Xu Yuanming's pupils shrank and his face was horrified. There were actually two guys in this space?

"Damn it!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, he rushed straight towards Xuanwu's mansion without losing weight.

"Get out of my way!"

He held his right hand in the air, and a ferocious giant claw squirmed out from the flesh, replacing his original right hand that was the same as a human's.

Facing the figure in front of him, he reached down with his claws,

The sharp points on the fingertips are filled with endless coldness and sharpness, sending chills down one's spine.

Looking at the giant claw coming towards him, Qin Guanqi opened his eyes, and a emerald-green divine light burst out from his pupils.

A magic circle instantly opened under his feet. In the magic circle was carved a phantom of a bird-faced god with two dragons on his feet.

At this moment, a ray of emerald green light ejected from his body,

It hits the opponent's body like a whip,


Xu Yuanming groaned, his face twisted, and severe pain came from his chest.

This force was directly knocked away by this force and fell to the ground hard.

A bolt of lightning immediately flashed out from the entrance of the cave,

Xu Xinghuai was stunned when he saw the scene in this space.

"What's going on?"

We...were boarded first! !

His expression changed, and his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Not long after, Ren Jiaze's figure followed closely behind and rushed out immediately,


He frowned, looking at all this in disbelief,

"When did you come in?"

Xu Xinghuai looked at Qin Guanqi and the two of them and spoke quickly,

"We came in while you were fighting outside."

"Oh, by the way, let me show you something else."

After Qin Guanqi finished speaking, he smiled softly, raised his right hand, and a scarlet mark on his arm suddenly lit up,


A dazzling fire suddenly ignited behind him, and the entire space was plunged into scorching heat.

The shadow of a red divine bird slowly condensed into shape. The Suzaku flapped its wings, and clusters of sparks fell from its body in all directions, flying in the air behind Qin Guanqi.

With its appearance, the temperature of this space suddenly increased, just like a furnace.

Suzaku turned his eyes and looked at the three figures opposite him with sharp eyes.

Due to the realm of the host, its realm at this moment is only the second level of Huangting.

But after all, the blood flowing in its body is the blood of the holy beast, and its strength is only strong but not weak. It is comparable to those who have awakened their divine power in the seventh and eighth realms of Huangting.

Moreover, the wound on its neck has also recovered. According to its mental communication with Qin Guanqi,

Injuries sustained in the mansion will not be brought outside.

Even if Qin Guanqi killed it before, it would still surrender to the opponent.

But being injured inside is 100% painful, and so is death.


The pupils of Xu Xinghuai and the others shrank, and their eyes and lips began to tremble slightly.


If they still want to get the sacred beast Suzaku, Qin Guanqi can only give it to them.

If Qin Guanqi is killed by them, Suzaku will return to the mansion again and wait for it to be opened again more than ten years later.

After all, this holy beast has no chance with them anymore.

Seeing the three of them gnashing their teeth, Qin Guanqi smiled slightly.

"Which of you has two keys? Or three keys?"

Hearing his words, Yanagisaki's face was slightly startled, and he glanced at the other party secretly. He seemed to understand the other party's intention in his mind, and immediately acted with his right hand, trying to expose his right arm to everyone's eyes.


Xu Xinghuai rolled his eyes and immediately focused on his right arm.

After seeing that there was no green dragon mark on the opponent's arm, I felt relieved.

"Could it be that...this corpse grave not only has the Black Tortoise Key, but also the Qinglong Key?"

After saying this in his heart, he set his sights on Xu Yuanming again, his eyes slightly focused.

The White Tiger Key is in their hands, and they know that the other party has the Xuanwu Key.

But they really don’t have any clues about the Blue Dragon Key.

His eyes moved again, focusing on the backpack behind Qin Guanqi and the backpack behind Yanag Zeming.

"But it's not necessarily... The Blue Dragon Key may also be on their possession. It's a bit impossible for them to take away two holy beasts in such a short time, but there are two of them..."

"Ignore him for now...get rid of one first. After killing this corpse tomb, go and kill the two tomb guards."

"As for Suzaku...if I can't get it, no one can take it away!"

Xu Xinghuai's eyes were sinister and cold. He turned his eyes and stared at Xu Yuanming's figure, condensing slightly.

"That means you have two keys on you?"

"Brother, why don't we join forces to kill this corpse first, and then decide who owns the key?"


After hearing what the other party said, Qin Guanqi nodded happily.

The reason why he said that was to reduce his number of enemies.

If he starts fighting with several people on the opposite side at the same time, it will consume a lot of the divine power in his body.

If you join forces to kill one first, you can reduce the consumption of divine power in your body a lot.

All in all, it’s just paddling and doing it at the same time.

Then find an opportunity to kill these guys together,

However, based on what the other party said, he could also be sure that the other party had a key.

"Do it!"

Xu Xinghuai's eyes moved, and his figure immediately burst out, heading towards Xu Yuanming among the few people to kill him.

Qin Guanqi did not hesitate, activated his divine power, and slapped the opponent with his palm.

To be on the safe side, he always asked Suzaku to guard the door of Xuanwu Mansion.

And Yanagisaki didn't make a move, standing in front of the door of Baihu Mansion,

Watch out for another tomb guard who has not taken action, Ren Jiaze.

"Damn it!"

Xu Yuanming's face was extremely ugly, and he was gritting his teeth as he dealt with the fight between the two.

Under the bombardment of the opponent's divine power, his body shape and movements were retreating steadily, and he could not use them at all.

If it weren't for the help of four monsters, he might not be able to withstand it.

While Qin Guanqi was fighting the opponent, his eyes were on the backpack he was carrying behind him.

The key...maybe it is in the other party's backpack?

If the other party dares to be the first to rush into the cave and attack the Xuanwu Mansion behind him immediately, it is impossible without the key.

Since Xuanwu is in his possession, the key to the white tiger must be in the possession of another tomb keeper.

"Kill one first and then talk."

Qin Guanqi's eyes moved slightly, he raised his right hand high and slapped it towards the ground.

There was a soft popping sound, and the divine power of vegetation surged out from the body,

The ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked, and vines and tree roots burst out of the ground.

They are entangled and intertwined with each other, forming four clones of vegetation.

The eyes of the four "people" moved slightly, and they stepped out fiercely, heading towards the four monsters summoned by Xu Yuanming,

In just a moment, the opponent's four helpers were held back, making it difficult to help.


Qin Guanqi chuckled, stepped forward, and punched Xu Yuanming's body,

The emerald green divine light pours out like a torrent, with momentum like a rainbow,

The opponent's expression changed, and his figure immediately turned around. His right leg suddenly lifted up and became as thick and hard as the monster's hind limb.

The black divine power on his legs flowed like light, and he kicked at the incoming emerald green divine light.



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