And the four sacred beast marks on his right arm were also covered up by him.

There are some black tattoos on it. If the tattoos are not washed off, there will be no message at all.

But when it comes to the Four Sacred Beasts... White Tiger and Xuanwu can only follow me first, and then return them after I return to the country...

Now Akira Yanagisawa, I'm afraid everyone is stupid... The four holy beasts that he spent so much time to get,

As a result, I was "buried" with Qin Guanqi before I even covered the heat...

Seeing the other two leave, he felt much more relaxed.

After crossing the road and preparing to take the tram back,

A familiar figure caught his attention,

"Hey, isn't that old man..."

On the bench on the street, the old man who had brought him from the coast to Benxiong City was sitting there blankly.

It seems that because of something on his mind, the other person's face looks a little haggard, making the already old face look even older, as if the other person has aged more than ten years after not seeing each other for two months.

He raised his steps and sat down next to the other party. He turned his head and smiled at the other party.

"Old man? Do you still remember me?"


This sudden sound made the old man's face slightly startled. He looked at the man beside him, his brows furrowed in confusion.

After a brief thought, his old face gradually relaxed and he smiled slowly.

"Oh, remember, you are the Chinese guy who gave me a ride two months ago."

"Well, it's me. Uncle, your memory is pretty good. Where is that little girl? Why isn't she with you?"

Qin Guanqi nodded and said with a puzzled expression,

"She...was taken away."

The old man's face changed slightly, his eyes were lowered, and there was a sense of sadness on his old face.

"Take it away?"

He frowned and had a strange look on his face. Looking at the old man's expression, it seemed that things were not that simple.

"Let me guess, the person who took her away shouldn't be her parents, right?"

The last time my old man took the little girl to move to Benxiong City, there were no signs of her parents.

He originally thought that the little girl's parents brought the old couple to live in Xiongcheng, but now it seems a little different.

"No, my son and daughter-in-law died two months ago... They were thrown downstairs by the debt collector and died..."

The old man's eyes were red and swollen. In his deep eyes and on his wrinkled cheeks, two lines of clear tears fell.

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Guanqi's face was startled, and then his brows knitted together tightly.

"So...those guys took the girl away?"


The old man shook his head in despair and cried,

"My son owed tens of millions of yuan outside the country, and now he can't pay it back. Two months ago, the couple was thrown from a dozen floors by their creditor, and they fell to death.

Later, I took the girl and ran away, all the way from Miyazaki to Benxiong. I thought I could avoid the limelight here, but they actually came to my door two days ago.

They kidnapped my granddaughter and asked me to go out and raise money. If they don’t get 24 million within three days, they will sell her..."

Qin Guanqi frowned. The opponent's behavior of throwing the building was completely black and white.

Moreover, the more than 20 million in Neon Country is equivalent to more than 1 million in Chinese currency.

This is a huge amount of money,

He definitely has no money, and he can't afford to pay it back. Besides, he has never thought about paying it back.

Since the other party is from the Black Society, he must be very rich... Plus, the other party has also helped me...

His eyes lit up and he spoke quickly,

"Okay, old man, when they come to see you tomorrow, I'll go with you. It just so happens that I also have something I want to talk to them about."

"No, no, no, you can't go."

The old man's face changed, and while his head was shaking, his hands were also swinging wildly.

With a horrified look on his face, he continued:

"That group of people is not simple. Each of them can twist off steel bars with bare hands, and can lift an adult with one hand. They are extremely strong. If you go with me, you will definitely be implicated. No, no, no, I can't do it."

After hearing the other party's words, Qin Guanqi's eyes lit up again and he became even more excited.

An ordinary person can break steel bars with his bare hands. This is obviously a person with awakened divine power. The identity of the other person is probably the corpse grave.

Not only can I get money by going there, but I can also help my old man settle his debts. If I'm lucky, I can also consume some divine power.

Kill three birds with one stone,

"Don't worry, old man. I've met a big shot in the two months I've been here. It'll be absolutely fine with him here."

Qin Guanqi patted the other party's shoulder to comfort him.

"Old man, think about it. There are only a dozen hours left. They will come to find you tomorrow. Can you get more than 20 million in such a short time?"


The old man’s brows were furrowed, his expression was troubled, and he was extremely troubled in his heart.

Just like Qin Guanqi said, it is impossible for him to get the money.

The result then is to watch his granddaughter being sold by the other party.

"Are you really sure..."

"Don't worry, old man, I won't lie to you."

Seeing that the other party was a little moved, Qin Guanqi continued to speak out, striking while the iron was hot,

"The person I know is a mysterious figure in this bear market. In two months, he single-handedly planned the 423 incident that shocked the Neon Country. Uncle, you should know it if you watch the news."

The 423 incident he mentioned was completely made up. This date was the day when he killed more than thirty people in the graveyard in one night.

The shock is quite shocking, but if the death toll is not reported, the other party will not know what he is talking about. After all, two months have passed since the incident, and the popularity of this matter has become extremely low.

"The big event of 423...I have no memory."

The old man frowned and shook his head with a puzzled expression. He knew in his mind that many people died that night.

But in this big event of 423, he really didn’t know what the other party was talking about.

"It doesn't matter, you will see him tomorrow, and I will arrange it for you then."

Qin Guanqi stood up slowly, then smiled and said,

"Where do you live, uncle? Do you want to come to my place tonight? I will open another room for you."

"Ah...ok, thank you very much."

The old man nodded, stood up and followed the other party.


The sun in the east gradually rises, and the night flies by in a blink of an eye.

The old man looked nervous and anxious. He was walking back and forth in the hotel room with his mobile phone in his hand.

Qin Guanqi left the room early in the morning and planned to buy some breakfast.

Since he had something to do today, he specifically asked for a day off from the fried chicken restaurant.

After getting the money, I will leave this bear market in a few days and go to Kitakyushu.

He planned to stay in Kitakyushu for ten days and a half, and after killing some corpse graves and wanderers and devouring his divine power,

Continue to other cities, heading towards the neon country Tokyo,

This part of the journey is very far, and it will be a long journey.


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