open the four holy beasts' mansion have not been collected yet.

They still have a chance,

The issue of food and water sources is not a big deal. After all, there are wild boars, hares, pheasants, spring water, etc. in the mountains and forests. There is no need to worry about eating and drinking.

Moreover, Akira Yanagisawa brought a lot of things, including salt, pepper, chili powder and other seasonings.

It's like having a picnic, very well prepared,

Gently tear off the hare's meat, blow it to your mouth, and then put it into your mouth.

The meat is very tender and full of flavor. The flavors of cumin and chili spread in the mouth, and the right amount of saltiness flows from the taste buds to the mouth, making up for every bit of craving around it.

After swallowing what was in his mouth, Qin Guanqi raised his right hand and looked at the time on it.

"Want some."

His figure did not move, still sitting on the soil,

Looking up at the sky, the state of degradation of the gods is directly activated.

Raising his right hand high, surging divine power flows from his body to his fingertips,

With a flick of his finger in the sky,

boom! !

A flaming divine light burst out,

The clouds in the sky were directly dispersed, revealing a huge hole.

The bright moonlight poured down and scattered on their shoulders,

Boom boom boom! ! !

At the same time, the other four places also opened the sky,

Start looking for the direction of Xuanwu Key,

After half a month of testing, testing, and testing again, the five teams in the forest seemed to have formed a strange tacit understanding.

At night, everyone does their own thing, no one bothers anyone.

After opening the sky, the location was exposed, and my team silently changed places, not to cause trouble to others.

Akira Yanagisawa stood under the moonlight, slowly fused the mirror in his hand with the turtle shell, and then refracted it towards the mountains.

Fortunately, he prepared a lot of things like turtle shells and tiger teeth, otherwise it would not be enough.

The reflection in the mirror moved slowly, and just when he was refracted to a mountain peak,

A huge shadow composed of a turtle and a snake appeared in the mirror.

Seeing the scene in the mirror, Liu Zeming's pupils shrank.

"It appears! It appears! The key to Xuanwu!"

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Guanqi dropped the barbecue in his hand.

His body bounced up instantly like a spring, and he walked in front of the other party in one step.

I took out my phone and took a picture of my reflection in the mirror.

"Let's go."


Holding the blue turtle shell spit out in the mirror, the two stepped on the torch and packed up their things.

Immediately flew towards the top of the mountain,

"That mountain range is a bit far away, we need to move faster."

After Yanagisaki finished speaking, divine power surged out of his body and he immediately accelerated his flying speed.

Qin Guanqi was flying and eating roast rabbit.

He frowned slightly, recalling the positions of the other four beams in his mind, turned his head, and spoke to someone next to him,

"The location where the two beams of light just appeared seemed to be opposite the top of the mountain. I wonder if those people have found the location of the Xuanwu Key."


Hearing the words in his ears, Liu Zeming frowned, with a look of worry on his face.

If the other party really finds the key to Xuanwu, with such a long distance between them, they might not even be able to see anyone if they rush over.

"Ignore them, we are definitely going to have a look anyway."

After a brief conversation, the two streams of light headed towards the top of the mountain where Xuanwu appeared.

Nearly forty minutes later,

The figures of the two of them fell from the sky and arrived at the top of a mountain.

The feet of Qin Guanqi and Yanag Zeming had just touched the heavy ground.

The scene in front of them made them frown.

The trees here are tilted, the ground is full of potholes, and there are obvious signs of being torn. While the tip of your nose is twitching, you can smell a faint smell of burning.

It seems that before they came here, there had already been a battle.

Qin Guanqi moved his steps and slowly walked to a big burnt tree.

Looking at the scorched holes above, he frowned slightly.

"This was struck by lightning... One of the people fighting here just now has the power of thunder element."

Thinking of this, he moved and flew into the air,

He turned his gaze and looked at the endless and peaceful dark mountains all around, and sighed softly.

"What a pity..."

If the opponent's battle is not over yet, they might still be able to be found in the surrounding mountains.

Akira Yanagisawa took out the blue turtle shell in his pocket, and the divine power in his body was directed towards the turtle shell.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

A minute passed, but this time the tortoise shell did not emit guiding rays like the Suzaku feathers did last time.

Qin Guanqi's figure fell from the sky and slowly stood beside him.

"It seems to have no effect."

"It has no effect."

Liu Zeming shook his head helplessly and put away the tortoise shell in his hand.

"The lack of blue lead on this tortoise shell indicates that the key of Xuanwu has left here and been taken away."

"Hey... Let's go. We have made a wasted trip tonight."

"Well, it's just right to spend the night on a different mountain top."

After taking a look around, the two moved their feet and walked down the mountain.


In a valley in the mountains,

Two figures stepped on the rocks, moving quickly in a certain direction like surfing.

Xu Xinghuai raised his right hand and looked at the positioning device on his wrist, frowning and looking extremely ugly.

"It's over, Jiang Feiying's life signs disappeared, damn it!"

"We shouldn't have separated!"

A few days after the four of them entered the mountains, in order to facilitate the action and expand the search opportunities, they split into groups of two.

He and Xia Zimo were in one group, and Jiang Feiying and Ren Jiaze were in another.

Tonight, Jiang Feiying's team found the key to Xuanwu.

Just when they arrived at their destination, they fought with the three corpse tombs.

And at this moment, they rushed over to support them.

But now Jiang Feiying's life signs have disappeared from the watch. The other party may have...

"Here we are."


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