"So that's it."

Qin Guanqi nodded with a sudden expression on his face, finally understanding the truth behind the appearance of the evil god's energy in this world.

"Then how can we repair the hole above our heads? Then the child who entered the world of the divine tomb..."

He frowned slightly and had some rough guesses in his mind.

In this world, besides himself, who else can use the power of the evil god and the power of the divine mausoleum at the same time?

"Yes, it's exactly what you think."

"That child is you. And at the same time, it's us."

"I am you, Qin Wu, and I am you too."

"I am your heavenly soul, representing the divine power of your divine mausoleum. Jiwu is your earthly soul, representing your evil god's divine power. And you yourself are the human soul, representing your body and human heart."

"The seven colors you lost are our seven souls."

"By gathering three souls and seven souls, you can regain your strength and become a god."

"Is that so?"

Qin Guanqi frowned slightly, then spoke in confusion,

"Then why did you make me color blind?"

Since the seven colors he saw represented the seven souls, wasn't it a bit unnecessary for the Divine Tomb to turn him color blind at that time?

"When you entered the world of Shenling, because of the rules, both Jinwu and I separated from your body. I stayed in Kunlun Mountain and tried to find a way to repair the rules, while Jinwu, I didn't know where to hide. Gone."

"At that time, you were already color blind and lost your seven souls.

Later, as time passed and time traveled, as an ordinary person, you have gone through hundreds of reincarnations in this world.

Finally, more than thirty years ago, Qin Wu found you before me.

He turned you into a corpse grave, took you away from China, and blocked your destiny. I can't know your location.

You probably know what happened in the end, he told you. "

"Because Jin Wu is an evil god, he doesn't care about the future of this world at all. He just wants to take you out to play every day and go out to kill other awakened people with divine power. To him, this is just a game. Find your seven Po, he doesn’t care at all.”

"But it's different for me. I'm the god of this world, so I want you to regain your original power, perfect the rules of this world, get this world back on track, and eliminate all the power of the evil god from this world. ”

"Sixteen years ago, when you were in China, I found the God of Time and made a deal with him. I used his own demise and the power of time to reverse your time, but he put his godhead away. In that hourglass, I finally took the opportunity to enter your body,"

"You were in Huai City at that time, so that night, the evil spirit level in Huai City would reach the forbidden level, and it was also related to you."

"When I entered your body, I suddenly discovered that there was a black divine tomb in your body."

"Huh?? Black Divine Tomb? Isn't the Divine Tomb your own?"

Qin Guanqi's face was stunned. Then the other party said that the divine mausoleum itself is the forbidden mausoleum? In other words, there is a divine mausoleum in his body?

"No, that divine mausoleum is not mine, nor is it forbidden, but the rules of the disappearance of the world that you swallowed into your body, which is the lid of the gap above our heads."

"After I came in, I used the Divine Tomb to lock this guy up while Jin Wu was still awake."

"Because of fate, I know you will definitely awaken your divine power, so when your brother died, you saw the first color and took back your first soul."

Therefore, the rainy night when Qin Guanqi was picked up by Aunt Lin in Huai City was the same rainy night when Zhou Wen and others detected the forbidden divine power.

"Then where is the god now?"

After Qin Guanqi calmed down, he then asked,

"Since we broke the rules of the world, the power of the evil god will come to this world through the night, and the evil god of the evil god world will naturally focus on this place."

"After the gods learned that their world had been invaded, they all turned into divine mausoleums, fell into a deep sleep, and left the world through the holes in a divine way, where they resisted and fought against the evil gods."

"That position is the body of the butterfly, which I also call the divine realm."

"In the beginning, the battle between the tomb-keepers and other awakened divine beings from various countries was mainly against the madness of the night. At the same time, this reincarnation was also the first time that humans came into contact with divine power, gained divine power, and came into contact with God."

"Until Jinwu took action, he changed the structure of the world and created the Corpse Tomb. I once told you that all the Corpse Tombs in the world are related to him."

"When you were the Corpse Tombs, he said that he would build an eternal empire with you. The people of this empire are the Corpse Tombs, so from that time on, the number of Corpse Tombs began to increase dramatically."

"It's a pity... No matter how strong you were at that time, you were still a human and could not become a god. I took advantage of this to turn the situation around and make you a tomb keeper."

Qin Guanqi watched quietly, touched his chin and fell into deep thought, and suddenly realized,

"So the gods have become divine mausoleums. Then those tombs in the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain are all Chinese gods??"

"Yes, they are all tombs of gods."

"If the tomb is intact, it means that the god has not died; if the tomb is broken, it means that the god has died.

The power of God comes from the people of his country, and the effect of the evil god's energy is crazy, so the Tomb Keeper was born. "

"Then what happened to the old man I met in the city?"

Qin Guanqi looked confused. He remembered that the old man said something to him at that time,

'You're back. ’

Now it seems that the other party knows his identity. In addition,

At that time, the other party also said what kind of fish and what kind of lid,

Now it sounds like he was referring to it intentionally, the lid in the other party's mouth,

It seems to be me...

"That is a god, a god responsible for guarding this world. It mainly prevents some evil gods from escaping from the battles in the God Realm and entering this world."

"His mission is to kill those gods who enter this world. The Ice Desolate Demon God Kezel was killed by him in the Pacific Ocean."

"That's it. I didn't expect that there is a god in our world."

He nodded, still a little happy in his heart, then raised his head, looked at the hole above his head, and then spoke,

"If I become a god, I can plug this hole, right?"

"Yes, after the rules are repaired, the gods of all countries in the world will awaken."

"The energy of the evil god will not invade this world again. From 23:59 to 4:59, there is no need to hide at home anymore."

"So...what about me? Will I die?"

Qin Guanqi looked hesitant and spoke hesitantly,


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