Go go go ...!

The speed of the ship was several times that of the sailing ship "Hansen" in normal sailing.

This time, only one support sailboat "Hansen" is connected to the rope, and this is towed by pulling it, but the power of the magic screw that turns with the magical energy of the ore is not do not do.

"Lord. You can see the bearing bay."

And Nao.

The quest this time is the sea called Bearing Bay.

At the bay entrance, I ordered the ropes to be released from the support sailing ship, Hansen, which had been towing.

The sailboat Hansen isn't designed to fight monsters.

I was still towing because I was carrying a "camera" from the minister.


From that point on, I was able to understand that this was a wonderful thing.

Great is in training.

In other words, he had a sailing ship “Hansen” outside the combat area, shot from there, and looked back on the footage later, and was thinking of a training plan for a meeting.

To be able to see the objective video after the battle (I'm proud of my [possessed] also as a dream breeding skill) is this the best breeding environment.

Ugh ...

"This is okay. Let's go."

When a camera and a camera squad are placed on the sailing ship Hansen, the lightened ship finally enters the bay.

"Teacher! There are 47 monsters ahead !!"

Kyoko, who has good eyes, usually reports a monster attack.

As I stare at the sky I point to, it will soon be visible to my eyes.

A herd of birds and beasts Argentavis.

We descend down to the sky over the sea.

"Fight with a machine gun!"

When you do so, the wizard puts magic into the bullet, and the shooter hits the bird and beast with a machine gun.

Pishun! Pishun! Pishun! ...... Bobobobo, bobon!

Although it is a machine gun, it is a fusion stone bullet like the Torud battle, so it has a level 4 firepower.

The archers shot down one of the beasts, Argentavis, approaching the ship one after another, and the swordsmen swords and spears fought through the deck.

GAY GAY !! ......

It is a big and heavy bird when viewed up close.

A bird and beast that is as tall as humans in height alone, and boasts a sense of dread when the wings are widened.

A vanguard has managed to defeat it, but it's not a weak monster, it's a pretty annoying monster.

I want to annihilate as much as possible before Sea Serpent appears, but then.

Zappan !! Zazazazaza ...

A giant snake-shaped dragon appeared on the surface of the sea with the tide, as if a black shadow was reflected in the blue sea.

"Now ..."

"And then ...!"


Although they had gained experience and were less likely to be terrified of their enemies these days, there were still some who had fallen behind in the sea serpent's frightening masses.

"Don't be afraid!

When ordered, the archer points his machine gun at Sea Serpent.

However, it is tough, and it doesn't seem to do much damage to him with level 4 firepower.

"Lord, what do you do ..."

Nao asks for the next order.

"Yeah ... wait a minute"

There are two other types of weapons in addition to machine guns.

One is the main gun.

The main gun is a great technique in which five magics are fused using a fusion stone, and five more are fused.

It is a secret weapon that Liv himself said, "If you do not actually use it, its power is immeasurable."

However, it is difficult to hit the bullet because only one bullet has been made yet and there is a time lag of 8 seconds before it is fired by the magical “Tame”.

I can't hit it easily.

On the other hand, ram is another offensive ability.

It has a sharp edge like a giant blade at the tip of the ship, and it is a weapon that strikes like a rhino.

Liv says, "It's a simple but super-powerful physical attack that uses the horsepower and rush of a ship. It will be tens of thousands of times more powerful than the average swordsman's thrust. '

So that's it.

If you push a sharp ram with the weight and speed of this ship, it will be tremendous physical power.

"Okay, let's start with the ram."


Nao then sends instructions to the support mages, which are located at various locations, using transceivers.

Almost at the same time, the Sea Serpent came here, but the ship speeded up.

So he seemed to be hungry.

Gogogogogogogo ...

Kisha !!

The ram of the ship pierces the throat of Sea Serpent!

Blue blood spurts through hard skin.

"Yeah! ... Uo!"

The attack was successful and the enemy appears to have suffered damage, but at the same time the tail of the sea serpent penetrated the deck of the ship.

"Gee !!"

"Wow, yeah!"

Dozens of people on the deck take heavy damage.

It seems that there is no fatal injury because there is only a trained unit, but if this remains, it is crazy.

"Well, the recovery squad has recovered! I have to keep a distance while checking with a machine gun!"

When she shouted, the ship passed past the enemy and was about half a nautical mile away.

Kisha aa aa !!

The enemy barks, but does not follow.

The ram attack would have worked well.

Still fatal.

You may be able to defeat it if you eat it many times, but it turns out that if you repeat close combat with him, this damage will be large.

After all, I want to somehow eat the gun ...

"Okay, then let's make sure you hit the main gun with the ram assault technique."

"Is it a combined technique?"

"Oh, I'll close the distance. It's a charge."

When he ordered it, the ship again sped up to Sea Serpent.

Gogogogogogogo ...

Tension runs inside the ship.

Because everyone remembers the damage.

However, the ship is getting closer to Sea Serpent.

So, if it gets stuck to a certain distance,

"Ok, the gun is ready!"

And instructed.

The main gun can hold five fusion magics that fuse five magics at the same time.

So, 5x5, 25 attack wizards must use the same magic all at once.

This time, we will use magic energy guns without attributes to make it easier to fuse.

Queen ...

Five fusion magics are emitted, and magical power gathers into the ammunition of the main gun.

"8, 7 ..."

And the archer began a countdown.

The super dangerous magic operation to fuse the fusion magic further takes "Tame" time, and there is a hard limit that magic energy is released immediately after the damage is completed.

In other words, when this count is zero, the muzzle must be aimed directly at the enemy.

Gogogogogogo ...

At the same time, the distance to the enemy is reduced.


Sea Serpent may be on the lookout for a ram assault.

She twists herself at sea, rolls a little tuna, and is working hard not to lose.

"6,5,4 ..."

Dokan! Gakun, Gakun! !

Then the ship's ram hit the enemy's neck.

This time, she was unable to penetrate the body of the sea serpent she had embraced, and the ship shook as if it had hit a rocky shore.

In addition, the tail of the sea serpent struck the deck as before.

"Gee !!"


Some people avoided it because it was the second time, but others suffered damage again.

However, thanks to the closer approach, the muzzle of the main gun was sure to catch the enemy.

"3, 2, 1 ..."

Kisha? ......

Good, good, good, good. ! ! ! !


A flash like the lightning glows from the gun, and the roaring sound of the goddess echoes to the sky.

"Huh ... ????"

A sea serpent that disappeared instantly without a break.

Behind it, the super-energy of the main gun saw the sea split in two, far beyond the horizon, rising up into the blue sky and sparkling.

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