that day.

I met Aiga Janies in the sky above the sea.

Flying magic He couldn't fly, but he seems to have trained his horse and made him remember.

He always thinks of interesting things.

The muscle touch was also improved, and it is a man I expected.

Keeoon ...!

Aeronautical magic While thinking about such things, I was able to see Goeteburg Castle where my brother had sightings, so I lowered my altitude.

Jururu ...

On a deserted landing, however, the castle town was as if cursed.

"Speaking of which, the Mollies were fighting the Demon King."

I muttered like that alone and asked about my missing brother, Yuri.

The town was seemingly quiet, but the roots of the locals who would remain on the land even if the Demon King attacked were already hungry, and they lived normally as if the Demon Battle was taking place in the nearby Hirono .

I spoke to dog walkers and people hanging out in the store.

"I saw a silver-haired boy a long time ago."

Then there is someone who says such a thing at a tavern, and my heart swells.


"Is it a child who was taken by an all-backed suspicious man? I was a beautiful child, but I saw that child playing with a kitten ..."

"I also want to see the eagle. I thought I should scold you ... but I'm scared. I'm scared if I say something.

It was a story of a completely different child from Yuri.

I drop my shoulder and leave the store.

"Huh ... was this false information again?"

When I sighed and muttered like that.

Pishi! Pishipishi! ......

Suddenly, a big lightning bolt shined beyond the castle, and the heavy dark clouds that had dominated the sky were clear.

I gently jump up a little and see what happens.

Then, the [Hell Gate] opened only for a moment in the sky beyond, and I saw a large amount of darkness retreating to hell, with a great onion.

The Morie probably defeated the Demon King Animus.

So let's call it out.

"Hey, Mollier. Congratulations!"

"What? Glico!"

I lightly greeted the five members of the miracle and hugged Mollier, who seemed to have been damaged, and performed a recovery magic.

"Oh ... huh, thank you Glico."

The cute lips in the boy's bikini armor's chest said so.

Delicate, soft and warm.

That's it.

The warmth of this child was just like that of his brother.

About three months later, I also worked seriously on the quest.

Some may have been inspired by the growth of Mollier.

The quests for the sub-Maou-class quests, "Defeating the Red Dragon" and "Defeating the Wyvern Herd", and then invading "Defeat the Fourth Demon King" ...

This will make me the world's top again.


However, when I fly around the world (literally) and fight against strong opponents in this way, I am really crazy.

When I returned to Zahalberto for the first time in a few months, I decided to return to my suburban home before reporting to Guild HQ.


He didn't really need a home for the adventurers, but he couldn't imagine any other way to use the huge S-class rewards, and he had bought a fairly splendid house despite living alone.

In the end, they rarely return, so they have become offices and bikini armor vaults.

"Glico lady. Welcome back!"

You are greeted by Alfred, the butler at the front door.

He is older, but sharp enough to be aware of my flying signs and be ready to stand by, and a good butler with a spine.

At Zahalbert he has done the job like my manager.

I swept away my silver hair and responded to him and went into the house.

When I enter the room and put my ass on the comfortable black leather sofa with a fluffy texture, I cross my legs.

"Young lady. There were only requests and fan letters from the media during my absence."

"Um. The job I receive is ... Kore, Kore and Kore. I refuse everything else."


When I return the documents to Alfred, I go over my fan letter.

…… Speaking of which, when I defeated the Demon King class for the first time and got flooded with media coverage and application for events, there was a time when I tried to respond to it all, and I fluttered.

I was too sorry if I refused, and wrote all my replies in the fan letter.

It's a good place to fall, as I've almost reached third place.

However, if you are in Zahalberto, you will always remember that you are choosing or choosing a job.

The fan letter also read everything, but only a part of the reply was received.

This allows them to have relatively free time while completing quests.

"by the way……"

I muttered.

"Isn't the Mollier doing so well after the Triumph Parade after the defeat of the Demon King?"

Alfred looks down and asks, worried.

"That's already Morier ..."

"What ...! What's up with Mollier?"

"It would be faster to check with your own eyes."

That's why I was soon taken away by Alfred and left for the city.

Buildings line the jungle in the big city of Zaharberto.

A paved road stretched between them.

Upscale carriages and the latest technology "Madosha" are coming and going.

Boon ... Pupoo! Key! …… Go ……

Shun I hung on the backseat of a magic car driven by Grandfather Alfred, and gazed at the neon lights shining glaringly in this crazy city, rebelling against dusk.

"Alfred. Where are you heading?"

"... I've arrived here."

The car is in front of a hall called Magical Square Garden.

Outside of this, there were a group of men with bees around them, and those guys seemed to have just opened and were sucked into the hall one after another.

"What are they ...?"

I frown a little.

But dancing on the banners and flags all over the place

≪ Mollier! First live !!

I opened my eyes.

"Let's come!"

Despite my uncertainty, Alfred put his car in the VIP underground parking lot and opened the rear seat door.

"Kisama, that's right. You need a ticket to get to this place?"

"We have tickets"

Alfred then put out two tickets between his fingers and spun out his fingers.

"Alfred. Kisama ..."

I followed the grandfather with some fear of dread.

Zawa, Zawazawa ...

Upon entering the hall, the hall was dark and only the magic penlight flickered countless times.

Surging Surging as if it were the excitement of swirling.

There's a white smoke coming out of it, and when the light shines on the stage, a loud cheer explodes.

Loudspeaker When the smoke cleared, a boyish girl in a blouse in shorts appeared with magic.

"everyone! Thanks for coming! I'll do my best and sing! 』

What!? …… Cute !!

"" "Mollier!" "

A thick voice resounding in the hall.

The performance started on stage.

"A, Alfred ..."


"Mollier, Mollier is becoming an idol ... ♡♡"

I finally grasp the situation and scream.

Alfred quickly gave out the magic pen light, and I picked it up and shook it intently!

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